Tough times
How is the depression affecting you? Personally I don't know how I will survive much longer. I haven't worked in over a month. my bank account is down to my last 50 bucks. I have a stack of bills that I cannot pay. I spend a lot of time looking for work and it just seems hopeless. What jobs I have found in the last year don't pay much. I never thought I'd see America in such a sad state of affairs. I know I'm not the only one struggling to survive, god help us all.
Dude, that really sucks. Thats like a double kick in the nuts. I wish I knew what to say.
Alcohol free and happy
Thank you all for your kind words. Its amazing how people want to support me in this. Even my old drinking buddies are glad to see me sober. And I haven't gone to one AA meeting. I was court ordered to go when I got my first d.u.i. back in 1996. Those meetings were depressing, listening to people talk about how alcohol destroyed their lives just made me want to go home and get drunk. But I know people who have been sober for many years and they credit AA for their success. So I think if your struggling with it AA might be a good resource.
possibly its because people have a strong uncontrollable need to spread their genes around. The more people you breed with the better you chance for success.
Hellooooo Coloradoans!
I like to go cow tippin but i just been here since 1992, I was raised in Los Angeles, theres a lot to do in los angeles. Maybe you'd be happier there.
Alcohol free and happy
Edited by
Fri 09/18/09 09:45 PM
Ive been alcohol free for almost 3 years and things are so much better now. after my second d.u.i. in 2006 I went through a lot of grief. After several months of alcohol classes I was still drinking and it was still causing me problems. Then one night, I found myself driving home after drinking again, I was so nervous knowing that if I was cought again I was facing A year in jail. I think thats when it happened, I decided right then and there that I was done. I decided that as much as I loved to go out and party with my friends the only way to guarantee my freedom and not turn control of my life over to the authorities was to just give it up. Besides when I thought about it alcohol had really been a destructive force in my life for a long time, costing me money, pain, agony and the love of some wonderful women. The thing is It wasn't anything anyone else did I had to make the choice, you cannot force anyone to do anything no matter how much they punish you they cannot force you to do It. Going to the classes and talking to friends they made it seem like such a difficult and lifelong struggle. But I found that once I made that choice it was much easier than I had anticipated, and before long I didn't miss drinking at all. Being sober has so many advantages. I feel better, I started dreaming again like when I was a kid, I imagin that I'm more fun to hang out with and life's just generally much better. If alcohol is causing you problems you should try quitting too, trust me you'll be glad you did.
Nothing matters
Taking a crap matters
Unified Cosmic Body
Ive had these thoughts for some time now, that there is much more going on than we are consciously aware of. That the universe is like a gigantic brain with its own consciousness, maybe thats what god is. Perhaps the universe evolved to become aware of itself. And we are the consciousness of everything observing itself. The general nature of all matter to evolve into more complex forms suggests to me a greater knowledge behind everything. And we are still evolving. Perhaps the creator evolved in a similar way, and at the end of our journey we all create our own universe. I'm not sure this is what I'm really trying to say, but its close.
No I was pretty irresponsible, besides i moved from cali to colorado when I was 18 so I never received the papers.
I never registered, Im 42 and they still haven't sent me to sing sing so I don't know. ps please don't turn me in.
favorite Van Halen song
vh is no longer relevant |
favorite Van Halen song
love em all, but my fav id have to say I'll wait. my fav with sammy has to be 5150
I tried facebook, after a couple weeks I decided it was lame so I cancelled my account. I mean some of my friends om there would post every little detail of there lives, Who cares? This one woman would write what she had for breakfast and shes hot see, so all her guy gocker followers would comment on her every stupid little post like oh wow you had grapefruit thats so cool. I guess she loves the attention. I mean if I want to contact my friends n family I much prefer to call them and talk. I think these social networks keep people from actually talkng. Plus theres Email I can send a message to someone, I don't need all my other friends to read it. I just think its lame thats all. But what do I know anyway.
Metal anyone?
All I listen to these days is Death Magnetic, Sickest album Ive ever heard.
dating in los Angeles
Its not just L.A. women are like that everywhere these days. Its spreading fast in this age of instant communication. But I think your best bet is to go the total ahole route, thats all they respect.
The girl that forced me to stop drinking
What's your ring tone?
old fashion ring really loud brrriingg bbrriiinng