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Crying heart
hello Hello brother |
Crying heart
I'll never be able to trust a Muslim since their writings teaches them that it's okay to lie and hide true intentions to someone who isn't Muslim. Incidentally, I've had lots of dealings with Muslims and I know what they believe like the back of my hand. It is the most intolerant of all the religions while their prophet spread Islam at the point of a sword. Islam doesn't respect western way of living and a great many Muslims calls westerners 'pigs' and 'dogs'. Of course they'll deny it, but how can you believe someone whose religion dictates the spreading of disinformation for the purpose of conquering? I can't. Read more and open your mind to truth |
Crying heart
Im muslim.. My relegion teachs me to love people whatever their relegion is or ISN'T ? That's all that matters. My friend, yes it does There are so many sides hate islam and ready to do anything makes world hate islam, like what? Like islamic state, you know who made islamic state? And for what purpose it was made? For who made it, im sure you and all world know who made islamic state. For what purpose, to make people see islam as a murder and killer machine in order to make people hate islam, but truth is that in islam, what islamic state does us a crime against humanity, trust me brother there is a big minster pays to make islam dies, but what this idiot stupid monster does not realise is that islam is from the creature, and creature will never ever let his owns die. |
Crying heart
Im muslim.. My relegion teachs me to love people whatever their relegion is or ISN'T ? That's all that matters. |
Crying heart
Yes you did, nd yes i wll
Thank you :) Wish you the best :) |
Crying heart
Thanks a lot
I wanna reply but my english is weak, so all i can say is thank you :) |
Crying heart
Thank you for your words
Those who blow themselvs up to kill others, are blind and mind washed by those who never knew what mankind is. |
Crying heart
Thanks a lot for your support my friend,
As you said, we need to renew our thought about love and hate,. Thank you :) |
Crying heart
Crying heart
Thank you so much, wish you the same :)
Crying heart
Im muslim.. But im not a terrorist
Im muslim.. But i dont support any violence against human Im muslim.. But i dont support or like what the thing named ( islamic state) does Im muslim.. My relegion teachs me to love people whatever their relegion is Im muslim,.. My relegion is beautiful, very beautiful, you just need to read about it to know it, beleive your soul, your mind, and your heart, dont beleive what a government says, cause politic is unfair game, it never been, will never be. Im muslim.. So please when i do something wrong, blame #me, dont blame islam. Thank you Love you all from my deep heart :) |
When a heart gets hurted
Have we ever thought what happens to a heart when it gets hurted??
Here it is Its sky returns to dark and all of its stars go light off, all of that sky birds die of thirsty ![]() ![]() ![]() So can we please stop killing!!! |
Lead me
My princess
Lead me to craze,, lead me to where i can see only your eyes, where i want to live and die! |
I loved her
This is not a poem, this is something true happened to me, im new to mingle and never met someone from mingle, 2days ago i noticed her profile and looked at her photos, while im looking at her eyes, i felt like is im owning the world, like if god has put every thing i love inside her eyes.. I saw my past, my present, and my future in her eyes, i saw my fate and my my final destination among her eyes look, she stolen my soul, she was very selfish that she dominated on my heart beats, she penetrated in sides of my soul and renewed all of its ancient civilizations, she made me worship opening my mingle account to look at her photos, like if god created her in the center of my rips.. Like if i brough her up and she brought me up, like if i was the first one who tou hed her and lift her when her age was one day.. I loved her my friends, and if its legal in my religion to worship something else with god, i would worship her, and make her eyes as my platform, and my loving to her as the heaven. I dont know what to do, should i tell her i loved her??? Should i wait? Should i forget it as nothing even happened? But how i can forget something stolen my heart and soul!!! I dont know what to do Somebody help me im lost I love you princess |
Occupate me
Come close to my land, occupate me, announce your controling of my all cities, settle my properties and dont worry about any opposition, my all people welcomes you and no body needs an independence.
Her eyes
Thank you :)
Her eyes
She made me love to drown
Inside her eyes, that i dont Want to find a lifeline.. |