Community > Posts By > JustSomeNerd
Write a paragraph ....
I'll give it a try...
I feel the heat of the late summer sun. My pores are dripping as if there's no utility bills to pay. I sift through the pouches of my worn leather pouch like a raccoon rummaging through garbage to locate my tape measure. I trek over the water deprived and grassless front yard and bark out the orders to my employees pretending they need my guidance. I take the measurements for the first window dimensions and go to scribble the results nearby on the bare exterior wall of the young house. My pencil. I forgot my pencil. My lower half turns to lead the top, yet my leading foot discovers its destination has removed itself. My right leg drops like an anchor tossed overboard at sea. The scenery around me turns on its side and shoots upwards as my left arm extends itself like its new role is to keep my form upright. There's a quick change of plans as the head snaps back and rolls right with the pain. I'm on my back in a contorted state, much like a hand=sewn doll tossed into storage. I clench my eyes and swallow my saliva harshly as my lower jaw shivers as if the temperature dropped seventy degrees. My hand reaches my throat and it feels like I'm a puppy daring to open its eyes for the first time. I can't see what color the retreating waters are falling off the sides of my face, but I clearly see the palm of my hand revealing the liquid from the neck is red. The need to swallow again rushes back like a hungry stray, and I comply. My gaze quickly turns to discover wooden stakes on each side of my unseen leg. "Holy crap" is putting it nicely as I realize the one closest to me is splintered. My thoughts race to the ones I care about and love in an instant. Have I reminded them how much they mean to me? |
Family Guy
Any metal head?
Not downing Priest, they've been mentioned several times in this thread and I've played quite a few covers of theirs. Just asking why no mention of Overkill (another long-time metal band) yet. :(
if there is not emotional attachment as far as love/sex then i consider it just hanging out...i dont really consider it dating. When i am on a date, either one of us is treating financially, depending on who initiated the date. If I ask I pay, if he asks, i would assume its not dutch. Calling it a date would insinuate i have hopes of feelings that will grow and develop into a relationship outside of friendship. Sometimes after a few dates I may decide friends is probably more likely...and if that turns out to be the case and we end up hanging out again then my expectations are definitely different. Well said. |
Noted and quoted...
Yes, it was a bit of betrayal. He shoulda said, 'she couldnt make it tonite' but maybe he cant think on his feet. who knows. She was staying with her brother at the time. Coming in stone cold drunk and puking near their little girl's room didn't sit well with them either. It wasn't gonna stay a secret long and sugar-coating it wasn't going to work. Bleh, now I feel I'm trying to justify my actions. >:( |
Also of note here as I reread the later responses...
No, I don't like drama and I'm not trying to create it or whatever. I'm just reanalyzing a situation I was put and asking for feedback in a (to me, at least) difficult situation. Not once in my decision-making process did I ask "What's best for me?" or "How can I keep her so I can still get laid by her?" For me, it was an extremely difficult decision as I knew she would not be pleased with and a high risk of losing her. I guess it's one of those decisions you have to know the person and do whatever it takes to get them to step outside themselves to see the path they're on to the best of your abilities. Even at the cost of self-happiness. |
We were poorly matched, no doubt there.
Did I backstab by staying quiet and seeing how she would explain it to her mom why she stood her up? I don't see it that way, but I respect your view if that's how you feel, sweetestgirl11. I reacted in a way I thought was best for her, not me or us. I felt she needed a wake-up call for her to realize the slippery slope she was on with her family in general. I do feel a couple should have each other's backs, and I do feel I let her down on that... but I also felt very betrayed the night prior. I still feel bad about it nearly two years later, but her family tells me shortly after our break-up she made a great turnaround. That's all I ultimately wanted. What's best for her. For whatever reason, it wasn't me... at least not in the way I wanted. I guess I could've left the full reaction out of my answer, as I was just curious how other's felt I should've initially reacted. Thanx for the replies again and please don't view me as tooooooo evil. :D |
--- Dating sucks! ---
I tend to agree that dating sucks, but I have no real experience in it. Girls I've dated I've been friends with prior to trying to start a relationship with.
"Dating" to me has always seemed like putting on a false front to "sweep them off their feet" with money via dinner or whatever. I just can't be something I'm not and if I'm ever going to go out of my way and wow her... I'm making sure she's something special to me first. |
Wow... that was some quick feedback, and it's quite a relief to read the responses. I was afraid people would say I acted out of anger in what I did, but I took some breathing time at home and calmed down before I made my decision.
I did follow through on driving up to her mom's and playing cards and chatting with her. Her mom asked where her daughter was and I did not lie. I told her she was drinking with girls from work. The next night, my girlfriend and I drove up her mom's so she could try to make up for the night before. Thing is, she didn't ask what I did the night before when we were supposed to go up there and I didn't tell. So, she straight up lied to her mom and got caught in a lie. So, yea... shortly after we broke up. She was in a tailspin at that time and I hope what I said to her got through. I hear from my friend (her half-brother) that they've really patched thing up in their relationship. No matter how beautiful she was... lies disgust me to no end. Thanx again for the awesome responses. |
The last relationship I was in, my girlfriend promised her depressed mother 3x at dinner that we'd stop by her place the next night and hang out with her. Next day, I come home from work and pick up my truck from the shop and call her. She was with some girls from work drinking and I asked her if we're still going up her moms. She says she forgot and wanted me to call and tell her mom we can't make it because she's tired from work and just wants to sleep.
Now, I was friends with her mom before we got into a relationship... her son from a different father is one of my best friends. Soooo.... what should I have done? Cuz I'd say how I reacted was the reason we ended the relationship. I'll post later what I did... but asking for input on what I "should" have done. Thanx in advance. |
Any metal head?
No mention of one of my fave's? Overkill! "Ironbound" is a friggin' masterpiece IMO. How many artists been around 25+ years and still kick *** like this?