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Sex before mariage
To set the record straight, The Bible is True and every man is a liar.. With that being said, we as Christains which means to be Christ like are not to engage into sex before marriage for one good reason.. The Bible saids not to.. We mock God when we do things that his word saids not to do.. therefore we cannot draw closer to God because of the mockery in our lives.. yes he forgives and he continues to love us yes we might even have some power but we lack his authority.. so demons laugh the world laughs when we speak..if we cut the mockery we acknowlege God and we gain right to use God's Authority in our own lives... Whatever area of our lives that's not open or surrendered to God Belongs to satan..and God wants all of us or he will take none of us.. That's many are called but few are chosen... If you are a man or women who is caught up watching porn.. You are mocking God.. if you watch shows that promotes gay or lesbian you are mocking God.. The seed of Porn and the rest of those kinda shows promotes gay lesbian lifestyles.. Think about God created male and female for each other Satan seeks to pervert everything that God promotes so satans agenda has to be the opposite no matter the pleasure you recieve from the incident the seed of mockery is Satan's goal in each Christian Life and the world over.. For it is written that God will not be mocked... check the scriptures for yourselves if you don't believe the messenger of freedom.. God Bless
P.S. Whatever you run to when you are upset that is your god... Many will say Lord Lord... some of you know the rest of this scripture.. God is doing something new in his church the dream of Tommy Hicks is on the rise the True Church is about to stand on her feet to give God the Glory he so rightfully deserves... Hear what the Spirit Of God is Saying to the Church.... |