confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:14 PM

lol wanna check out my fresh bull sperm? j/k Do they really do that? Jesus maybe I'm missing a lot in life that I just never realized..

Yeah..they really do that kind of arent missing much, just alot of guys in cowboy boots with cow sh*t hanging off the sides...

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:05 PM
well..I think that I am single due to my location and the fact that where I live, everyone is either kin or have had babies with kin...besides, they are all farm boys and I like my guy to be more in tune with the outside world.

I gotta have someone who can debate the internal economics of Dubai and crap like that but all I can find is men who wanna talk about their Bull sperm that will be delivered by mail soon and how he will have a hand in creating the perfect baby cow..blah blah blah..

oh- and my sarcasm, yeah..that too..besides, my online crush lives no where near me...

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 09:54 PM

Did you hear about the miracle baby that was born in MI. It was in all the news. It was a true miracle. It had blonde hair a PU$$y and a BRAIN.

Hey..If I didn't know better, I would say that you were talking about me..

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 08:03 PM
Don't worry Moondark, You arent alone. I have the same issues. Then I feel bad because the ones that are interested in me are so not my type, and I have tried..Lord knows that I have tried, but I just cant do it. I have such a narrow mind about my isnt typical of most girl's but I like my short, scrawny guys who are confident and smart. Tends to be a hard combo to find.

My cousin "hooked" me up with this guy that she thought was perfect for me..and despite my first impression, I tried it and tried it and tried it. Until it came time to sleep with him, I couldn't do it..I know, it sounds shallow, but He was so tall and big and hairy and I swear he was related to big foot..

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:30 PM
I completely understand...I have never once cheated..either on my mate or with someone that had a is strickly against my morals..and I am not jealous with my mate, but I have been cheated on by every serious relationship that I have been involved with.

..I have a running joke now (it is funny to others, but it is the truth, and it hurts) I always tell guys if you wanna find your soul-mate, just date me for awhile.

Apparently, every guy finds her while with me. I have had at least two guys cheat on me, dump me for her then get married to about depressing..what the heck is so wrong with me?

I am like you, I have the love, but it is getting scary to let anyone in anymore...I am afraid to go through the pain anymore..

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:22 PM
"Hold it down" by the Ghetto their resurrection tape, yes..I said tape..still available through I*'s a good one. Another one from that tape is Ni**a's and flys.

Also anything from master P:heart:

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:11 PM
Okay...well, lets be honest..not all nerds or geeks have huge hearts and are last serious relationship(my son's dad) is a total geek.

I mean, this kid was arrested for hacking into NASA when he was 14 and chips video game systems and the whole bit.. and he was the biggest a**hole that I have ever been involved with. Eventually, he left me for some snaggle-toothed girl who was barely legal...

I usually only date geeks and leave it up to me to find the one that is a complete jerk...all I want is someone witty, gives me my fair turn with the gaming and someone that knows how to rub my back....are any of you guys willing? I know...sharing the controller is alot to ask for in a relationship, but we all make sacrifices...haha

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 07:02 PM

GANG.....which can be used in so many variations. Examples are as follows.........

"Gang".....when your bud answers the phone and says "Hello". You respond with "GANG!" In this instance, it means "What up Homey"

"Gang"....when you see your bud at the bowling alley and you haven't seen each other in awhile. He says, "Gang" which means "Damn glad to see you man. Been awhile." You respond with a "Gang" to, and you are saying, "No **** man. Been too damn long."

Also, there is the term "Bleh-Blah" which means that your day just bleh....or just was freaking "bleh-blah". Means that it sucked balls.

Me and nephew have "Gish, gish"....which is a state of mind...just don't ask us to explain it.

wow- that is really...just wanted to say a big Gang to you too...

as far as one of my favorites, I would say jawlinesexable...which is an inside thing with my best friend from years basically means...damn, He has a beautifully, god-given distinguised jawline and I would totally hump him...oh and are so jawlinesexable...haha

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 06:52 PM
OMG- I was going to start this same topic..yeah, I hate new years..last year's resolution was to NOT be alone this year...things arent looking well...perhaps I should lower my moral fence..go to the closest bar and find some random man to share the first seconds of 2008 with...but, I'll probably just lay in bed and cry:cry: I really hate this single lifestyle...

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 06:43 PM
mr smooth

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 05:12 PM

In all seriousness, I have a bigger heart than most people think. I joke alot, I kid alot, I have a warped sense of humor. But deep down, I am a hopeless romantic trying to make sense of women and trying to find someone who gets me. My sarcasm can turn people away, but I don't mean to offend. It is just who I am. :wink:

I hear ya... that sounds just like me..I wish that some guy would just sweep me off my feet and totally understand my sense of humor and flow with it...I am a one guy kinda girl and I have never cheated on anyone, but because of my perverted sense of humor, guys usually think that I am easy...when really, I am all talk..I am a good girl:tongue:

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 12:33 PM
Moondark---I would give you about an 8...I hate to give any woman a offence...but you are a hottie, I love your bustier...very hot

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 12:23 PM

I hear what you're saying. It happens to me, in groups I'm okay but sometimes if you're with someone you like you start pulling punches, don't want to offend, or you feel pressure to say something especially witty and start drawing blanks chalk it up to nerves.

With more people around, there's more comments so you can latch onto one easier to make a comment about. And other people are talking too so it's not like one on one where one person says something and then it's instantly your turn to talk. That's why I prefer groups of women when having intimate conversation...really, that's the only reason I prefer a concubine.

I am glad that you are the same way, I hate that feeling..I feel like the life gets sucked outta me, and in groups, like you said..the ability to latch onto other people's comments is great. It is like brainstorming, but brian tends to fry out and force me to say something stupid.

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 12:14 PM
about tasting my boots, shoes, feet..etc...yeah..I have started a weight loss program called "boot the calories!" It works for the too damn sarcstic and overweight people by simply not allowing calories to enter one's mouth...unless, of course, said calories are attached to the bottom of your shoes.. I am not only the president, I am also a client...I have lost 45 pounds simply by saying stupid stuff and now I just chew on a boot and the best news---it is only two points for weight watchers... send me twenty bucks and I'll send you a boot for your mouth too...

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:50 AM

New Rule:
Threads that say "Would you do such and such to the person above" will now constitute legally binding agreements. Visual confirmation will be required.

oh--and I pass the time posting to these threads..although, I would do some things with some of those people, although most would require a visit to the clinic for a quick check of STD's and so on and so forth..but from now on...I'll really be picky on whose on top of me....but, I am still going to post below you..blushing

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:42 AM
good comments..I think I use my sarcasm and humor to break the ice, unfortunatly..people don't understand it...then they get to know me and expect me to be like that all the really is a double edged sword. Another question to the sarcastic people...when you are alone with someone you like, do you lose this ability to be funny? I do, I am really a blithering idiot when ya get me alone...embarassed

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:37 AM
The one thing that I hate a man asking me is the ol' "how many guys have you been with?" Could someone clarify that for me? I mean wtf does "been with" mean..I been with complete strangers on public transportation, I have been with my male family members, friends, random gay men..etc.etc.etc..does this mean intercourse? and if so, how long does it has to last to actually count...the more I think about it, I may still be a virgin..hahalaugh laugh

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:27 AM

santa baby
bring me a man.....haha

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:25 AM
Opal...that is a nice name..

confettie_popper's photo
Sun 12/02/07 11:24 AM
come back now y'hear?