Community > Posts By > Mai_Nasagawa

Mai_Nasagawa's photo
Thu 05/17/07 11:46 AM
Yes yes, Its sad and depressing I know ^_^ But its the only poem I ever
wrote lol, so i figured i'd post it.. surely im not the only one who's
ever felt this way. (this was written when i was 16 and having alot of
problems in my life.. i'm a much happier person now)

The Place That I Go
Gone again I am to my forbidden silence;
Into the darkness, the lonely sorrow-
that place where defeated,
man will lie to await the next step
in the story line that details his triumphs and failures
from the beginning of his first breath,
till the last leaves him.

It is a darkness that spans all time and space,
Each time I leave that place
it remains in my memories,
a distant calling I once followed that reaches out to me
to capture my soul and my emotions,
to cast them down and turn them black,
uncaring, hateful.

When I am there
there is no sound that leaves my lips
that is not disdainful, hurtful, full of pain
there is no action that i take
that is not uncaring, angry, drowning in self pity
The ugly abyss of tainted water
that leaves it's stench on all it touches
and can never be washed off,
can never be escaped.

This is the darkness,
the place I am left to
when i let that frown pull at my lips
when my eyes gaze off into another place
when i stop responding to the world around me...
i fall into that darknesss and let it claim me
let it creep and writhe its way into the core of everything that i am.
This is is the place that I go.

Mai_Nasagawa's photo
Tue 05/15/07 01:43 PM
okay wait.. im either old, ugly or a cartoon *looks at self* well im not
old.. and im not a cartoon.. so i must be fugly.. spiffy ^_^ as long as
we're clear on it... i could care less what a guy like this one thinks
of me.. someone who has to put others down to make themselves feel
better is really pathetic.

Mai_Nasagawa's photo
Tue 05/15/07 01:07 PM
People who think everyone alive has to be drop dead gorgeous and hawt..
has spent too much time watching tv. Everyone is handsome/pretty in
thier own way.. learn to look for that instead of comparing people to
models and movie stars. and i mean.. come on.. this is a singles site on
the internet >.> how many really pretty people are you expecting to run