I just knew I should of dug that old flak jacket out of the basement for this trip. And I thought my parents were full of it when I was a kid and they told me the junk about "walking to the tune of a different drummer". Thanks folks, you proved them right! LOL Your Good Friend, Nick
You know how you guys get after several E-mails, you start to get friendly,casual and comfortable writing the GIRL/Young Lady/Woman and thats the way it's supposed be when things go right. The "do's" are easy, just relax and let it flow, any guy can manage that, It's the don'ts you really have to watch out for if you intend to keep writing the Female that has piqued your interest in one way or another. I'll just mention a couple I've learned the hard way, by that I mean you don't have to send as many E-mails out anymore. Let's see the first would be the emotional dilemma posed by the Female and it could be related to anything at all in her life. A natural reaction for most Men is to defend and protect those he cares for. But don't dare get "to" emotional when you try and provide a solution to said Female. If a solution is offered by you, present it calmly and don't push to far into said Females private live even if the "don't worry Honey I'm here" feeling is screaming at you, like you would if you were married, your not. Another don't would be to correct the female about any personal statement she might make. Feel free to correct yourself anytime, not her, not if she's wrong, off the mark, or whatever. It might be wrong to you, but could be completely correct in her personal life. Remember not to push to far with anything, this is a person your trying to impress, your not talking to your Ex wife. The final one I'll mention is "guy sense of humor" work hard to keep it in check in all aspects. What's funny to you might not be funny to someone you hardly know. Remember she isn't your best friend, yet. When you first start out with someone special their are certain well mannered protocols to follow and you might have not have used them lately. That doesn't mean you can't remember them. Certain lines should not be crossed before their time. I know I learned the