Community > Posts By > ke7ggz

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Sun 05/23/10 11:03 AM
I also have PTSD with depression...Around the time of desert storm at a Vet Center in Cleveland, I tried Hypnosis to relieve the pain...It worked up until about 2005 and led a semi-normal life, but still had problems holding a job over a year.....I now remember being hypnotized....I still have problems with the past and I find it hard to get the gremlins out of my mind...

Like my father who served in the Phillipines, who drank heavy when I was young, he would wake up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder....He never got help..His generation just pulled up their bootstraps and continued on....I respect him deeply now that he is gone and wonder how he did it and hid it from everyone....

Mine is not nowhere near as bad, but I have nightmares that I wake up from and they affect me and my balance, often....

I deal with it not by drinking, or talking to others anymore, now I find peace of mind being out in the forest by myself for periods of time....I honestly have stayed out in the middle of no-where for weeks at a time and find peace within myself...But the nightmares, I process as best I can....

The V.A. wants me to take meds, but the meds leave me brain-dead, over medicated and thirsty....I am done with that crap....I would rather feel the pain, than to be a zombie, like I have seen me be, as well as other brothers.....

I deal with it the best I can and do the things to make me feel secure in my mind and that is to be alone in the desert, or the forest of Arizona....Nothing like it in the world for me...

Now, if I can intergrate back into society and hold a job, but at this time, I can not...Emotionally, I break down after the stress hits home of life, then the nightmares of the past effect me and my balance again...

I have seen it after getting out of the Army, but did not understand it...People thought I was lazy, but they didn't know that I would break down and cry for long periods of time wondering what is wrong with me...

I would drive for hours and days back then...I would wind up in Florida, New Orleans, Chicago and still feel lost...then I would continue driving some more...Honestly, I think I cracked right before getting out...I became very short tempered, but made it with an honorable discharge....

I find it hard to talk about what occurred and sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night it is like it is happening all over again, but now they are abstacts of the events that occurred; they are bizarre....

Well, I hope this helps...I just can not talk about the events....I cope the best I can....I love myself for who I am and I live for today...

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Sun 05/23/10 10:03 AM
Oh, well....I see you just want the last word and that your right...So be it...

Have a good life....

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Sun 05/23/10 09:54 AM

The book of Revelation tells how it will occur...Have you read Revelation, The Book Of Daniel, or the Book of Matthew?

God our creator will come back through the clouds...The sky will roll up like a scroll and men will fall to their knees in fear that the Lord is real...Men will try to hide in the mountains in fear of judgment day....Many will try to kill themselves, but will not succeed in his day of wrath of the unclean...

The last war will be fought in Armageddon, in the valley of Mageddo and the world will be deceived by many, led by the Antichrist who deceived the world....

Many magicians will do great magic and say they are the "ONE" and will have many followers, telling them they are the equivalent of Christ, or they are Christ.....Please do not be deceived, for the time is short....It is like a women with the pains of birth, but not yet....( our current time line; Perhaps, perhaps not..)

I don't think I can imagine what it will be like, nor could Daniel which swallowed the knowledge given to him by the Angel...It made him sick to his stomach....I can relate to that, after seeing things in the Army.....But I still can not fathom the end of the world as we know it....But that is also the new beginning of a new world..

My belief is as strong as yours is, with the other side....but that is what the bible warns us about....Do not be deceived....I have been there from my martial arts training....I believe there is a fine line and if crossed; then we are dealing with things not meant of us now....

I, like you question everything and I have always questioned why the book of Enoch was taken out of the bible? Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah and we all know of the story of Noah....

If you were to read the book of Enoch, I think that perhaps you would walk away with some new insight, just as I have from the mystical side of the martial arts.....Infact, I think you will be shocked with what it says, as I was and that explains to me, why it was yanked out of the bible~! Do I believe, yes I do~!

But I am not going to attack you and damn you for your beliefs, like other ministers do and have done, even upon me~!....What I can say about you, is your not thinking inside of the box and that is good~!....

I tend to think outside of the box also, but I have made my decisions on what the truth is for me....Just as what you believe the truth is for you....

Only time will tell what the truth really is and is it all in our minds?

but as for me, believe in God our creator....


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Sun 05/23/10 09:22 AM

What proof do you have that people have been obducted?

If your proof is from Coast to Coast Am with George Norry, than I think your misguided on what is story telling and what is fact....Everything I stated can be proven...Even the stories in the bible...

Tours are given daily in ISRAEL on the facts of the bible....Life started in that region proven by College Professors...

Even Art Bell had complete remorse when Hail Bop comet passed by and all of those people commited suicide, believeing aliens were going to pick them up and take them away....Their bodies are still here on earth, last time I checked....

He stated that it was ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMMING and DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY, folks....think about how he felt after all of his ENTERAINMENT HE HAD ON THE SUBJECT, THEN THE CULT DID WHAT THEY DID....I am sure he felt very low and guilty on their deaths....

Can you prove and show me a flying saucers that crashed on earth? what about all those people being abducted?

P.S. I enjoy your views on life, so please don't get bent out of shape...we are both mind bending each other here...

We still love you for who you are...

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Sun 05/23/10 08:34 AM
Edited by ke7ggz on Sun 05/23/10 08:48 AM

I'm guessing that your not a believer in God....In the book of Genesis
God made man in his own image....Nuf, said....

