Community > Posts By > Yesterways

Yesterways's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:19 PM
((Wow, I have been gone for a while in the world of publishing, I miss a ton?))

Yesterways's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:14 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sat 11/21/09 08:17 PM
De'Lana enters the Inn and looks around as she makes her way to the bar, hoping her absence hasn't been noticed too greatly. She immediately begins washing any dishes that happen to be there.

(anyone here?)

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 07:12 PM
De'Lana flits around the bar, smiling silently and offering food and drink to all. She is very careful not to get the plates with meat on them too close to those that don't eat meat and to keep all tankards full. Should Boromir show his face, she is ready to hide at once, not wanting to get into trouble.

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:41 PM
((greetings greetings everyone))

Mish finally seems to have all of her things together and seems to be waiting for something.

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:15 AM
Mishrona looks up from her stretching and slowly surveys the campsite and the sleeping campers. "I can feel you out there, come and show yourself."

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 07:59 AM
Edited by Yesterways on Mon 10/26/09 08:13 AM

Cassi rises, walking to the wood pile stacked just inside the tree line of the clearing. Grabbing a few logs, she returns to refuel the fire. Waiting for her companions to stir.

Mishrona cautiously comes back into the campsite, keeping her eyes keen for anything untoward going on. In her hand, she holds the carcasses of two animals, one appears to be a rabbit, the other is harder to recognize. She makes her way back to her roll and her things, pulls out her oil cloth and wraps one of the carcasses, and begins to prepare the other for the fire. After building a makeshift spit, the burrows a stick through the middle of the rabbit carcass and begins to skin it, using the stick as a stabalizer. She isn't perfect at it, but she isn't bad. Once the skin has been removed, she adds more wood to the fire and puts the meat over it. Once again begins to go through her things, as if doing an inventory and turns the spit every few minutes.

When her inventory is complete, she begins working with the skin she pulled from the rabbit. It's in fair condition and Mish begins stretching it for curing.

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:34 AM
De'Lana comes down the stairs, sleepy and yawning still, but dressed at least. She heads for the main room and taps herself and ale. She sits behind the bar and nurses her ale for a few minutes. She then heads back for the kitchen to see if there is any food. She only gets one plate, assuming no one else in their right mind would be up at this hour. With a little bread and a little meat, she picks up her tankard and heads back out into the tavern area and straddles a seat behind the bar to await the next person to come in.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 09:57 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sun 10/25/09 09:58 PM
((5am comes early, I have to hit the sac, night))

"I will....uh.....let you two talk. You apprently know each other. I have a.......a......a rabbit to replace." With that, she is up and gone with her bow, running like a banshee was chasing her.

((going to take care of the jewelry again boss))

"Cassi, I am.....uh....heading out to hunt some. I will be back soon. Be careful."

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 09:56 PM
((just saw what time it is, really have to hit the sacm night all))

De'Lana serves all who need it and makes sure all are good to go before returning to the back of the bar, putting the room keys out, taking her own and running up the stairs.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 09:53 PM

Cassi enters the Inn, her ever warm and joyful air surrounding her as always. "Good evening to both stranger and friend alike!" She moves through the room, looking for a group to join.

Feeling that the door has opened, De'Lana looks up. She picks up two plates of food, one with meat and one without, and a tankard of ale and lifts them to get Cassi's attention to see if she wants either one.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 09:44 PM

*Finishes her meals, turns to Kashell with a smile*

Whats on your mind?

At the start of what seems to be a personal conversation, De'Lana moves away and starts washing the dishes she took from the bar and pointedly keeps her sights away from the two speakers and keeps an eye on anyone else that might need an ale or some food.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:59 PM

*waves her hand no, she would have spoken but her mouth was filled.*

Still smiling, he takes the food back and puts it away for someone else. She almost seemed giddy. Very odd for a dark elf.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:55 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sun 10/25/09 08:58 PM

*smiles as she takes his plate as well.*


*She works her way through the second plate.*

Watching this silently, she goes for another plate of food and offers it. She also offers more ale and wine.

She looks so proud of herself for doing these small things. Her mind, however, is reeling with anger. All she wants to do is speak!

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:53 PM

*looks towards where the voice came from.*

How do you know me?

Strangely enough for an elf, Mish is startled by yet another voice in the midst. "Um, ok. Tiage." She then shuts her mouth audibly and waits for this little exchange to complete before saying what is on her mind.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:45 PM

((hahahah my bad meant hunt))

*walks back to her seat, places her hood back up*

((yeah, I know, but just could not pass that one up.))

Mishrona visibly relaxes a little when the woman goes back to her seat. She goes back to her own place and begins rolling up her bedroll and packing her things. She speaks as she packs. "Ok, um....I'm Mishrona. And you are?"

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:40 PM

Yes please, but I will be back. Need to get Kashell.

*With that she is out the door an back to Kashell, she smiled down at him.*

Well morning sleepy head, wanted to get back before you a woke. I needed a drink. I am sorry. Lets go back to the Inn, they are serving food right now.

De'Lana offers Kashell food and drink with a big smile.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:34 PM

Yes, it has taken the edge off. You still smell very good but I can control it for now. No need to do anything, I can haunt for myself.

"Hunting might be better than haunting at this point for you."

((sorry, I just couldn't resist that

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:28 PM

*smiles to the women, removes her hood. Her long red hair flows around her face, her fangs shine through her smile. She takes the rabbit, hisses as she sinks her teeth into the rabbits throat. She could not turn away from the women her hunger as gotten the best of her. She drains the rabbit. Wipes her mouth. Hands the rabbit back to the woman.*

Thank you.

*She hated being nice to others but after what just happen she felt a little bad*

**Still poised and ready to fight, Mishrona takes a step back as the woman sinks her teeth into the rabbit. She forces herself not to run, scare to death as she is. She knows the woman could have easily attacked her, but chose not to. That should say something about her, and this is a woman she definitely wanted on her side in a battle.**

Once she is finished, Mish takes the proffered carcass and tosses it down just outside the fire. After a few deep breaths, she speaks, "Once everyone else is up, I can go and see if I can put down a stag for your or something if you need it. Are you alright for now?"

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:19 PM
**While in the kitchen, De'Lana does her best at throwing together a few meals. Some with meat and some without. (insert percentile roll With a few meals stacked on her arms and in her hands, she heads back out and takes them around to all and offers them out. Trying to remember who does and does not eat meat. The woman at the bar is the first one she goes to.**

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 08:16 PM

*She tightens her fist, starts to grind her teeth.*

Any raw meat or anything?

*Her eyes seems to glow brighter with each passing minute.*

"I do have that. Let me help you. I caught a rabbit last night while I was out." She backs up to her pack, no turning her back on the new woman. She fishes out the rabbit and unwraps it. Then moves back towards the woman, holding it out to her. "I am a good hunter, I can get you more if you need it."

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