Just new
Hi willing for meet up
Real love is when its free, and easy going and natural, not following a preset list of rules based on the sins of past loves.When you work a lot of hours but give all your free time to someone,when your mate gives you a little time to keep up with other important people that where in your life way before them and not be jealous of them. The main thing is pressure,not squeezing someone to death with your love but showing them respect for their way of loving whether it fits your mold of not. To really listen to someones words and believe in their character as they pour out their secrets to you and show you where you can hurt them the most. Real love is not being a detective and searching for something that is not there but trusting someone. I mean after all you love them. People are full of flaws but communication is the main thing in my eyes, to function as a team and if things get heavy knowing when to back off and let another person breathe.Most of all trying not to analyze every second and every word but to really enjoy the person who professes their love to you. |
Loved it
If that person is willing to give you your happiness and that he cannot hurt you no matter what