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Topic: DAM LIARS!!
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Wed 03/31/10 11:08 PM
so I buy a small carton of milk at the store, the expiration date on it was april 15, I open it, pour it in a glass,take a sip and WHAM! the milk is already old! and tastes nasty as f**k!! so I run to the sink and rinse my mouth and brush my teethsick so I pour it out and a few little chunks of milk come out....THOSE DAM LIARS!!rant

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:11 PM
I hate matter what you do, you can't get the taste out of your mouthill

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:11 PM
Lucky you, milk AND yogurt in the same carton. bigsmile

Tessa02's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:12 PM
OMG!! Best snort I've had all day!!!rofl That would have sucked but had it not happened I wouldn't of had anything to laugh at so early in the morning!tongue2

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:15 PM

OMG!! Best snort I've had all day!!!rofl That would have sucked but had it not happened I wouldn't of had anything to laugh at so early in the morning!tongue2

no no no!!!! don't snort it. the chunks will get stuck up your noselaugh

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:16 PM

OMG!! Best snort I've had all day!!!rofl That would have sucked but had it not happened I wouldn't of had anything to laugh at so early in the morning!tongue2

no no no!!!! don't snort it. the chunks will get stuck up your noselaugh

I had a serious response all ready and bam! ill rofl rofl rofl

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:18 PM
laugh sorry Jen. Did I ruin your moment? :angel:

Tessa02's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:21 PM
I swear I hate it when I snort!! I can't help it when I laugh! Oh, I used cheesecloth to filter out the curdles!!rofl

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:23 PM

laugh sorry Jen. Did I ruin your moment? :angel:

No, not at all! :laughing: I'm lactose intolerant thank God!! :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:24 PM
That's gross. I would so call them up and b!tch them out about that.grumble

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:24 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I'll never look at milk the same way. it does taste nasty though

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:26 PM

so I buy a small carton of milk at the store, the expiration date on it was april 15, I open it, pour it in a glass,take a sip and WHAM! the milk is already old! and tastes nasty as f**k!! so I run to the sink and rinse my mouth and brush my teethsick so I pour it out and a few little chunks of milk come out....THOSE DAM LIARS!!rant

okay, first, you might wanna try some hot sauce, like really effing hot like Predator or Ghost. Next, lets assume for a moment that your grocery store didn't lie. It is possible some insensitive prikk or a punk took that milk out of the case, set it on a shelf somewhere, then someone else found it and put it back in the cold case. Hope you saved your receipt and the carton. Pay a visit to the store manager and ask for satisfaction regarding this concern. Maybe they'll let you have a new milk for free, or 2 for 1.

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:28 PM

OMG!! Best snort I've had all day!!!rofl That would have sucked but had it not happened I wouldn't of had anything to laugh at so early in the morning!tongue2

no no no!!!! don't snort it. the chunks will get stuck up your noselaugh

I had a serious response all ready and bam! ill rofl rofl rofl

Sorry, couldn't help it, I could have said "If you leave it a bit longer you could have cheese as well". devil

boredinaz06's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:31 PM

My high school girlfriend aged like milk.

no photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:33 PM

OMG!! Best snort I've had all day!!!rofl That would have sucked but had it not happened I wouldn't of had anything to laugh at so early in the morning!tongue2

no no no!!!! don't snort it. the chunks will get stuck up your noselaugh

I had a serious response all ready and bam! ill rofl rofl rofl

Sorry, couldn't help it, I could have said "If you leave it a bit longer you could have cheese as well". devil

ill ill ill ill waving Hey, Bonny. Excuse me while I vomit a bit in my mouth...ill ill

Tessa02's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:35 PM
Hey, I've snorted a lot of stuff & milk isn't one of em!rofl

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:39 PM

ill ill ill ill waving Hey, Bonny. Excuse me while I vomit a bit in my mouth...ill ill

Hey waving You're excused laugh Please do not mention the V word, had enough of it at work, kids coming to the first aid room for sick bags this week.......... Grrr, why did I sign up as a first aider?! frustrated frustrated

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:40 PM
does bad milk go well with buttered buns???? bigsmile

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:42 PM

ill ill ill ill waving Hey, Bonny. Excuse me while I vomit a bit in my mouth...ill ill

Hey waving You're excused laugh Please do not mention the V word, had enough of it at work, kids coming to the first aid room for sick bags this week.......... Grrr, why did I sign up as a first aider?! frustrated frustrated

Can we call it "refunding" then? laugh laugh laugh

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 03/31/10 11:47 PM

does bad milk go well with buttered buns???? bigsmile

Yes it does..............It's called extra thick soured cream! laugh laugh laugh laugh

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