Community > Posts By > JJ_Richmond07
My buddy and I went to see a Benjamin Buttons not really knowing what it was about just kinda thought the idea of living life backwards seemed pretty cool. Then came the previews chick flick......chick flick......chick flick..........chick flick, haha we quickly inforced the one seat buffer zone.
No facebook thank god
Dating and STD's
What's your plan are you going to have a "screening period" or an interview before you choose to date someone? If not you have opened yourself to the posibility of dating someone with a disease. Now you are emotionally invested in them do you end the relationship the day you find out they are infected? (if the disease is permenant) What's your plan? good question though.
jackie robinson
MILFs & Younger Men
Its a one way street when it comes to giving labels. Guys can date who they want, when they want, as many times as they want and dont usually get labled anything more than maybe a player or an *******. This is probably the worst thing i've ever heard but it relates entirely to the way people think of that. A key that opens many locks is called a Master key. A lock that is opened by many keys is a shitty lock. |
I like your answer to the first question bravo.
Second question though. We are not debating the difference's between living beings and elements. My question was based around the existance of all things. People as well as air are both matter ( both occupy space and are effected by gavity and have weight). Matter is what physics use's to prove something exists. Unfortunately I can't re-ask that question, because I have pretty much answered it. I would say "So again justify air exists" but I think physics explains it well enough. |
So people that we deem "mentally unstable" i.e. the skitsphrentic patient who talks to thin air, or a 4 year old child who has an "imaginary" friend do we then accept that those "beings" exist since they interact with them?
follow up question if your answer is no. If you do not accept that the child's friend is real then how can you believe in the air you breath? *I'm playing devils advocate here I think this view of some is stupid |
It is simple people, things, stuff, everything does not exist. Here's why only the things that happen in your own mind can be proven by yourself i.e. you feel pain, love, happiness, you smell the difference between flowers and port o johns, you taste the difference between chicken and beef etc etc..... but everyone else's mind is unknown to you. You can not touch, taste, smell, see, or hear with another persons sense. So how do you know that they actually exist and are not figments of your own imagintion. HAHA wrap your mind around that one. |
MILFs & Younger Men
I think it's time to draw some other people into this thread! Maybe we should search them out and invite? Dunno. I'm about sick of men right now honestly. Would love to have a reason to get over that illness. :-) Im confused so are you into the younger guys for the fun or trying to make a relationship out of it? I am looking for a relationship ultimately. I share more common interests with younger people than people my own age. But I'm now looking in the 10-12 years younger range. Last one was 23 years younger and that was too much of a difference. I don't look or act my age. I'm almost 44 (next month) so the other night when I went out with a guy of 32, no one looked twice at us. When I was with my 20yo ex-bf, there was obviously an age difference (and I couldn't take him to a bar). Of course, he looked 18 too. That being said, I don't really care what other people think. If I meet someone and we dig each other and choose to have a relationship, it doesn't (and shouldn't) matter how old either of us is. I only ask that because I have 2 different thoughts on mature women with younger men. #1. Physically a man hits his testosterone peak around age 20 and slowly dimishes after that. A woman does not enter her sexual peak until late 30's early 40's. So science would say it is only normal for an age gap to exist. #2. (this is more of a belief of mine) I've found that somewhere around the age of 50 maybe 55 men become almost unable to function alone. They begin to become clingy and start thinking about dying alone. So when a woman is in her sexual prime she has more independant type feelings at around the same age a man is going in the opposite direction. I think this is also where it rolls in the older man dating a younger female. (I'm not knocking young women here) Younger woman tend to be needy, looking for stability or someone to take care of them the whole "father figure" mentality. |
Drop Kick Murphy I love it.
What trouble is brewin in here tonight? I got vodka, pot, and a boner.... :) all you need is a potatoe and you could be irish |
I've come to find there are a couple of problems, in today's society everthing is here and now no waiting. If you want dinner you can have it at your carside in less than 3 minutes. If you want that high priced item don't worry about saving just pull out that credit card. I think this same type of thought process is going in to relationships. People find someone they "lust" not "love" as soon as they hit a rough patch they are out the door because they need that feeling of self gratification. Instead of working through the issues and building apon a stronger relationship. I am not saying that everything is able to be worked out. Divorce rate is ridicously high and I can't name a couple who I know that has spent more than 15 years together.
are you a single Parent?
Yup and I've enjoyed every minute of it. It's fun I always have a partner in crime now lol.
guys vs girls - part 33
I still don't get this whole counting thing but hey if you can't beat 'em join 'em
299 |
The guy from the Old Spice commercials........"look at me now at your man now back at me"
What's on the mind of a bunch of crazy people.
Site went down fopr maintenance ..lost in space ...rewrite it Well, there went my last free blonde moment for this month!!!! ![]() DUHHHH! I posted it in the wrong thread thinking I as still in PCU! Yeah, I have really stupid blonde moments ![]() ![]() WHATEVER!!! ![]() Welcome to my everyday........Thank god for Adderall |
fifty to eighty percent of your total gross income sex on a daily basis minor car repair don't bug me when i'm acting crazy if its not nice keep your mouth shut general powers of attorney you'll get three square meals your bills are paid and house kept up don't bring other women, disease, or anything worthy of felony home We'll get a long just fine WOW 50% to 80%? How about I own my house outright and you live rentless? ![]() You keep what was already in your name prior still need the income ratio...keep in mind its only cause I pay all living bills from rent to cable to insurance what ever you want with the other portion...but if its purchased or paid off during it goes under joint the event of separation everything is divided by practicality or prior ownership.... WOW you have this all figured out lol now all you need is the signature. |
Ice Ice Baby!
You know you watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II over and over as a kid because they had a breakdance fight with the bad ninja's on stage with VI. Yeah Yeah Yeah I was a turtle fan as a kid and not ashamed to admit it lol.
What are you?
I guess just chicken, spinach, oatmeal, and beef. I guess edibly I'm pretty boring.