Community > Posts By > BonnyMiss

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/10/10 03:07 PM

Wouldn't It be great if all women would just learn to cook ? ohwell

I mean how long is gonna take before women realize that the best and the surest way to man's heart is through his stomach "Real women don't cook" attitude that women have this days, just doesn't work pass the initial dating game.

If you want a happy mate (boyfriend/husband) cook for him like no other woman ever cooked before...and he may stray for some "strange" now and then, but he will always come back to you. flowerforyou

Taco Bell closed?

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:28 AM

Ohhhhh hell have a few beers even the wicked witch will look like a princess to ya............:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:21 AM

drinks flowers ( HAPPY BIRTHDAY )drinks flowers

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:20 AM

She is the BEST of the BEST!!! Beautiful lady, why arent U the queen yet?flowers flowers :heart: :heart: :banana: Happy Birthday!!!bigsmile

I have written to the new Prime Minister about my "Queen-ship".............. No reply yet!! laugh laugh laugh

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:17 AM

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:12 AM

Bonny, you are a wonderful person and I wish you a very happy birthday!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Thank you so much Lex, hope all is well with you.

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:10 AM

Hey Lady, have missed ya!!!! Hope all is well for you and life's journey has blessed you..........

If missing you was riches I would be able to buy an airplane, I miss you too sweetie, I am so looking forward to the summer, I will have a ton of playtime.

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:07 AM

Great LADY, proud to know her.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :thumbsup:


Awww, you guys are the greatest, I do miss you all, but real life is happening right now, work, studies, getting ready to being a first time, nana in September, I don't seem to get time to sit down to play with my online firends.

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:04 AM

Hey Lady, have missed ya!!!! Hope all is well for you and life's journey has blessed you..........

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 03:02 AM

Let's all wish her the best on this fine day...she has touched so many hearts, love ya sis!!!

To my sis, thank you so much, now where's the Cabana Boy you promised me? drool flowers flowers flowers

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 06/03/10 02:58 AM

Oh dear, I've been "Happy Birthdayed" laugh Thank you so much to Frank for making this thread and to all my other friends who did not forget my special day. Thank you so much.* Blowing kisses to you all*.flowers

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 04/08/10 02:32 PM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Buttered buns Bonny drinker that's your new name laugh

Shhhhhh! You're not supposed to tell anyone abut my buns!! :wink:

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 04/08/10 02:28 PM

i admire charles for creating such a nice site. bigsmile

(where's the butt-kissing smilie anyway?) have something brown on your nose laugh

That would be my finger!! :tongue: :laughing:

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:54 PM

ill ill ill ill waving Hey, Bonny. Excuse me while I vomit a bit in my mouth...ill ill

Hey waving You're excused laugh Please do not mention the V word, had enough of it at work, kids coming to the first aid room for sick bags this week.......... Grrr, why did I sign up as a first aider?! frustrated frustrated

Can we call it "refunding" then? laugh laugh laugh

Refunding,recycling,regurgitating, same difference. laugh laugh Got to go folks, work calls, have a good day, and thank you for the laughs, God knows, I needed it. flowerforyou waving

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:47 PM

does bad milk go well with buttered buns???? bigsmile

Yes it does..............It's called extra thick soured cream! laugh laugh laugh laugh

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:39 PM

ill ill ill ill waving Hey, Bonny. Excuse me while I vomit a bit in my mouth...ill ill

Hey waving You're excused laugh Please do not mention the V word, had enough of it at work, kids coming to the first aid room for sick bags this week.......... Grrr, why did I sign up as a first aider?! frustrated frustrated

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:28 PM

OMG!! Best snort I've had all day!!!rofl That would have sucked but had it not happened I wouldn't of had anything to laugh at so early in the morning!tongue2

no no no!!!! don't snort it. the chunks will get stuck up your noselaugh

I had a serious response all ready and bam! ill rofl rofl rofl

Sorry, couldn't help it, I could have said "If you leave it a bit longer you could have cheese as well". devil

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:11 PM
Lucky you, milk AND yogurt in the same carton. bigsmile

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:07 PM

ahhhhh I miss ya too. I was thinking about buttering buns the other night so naturally I thought of you laugh

Today is buttered buns day......... Hot cross (buttered) buns, that is. :laughing: :laughing: :banana:

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:02 PM
AHHHHHHHH!!!! Miss Yellowrose, how are you hun? I've missed you so. flowerforyou

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