Community > Posts By > pantyjames
REALLY INTRIGUING. "Some" OF YOU 'Truly GET' where a homeless person 'is
coming from'...others of you... well, NUFF SAID. |
Prayer for Stephanie
I'm GENUINELY 'SORRY' to hear of Stephanies' BAD FORTUNE. Had 'I' been
given THE OPPORTUNITY "to take her place", I GLADLY would have done so. TRUE LOVE "KNOWS" NO LIMITS. I 'really desire(d?)' TO BE A "TRUE LOVE" to Stephanie. I'm VERY LONELY; I "really" could use HER love. (I wish I 'could' VISIT her "to tell her these things". I'm USED to People TELLING ME "I CAN'T", though. So I just LEAVE "this message" HERE. For 'What It's Worth'. |
TO WOMEN "ONLY" (please?).
Do you BELIEVE "in" people like Mahatma Ghandhi ? Martin Luther King Jr.
? Jesus Christ ? To put it "to the test", EVALUATE 'YOUR' LIFE. Do YOU strive to EMULATE them ? Follow "in their footsteps" ? OR "ARE" YOU IMITATING 'everyone else' AROUND YOU ? These "three" PERSONS 'DID NOT FOLLOW THE CROWD'. They "made their mark" in the World 'by FOLLOWING THEIR CONVICTIONS'. Their Heart. THE MIND "is a deceitful thing"; IF GUIDED BY THE HUMAN HEART. ONLY those "who SURRENDER THEIR HEART 'TO GOD'" succeed in being "guiding lights IN A WORLD LOST IN DARKNESS". Look 'around you'. What "IS" the norm ? Isn't it THIS: Women "dressing and acting LIKE MEN" ??? Where, IN 'THIS' DAY AND AGE, do you FIND 'women' willing to "buck the trend" and BOTH DRESS AND ACT 'FEMININE' ??? They ARE "very few and far between". Which "says" that WOMEN DON'T KNOW "HOW" TO BE THEMSELVES. They ONLY 'know' HOW to be "like everyone else" (with the Exception of a SELECT FEW). Why can't WOMEN 'love GOD' ? "WHY" must they be 'So Afraid' of what OTHERS 'will think' THAT THEY NEGLECT (AND REFUSE?) TO HONOR 'GOD' IN THEIR HEARTS ??? An observation "that SICKENS me" EVERY DAY 'I' GO OUT AND FACE THE WORLD. I "WILL NOT !!!" DARE 'to trust' A WOMAN 'who dresses and/or behaves LIKE A MAN'. They "to ME" REPRESENT SATAN 'and I have NO!! DESIRE "to get into bed WITH THE DEVIL". (Unfortunately, there ARE 'many ignorant or stupid "men" WHO FAIL TO SEE 'THE TRUTH IN WHAT I'VE JUST SAID'. Which "only" COMPOUNDS The Problem. I mean, WHAT INCENTIVE 'WILL WOMEN HAVE' TO CHANGE "if they can continue "as they are" AND STILL ATTRACT MEN" ?) I'd "love" TO HEAR 'from ANY woman' WHO POSSESSES WISDOM. Who CAN 'agree' WITH ALL I'VE SAID HERE. Unfortunately, THAT TOO "has a problem AT ITS' ROOT". The SIN of Pride. TOO MANY 'WOMEN' these days ARE 'TOO PROUD' to admit "what I've said here IS 'GOOD' AND 'TRUE'". Women "these days" IT SEEMS 'find it MUCH EASIER to BE CONTENTIOUS and/or Debate 'A MAN'; RATHER THAN SUBMIT 'IN HUMILITY'. Pride HAS "destroyed" NATIONS Before; Is THIS Country 'TOO STUPID' to admit IT CAN 'HAPPEN' TO THEM TOO ??? Goodnight. James at |
No, in all honesty "I" never have.
Do you believe in Karma??
I won't USE the word 'karma' (except HERE). What "I" BELIEVE IN 'IS THE
GOLDEN RULE'. "Do unto others as you would have them DO UNTO YOU". THAT means (to me) 'That if you treat others with Disrespect (examples: "Being RUDE and 'honking at others' WITH YOUR CAR HORN"; "Riding Bicycles,Skateboards or Rollerskates ON THE SIDEWALK "where pedestrians ARE TRYING TO WALK")', THEN YOU SHOULD EXPECT "SOMEONE" TO CURSE YOU 'FOR YOUR DISRESPECT'. On the 'Plus' side, IF YOU 'HELP' SOMEONE "who is homeless OR disabled", THEN YOU SHOULD 'EXPECT' SOMEONE "to return the good deed YOU did" WHEN 'YOU' NEED ASSISTANCE. Does "this" make ANY SENSE 'TO ANYONE'??? |
Anwers This For Me Guys:)
Beauty IS 'in the eye of the beholder'. SOME people "will judge your
attractiveness" SOLELY on 'Physical Appearance'. OTHERS will 'look beneath the surface' TO SEE "WHO" the person REALLY IS. Then SOME "do a combination of BOTH". If you asked "me" PERSONALLY 'if I thought you were attractive', I'd probably (BEING HONEST AS I AM) tell you: "Physically, I do not find you THAT attractive. BUT 'perhaps' INSIDE you "there is a person I 'might' be willing to have "as a FRIEND". Is THIS 'Honesty' TOO MUCH FOR YOU??? |
Do I seem aproachable
"IN YOUR PHOTO" (which is ALL 'I' have to go by) I'll be AS HONEST WITH
YOU "AS I KNOW HOW". You appear VERY UNCERTAIN about yourself; about others. You 'appear' as if you DON'T BELIEVE 'ANYONE' can (or would) LOVE you. Please believe "this is NOT an attempt AT JUDGEMENT". Only A STATEMENT 'OF TRUTH' of what "I" see. |
What about beer?
"carry your burdens". THAT is what "HE" tells you 'to do'. |
to alonelongenuf ???
WHERE did you "go" ??? I 'looked' for you in the SEARCH area and your
Profile IS GONE. I REALLY!!! want to get to KNOW YOU. FOR REAL. NO!!! GAMES. ARE you "out there"???? |
Love is NOT what MANY PEOPLE 'BELIEVE' IT IS. Too many people are
'running around' pursuing a job "to make money". To pay for rent; to buy food and clothing; to entertain FRIENDS. "IF" that is ALL 'Life' is about... where is L-O-V-E ??? Love SHOULD be ALL CONSUMING. Giving your 'heart' and 'soul' COMPLETELY "to someone SPECIAL". WHO 'GIVES' BACK TO YOU "ALL" YOU GIVE 'to them'. Unfortunately, FEW grasp this OR know 'how to go about it'. TO DO IT, you need to BELIEVE that, AS YOU PUT 'GOD' FIRST "TO MEET YOUR NEEDS", everything else 'will take care of itself'. THIS IS KNOWN AS 'FAITH'. Not "many" seem to 'have it'. I "try" to. BY THE 'GRACE' OF GOD. Would LOVE to meet a like-minded soul (OR SOULS). E-Mail me at: ??? |