As far as governments scaring the masses, yes they do~!....Ever heard of 5th Psyops? It was/is a unit that was attached to us in the 1ST Infantry Division, U.S. Army...
It was all about dis-information in times of war/peacetime....Think about it...The propaganda that goes on between the east and the west, especially during the cold war!...Yep, so many flying saucers, back then and no-one knows who's they were?...More than likely, Military aircraft doing Recon/emergency response drills/Psy-ops/Testing of new technologies (some of them never made it out of X-projects).....

We tested several technologies back when I was in, that was too bulky, but it was the refinement and advancement of that technology that is in use today...
Shoot, even the internet was the original fail safe of NORAD back in the 70's, so what are they using today?

If I was in the Pentagon, I sure in the Heck would not be telling the world, or you what our newest technology is today, especially in places like Afghanistan/Iraq......

Can you say, Top Secret, Krypto, For Eyes Only?

Corporations have the right to protect products from espionage~! Now where does our military get their products from?

Private Industry~!....

So, during testing by the military, all of those "X-PROJECTS" have to have the utmost privacy and security, because they belong to individuals that invented some advanced technology that is being marketed by an industry, to the Military/Government...

So, if you think it is "CRAP", what secrets do you have in your closet, that you would not want to get out to the public? Please tell us your darkest, most "Embarrassing Secrets"

I don't think so....

Drone aircraft are all controlled out of New Mexico; Even the ones in Iraq and Afghanistan...They can hover for hours, are small and light weight, as well as the large ones that carry mini-guns, air-to -surface missiles and other weapons....

I find it ironic that the masses would rather believe in little green men, witchcraft, demonology and other phenomenon, than the stories in the bible~!
Then everyone wonders why we are where we are, in these unethical times...

We are a nation founded under God; Now we are a nation divided; A nation divided, by sex, nationality, perversion (homosexuals) and lack of knowledge (mind manipulation of the masses through the media) corrupted by drugs and the drunkenness of materialism....

We as a nation are currently crying out~! You see it daily through TEA PARTIES~! You also see what is occurring in places like Thailand, Greece and other countries where Socialism has failed....

Aliens? Yep, I believe in Aliens, I really do believe~! I have seen thousands of them here in Arizona destroying our countryside and our way of life~!...I can show you where you can witness them for yourself~!
That is why our Governor passed Senate Bill 1070~!

Thank God for Freedom of Speech, guaranteed by God and written down by man in our Constitution and Bill Of Rights~! That no man can taketh away what our Creator has given us...who died on the cross for all of our sins....It is the Soldier that gives his life on the battlefield like Jesus who gave his life on the cross...all in the name of Freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of thoughts....I will continue to protect your rights, no matter what you believe~! Even if you believe in "LITTLE GREEN ALIENS/witchcraft and whatever else in your crystal ball....But I will prey for you and that you will be saved, upon his return....

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Sun 05/23/10 01:15 AM
It's not impossible to have had flying machines back then....Perhaps they blew themselves up, like what we fear do to Nuclear War>>>>....I don't think man has learned from his mistakes....

I have seen the same light bulb you are talking about and I have the same questions on how the buildings were built....

I think they destroyed themselves, somehow....

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Sun 05/23/10 01:08 AM
I try to have an open mind, but I do believe in God my father...I think he is coming back soon! As we look around us and look at all of the things going on in the world today...Earthquakes, storms, wars, rumors of war, economics and yes, UFO's! But I think the UFO's are in fact unidentified flying objects, or products of our own military that we don't know about yet...Ever seen a B-1, or B-2 bomber? They don't make a sound when they pass you, as well as our stealth bomber..Moreover, the drone aircraft is the most scary....They can actually hover overhead motionless, then do the impossible....I have seen them at the Yuma Proving Ground, here in Arizona...Scary stuff indeed....They are flown out of New Mexico; even the ones in Afganistan and Iraq.....

Most Ufo's are in my opinion are man made....then there is the propaganda done by governments to scare the masses....Then there is God...When he comes, everyone will see him as he comes from the heavens.....Let no man deceive you....


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Sun 05/23/10 12:49 AM
I understand your frustration...I am not sure what the answer is, but don't worry about those that run..I have learned the hard way...when a women is dodging you and avoiding your questions, I take the hint and just move on...They are too afraid to give you the "TRUTH"...

I am a disabled vet...Mine is depression and PTSD....I tend to be alone and stay away from people...Needless to say, it can be very lonely, but by staying out in the middle of no-where, I know that I am at peace...Something that I can't find in the cities....I have been single and by myself since I left Cleveland in 1991...I think it is important to be able to live by yourself, for yourself...

After my divorce, I forced myself to go out and eat by myself, as well as go to the movies by myself...that was over 20 years ago...

Now, in today's world it is so much worse than when it was 20 years ago...It just seems that there is less and less compassion out there...It is a "ME,ME,Me" society by my observations.....

Be content with yourself, love yourself for who you are...That is what I am focusing on today...

Hopefully, you will meet someone and accept you for who you are, as me for who I am....

Most of all, be compassionate to others and listen to what is said, as well as what isn't said....

As I learned in College; No communication, is communication....
When they don't communicate, they are sending a clear message...I just prefer to move on instead of force an answer....
