Community > Posts By > Macdreamer

Macdreamer's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:55 PM

Jan, your a nurse...what can cause your feet to swell REALLY bad for no reason??? This has been happening to me off and on for a while now.

Me, too. It has been happening alot recently, and I can't discover a pattern. There has to be a cause, but I don't know what it is, and I asked my doctor, who also doesn't know why...slaphead

Guess we are women of mystery...laugh

I'd like to solve that mystery...or just make it go away...:laughing:

Macdreamer's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:52 PM

Jan, your a nurse...what can cause your feet to swell REALLY bad for no reason??? This has been happening to me off and on for a while now.

Me, too. It has been happening alot recently, and I can't discover a pattern. There has to be a cause, but I don't know what it is, and I asked my doctor, who also doesn't know why...slaphead

Macdreamer's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:50 PM
We had our holiday meal and gift opening yesterday afternoon, then I went to church by myself, since nobody was willing to go with me.
It was a nice service, and I am glad I went.

How was your Christmas?

Macdreamer's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:44 PM

Merry Christmas...smile2

Same to was your day?

I worked my regular shift, then drove a co-worker home.
Just got home myself a little while ago. It's slow-going
on the roads tonight.

Yeah, the front changed and you guys got what we were suppose to. Got ice here and about 4 inches of snow. Very cold too, but not as bad as they had first predicted.

But you got the worst last time.

We have 3 foot drifts here. Makes it a bit hard to get around.

Macdreamer's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:39 PM

Merry Christmas...smile2

Same to was your day?

I worked my regular shift, then drove a co-worker home.
Just got home myself a little while ago. It's slow-going
on the roads tonight.

Macdreamer's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:22 PM
Merry Christmas...smile2

Macdreamer's photo
Fri 12/25/09 04:07 AM
Good morning everybody
I'm headed out into the snow to trek to work

I hope everybody has a great Christmas...drinker flowerforyou

Macdreamer's photo
Thu 12/24/09 07:53 PM

Merry Christmas to everyone ! This Christmas eve I feel fortunate to know everyone here. The blessing of frienship is truly a wonderful thing. Take care and I hope Snata brings your biggest wish. :wink:

Merry Christmas, Rob.....I hope yours is a good one..flowerforyou

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 07:12 PM
I need to call it a night, too.
I have alot to do tomorrow, and have to start early...

Good night all...waving

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 07:06 PM
Good night Tim....
Sleep well.

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:55 PM

Hi Tim
Hi Mary

When is the storm expected?
I haven't been paying attention...
Just work, work , work.....

Wed. through Thursday....think you will be spared by the looks of the models so far
Wed through Friday here

yeah yer right Tim...they did change it to through Friday...opps

well it;s going to rain here!grumble

I'm expecting ice pellets.....wanna trade? :laughing:

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:54 PM
Good night Betty flowerforyou

Hi John..waving

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:48 PM

Hi Tim
Hi Mary

When is the storm expected?
I haven't been paying attention...
Just work, work , work.....
for you Wed and Thursday Jan

Thanks, Tim...
I especially relish those ice pellets on Wednesday...slaphead

Oh well...I work that day, and it's not far from my house. ANd I plan to have everything else done before then...

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:44 PM

Hi Tim
Hi Mary

When is the storm expected?
I haven't been paying attention...
Just work, work , work.....

Wed. through Thursday....think you will be spared by the looks of the models so far

It really doesn't matter to me what happens this week...just so my brothers can travel here next week...coming from Dubuque, and from Columbus, OH.

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:39 PM
Hi Vivian waving

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:38 PM

Hi Janflowerforyou
Are you keeping warm?'s balmy here...been in the 30's the last couple days.

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:37 PM

So Jan,what are your plans for Christmas? Do you have to work?

Off Christmas eve,
work Christmas day....

My brothers are supposed to come in about 3 days after Christmas
for out celebration with Dad...I hope the roads are OK for it.

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:36 PM
Hi Tim
Hi Mary

When is the storm expected?
I haven't been paying attention...
Just work, work , work.....

Macdreamer's photo
Sun 12/20/09 06:33 PM
Good evening...waving

Macdreamer's photo
Thu 12/17/09 07:22 PM

well folks
Time for me tosay good night!flowerforyou

Me too....
Good night Betty....flowerforyou
Good night everybodywaving