Community > Posts By > gotnoname2009
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Sun 08/15/10 04:44 PM
Been married before, have wonderful kids. Regretting anything about the past, would include regretting i have such wonderful little people in my life.
Will i get married again, even though the last one was a ticking time bomb that blew my life apart? Yes. Hind sight is 20/20 and i see where i was wrong. Truth of the matter is, you can live alone or live with someone. Your life will have equal amount of hardships. Easier going through them, knowing that someone made a commitment to be by your side, no matter what it takes. =) my2cents ..thats why peoples marriages dont work out, because people get married for the benefits of physical things. When that supply is exhausted [money, good looks, sexual desire] marriage looses its purpose and falls apart. To be married, means to set a goal that will take a life time to reach. In process of reaching that goal, you and your partner will become the best of friends.. just as many do with co-workers that work for the same goal for the same company.. and they do so for many many decades, daily basis, 10-12 hours a day, |