Community > Posts By > sinbadd

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:21 PM

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 06:18 PM
FyI My quote has nothing to do with the fact my exwife cheated on me with a gang banger inmate she was guarding over at the same prison i work at as well !LOL

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 05:33 PM
My thought for the day? Poeple are like snow flakes each different and sadly many of them cold!

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 04:32 PM
How do take pics from your phone and send them to your computer to post them?

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 12:55 PM
I think ppl hold back from what they really want to say to much because they are afraid the other person does not deserve to hear the words or the tone of voice that goes with them. Well "deserving got nothing to do with it!"

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 11:51 AM
I work with the mentaly ill they are human,they bleed,they have needs,wants,desires,like all of us. That said if they took there meds,and delt with it as an adult why not date them if a connection has been made? We all have something wrong with us some hide it better from other & some hide it so well they forget who they are even to themself!!

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 11:46 AM
You should wait entill you want someone not NEED SOMEONE! I am not saying thats what you are doing but divorce sucks ones ego can take a beating and finding someone at times can dull the pain.I say embrace the pain,grow from it,be yourself and like a june bug to a light you WILL attract someone!

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 11:40 AM
Ok rate me but be firm,gentile,and fair please!!

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 11:34 AM
The pain (at times) of being judged never goes away,the mind covers it up with scare tissue and the body accepts as normal??

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 11:26 AM
Is there a live chat room on this site? It would be nice to talk to ppl in real time. I am not the best with computers and as my pic shows i look more like a caveman then a tech guy and with good reason i just merged on the informational hwy afew yrs back.

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 11:21 AM
Thankyou for the help!

sinbadd's photo
Mon 11/09/09 11:19 AM
Curiousisty is not that what killes the cat?? LOL You are right sister!

sinbadd's photo
Sun 11/08/09 03:55 PM
So here is my beef?? computer tells me ive got matches i contact the person only to be blowen off! I am not smart but those are ppl who have looked at me already and are interested??

sinbadd's photo
Thu 11/05/09 01:43 PM
Well said young lady!!

sinbadd's photo
Thu 11/05/09 11:03 AM
It is sad that some ppl feel the need to have NO MANERS when it comes to communication! Most guys want a lady to those who do we all need to act like gentileman before we can expect a woman to be lady like??

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