Community > Posts By > JulieABush
Hot pockets
I switch up what I eat for lunch when I’m at home from personal cheese pizza to microwave soup and sometimes cheese and crackers or peanut butter and crackers. I might have occasional salad.
Mysterious drones.
I’m surprised that none of them got shot down. Better call out the Top Guns. Wait til they start flying below the mason dixon line. We’ve all got shotguns down here.. There’s still a Mason Dixon line? Does anyone have a bazooka gun? Yeah, lets bring the war to them . |
Hot pockets
You can afford Hot Pockets? They have almost doubled in price here since the pandemic. Yes they have, all grocery prices have doubled, but I make them last since I eat them once or twice a month. They’re better tasting then the store brand. |
“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him’” (Genesis 2:18). “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh” (Genesis 2:21). “And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, ‘This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:22–23) And I think there’s verses after that mentioned to the fact that a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife and something about the two shall become one flesh. |
Hot pockets
"Yes, Hot Pockets no longer come with a microwave sleeve: When did the change happen? All Hot Pockets became sleeve-free in June 2024. Why did the change happen? Hot Pockets says the change was made to improve the product and reduce waste: Taste: Hot Pockets says the change resulted in a better tasting product. Waste: The change eliminates 3,300 tons of paper waste annually, which is equivalent to 550 elephants. How to cook them? To cook a Hot Pocket without the sleeve in the microwave, you can: Unwrap the sandwich. Place it on a microwave-safe plate. Microwave on high for 1 minute and 50 seconds for one sandwich, or 3 minutes and 30 seconds for two sandwiches. Let it sit for two minutes to finish cooking. Hot Pockets Goes Sleeveless - Still Delicious - Why did Hot Pockets remove the microwave sleeve? After decades of perfecting Hot Pockets, we've achieved a breakthrough that allow... Hot pockets no longer come with a microwave sleeve - Reddit Jul 12, 2024 — Hot pockets no longer come with a microwave sleeve : r/mildlyinteresting. The Hot Pocket Sleeve Is No More, but There's Something New Oct 29, 2024 — But much like the times, Hot Pockets are a-changin'. The brand just announced the official retirement of the Hot Pocket... Sporked" I thought just as much. Oh so the sleeve is to reduce waste while the plastic wrap isn’t. Yeah , they nuke fine without it. |
Mysterious drones.
I’m surprised that none of them got shot down. Better call out the Top Guns.
Women have a great role to play in our daily lives .... changing men to suit themselves is not one of them ... The only time a woman can change a man is when he is in diaper wearing mode . Unfortunately some women can be controlling and I for one am not one of them. As far as the diaper thing if the man is physically capable of doing so he can change his own diaper of course that Depends . Actually , I meant when a man is still a baby ... and Dependent on his Mom to do it ... coz he cannot Depend on his Father ha ha !!! Women are so much better ..... Yes, men are big babies but your wife is not your mother as their roles are a little different. If a man brags about his mother doing this or that for him and continues to think that way I’d send him back to her. Shaming a wife for not being like his mother is a turn off for me and should be for any woman. Their are single dad’s who have to change diapers so it depends on the situation. |
Being a sucker for fast cars, horses and women , I have had both nice and naughty moments this year. But overall I have always tried to be nice ... inspite the push back I brushed off ... So yeah !!! No lump of coal for me !!! And ladies , please stop asking Santa to bring you the perfect man this Christmas ... he has tried to kidnap me twice this week alone ? There is no such thing as the perfect person male or female. Bragging about it doesn’t help either. Singer Tracy Chapman can give you a “Fast Car”. |
Hot pockets
Does anybody else on here eat Hot Pockets? If so have you noticed that microwaveable sleeve is missing like mine are? I wonder why?
Merry Christmas
Amen to that !! It has always been Merry Christmas in my family dating back eight generations, as far as I can tell !!! Wokeness has not caught up and probably never will , to me !!! Merry Christmas to all and a Happy 2025 ..... Praise God ! They want to erase everything Christian but in the true end they’ll only find failure. As Christians we also need to stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters. |
A good friend of mine once told me that his wife had spent all their married life changing him. Many years later when they were getting a divorce she told him he wasn't the man she married. Again I’m not one of those women. |
Women have a great role to play in our daily lives .... changing men to suit themselves is not one of them ... The only time a woman can change a man is when he is in diaper wearing mode . Unfortunately some women can be controlling and I for one am not one of them. As far as the diaper thing if the man is physically capable of doing so he can change his own diaper of course that Depends . |
The grocery company I work for here in Texas was founded by a woman.
Merry Christmas
Jesus is the reason for the season and there would be no Christmas without Christ so keep Christ in Christmas. He’s the greatest present our world ever received.
I saw this posted on the sign at our local Luby’s “Our food is so good even your diet will forgive you”..
In some countries they cannot reflect on the role of a woman , simply because they are finding it difficult to define what a woman is !!! This should be very concerning for all !!!! You are spot on with this post . This world has become a big ball of confusion of those trying to force their agenda is crazy. They take that agenda to their government so it can pass laws to make it acceptable. The worst part is when they want that agenda taught in schools to young kids or put into children’s programs on TV like drag queens. Then they sues those who refuse to service them. They want insurance to pay for their gender surgery. Conclusion you are either born male or female and no matter what you do to yourself it will stay that way until death. Yes, I can accept you but don’t force it on anybody to get that acceptance. |
Weird Science and mannequin .
Anyway you look at it naughty or nice just about everyone gets a present. We need to remember what the true meaning of Christmas is and from that the greatest gift came from .
Music news
Today is Taylor Swift birthday and she turned 35.
Getting to know you...
I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone put down on their profession that they’re a sinner. We all are and can find and have salvation of those sins through Jesus amen .