What do women want?
Women want you to be what they want, They just dont come out and tell you. They play too many games, they try to trick you into thinking you should be one way, Then when you fall for it and do. They say to themselves, ahh i knew he was like that, NEXT.
Women are shallow, and by that I mean they think they will know their dream man within 5 minutes of meeting them. Obviouslly they are wrong, thats why they are still single and alone, they refuse to settle.Settling isnt necessarily wrong, but they cant risk being with someone when Prince charming arrives. Newsflash.... The man of their dreams is a fantasy. If a fantasy happens, it no longer is a fantasy. Duh.. NEXT Other women just want attention, the more men they can get to notice them the better they feel about themselves. But too much attention and you smother them.. NEXT Final thoughts....... Just be yourself dude.... Dont try to be what they want. Cuz they have no idea. Be mysterious enough but not about important things. Dont be to readily available, they want you around , until you are. If you would like to hear more visit my Blog downloads are available and only cost 1,000000000000.00 dollars |