This concert came together quickly to go on tv. Nobody expected this pandemic. Did you watch it? What did you think? I missed it. |
In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country. ^^^^^ To the Democrats maybe but Biden is Way worse in leadership of anything! Biden can listen, that is a first step, being that no person truly knows everything about everything. Biden can disagree without it being personal, which is another big step forward in my book. Biden has not had six bankruptcies in his 'impressive' career following his daddy's footsteps and growing daddy's business with daddyy's name. To me, he is far more of a leader than Trump who seems more like a senile spoiled child used to having those around him kiss his but because of the dollar signs. |
I would normally agree. But with world leaders, it is a different ballgame. Their position REQUIRES a certain personality, or demeanor, to 'represent' the American people when Networking with leaders around the world. It is as important as the professional demeanor in any other job. What is especially important is demeanor while in the public eye and carrying out their duties in their position. That, to me, is significant. I also care about character, in so much as the integrity one shows in carrying out their duties. Most of the time, when someone is caught in a lie on their resume, the hiring officials quickly pass them over. When someone has a resume that shows a lack of competence or experience for the duties, or when they come into an interview behaving in certain manners, they are passed over for more 'professional' candidates. A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS. Now, if one goes home and kicks their dog and cheats on their spouse, that is irrelevant to the job. But in any job, demeanor ON the job does absolutely matter. And POTUS has no set work schedule. But certainly, any time they are representing US interests, or addressing US citizens, they are 'on the job', where their demeanor should matter as much as any one else when they go to their job. I disagree. I have not seen the trend of fraud, incompetence, or unprofessional demeanor in my fifty years on this Earth in the White House. Even with those I did not agree with, they were professional in their demeanor and not completely incompetent in the position. |
Why is it that people are quick to put blame on Trump. It is the government within the government which want to destroy us for their greed and power. The government is just an entity, an entity of Humans allegedly representing the current values and priorities of the other humans who elect them. I hold people accountable for their actions, their words, and the consistency between them. I hold Trump accountable the same way. I do not believe the government 'wants' anything. I believe the humans working in government individually want different things. I believe Trump just wants to keep and grow his own wealth and status, without real concern for anything or anyone else. |
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Thu 04/30/20 09:04 PM
It is unfortunate that the continent of Asia does not have a presidential election for Trump to represent it.
In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country. You are right. By default, American President does represent the continent of Asia minus communist interests! Terrorism dropped like a rock Russia is on ice. China lost interest on Greenland This is apart from N. Korea, Iran, Afghanistan (the new deal), Yemen .. From our Asian World View, Barrack 'failed us'. We had great expectations but then what may one expect of a man who gets awarded the Nobel the day after he is elected - simply for being black - and then has the presidential demeanor to accept it! Barrack's double standard demeanor We invited him as Chief Guest on our Republic Day, and next day he flew over to Pakistan and signed off a 9 billion dollar military loan!! Barrack's failure to save Syria - a refresher At the height of the Syrian civil war against their military ruler, Putin flew in a few MIGs to Syria; and Barrack did nothing but support the civilians covertly like in Afghanistan. Iranian military advisers / troops then stepped into Syria. It was then that a flood of refugees traveled to Europe. While Barrack & EU wanted to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran, Trump replaced it with the heaviest sanction for it's Syrian adventure. But too late for Syria and a new democratic revolutionary movement in the Islamic world. --x Now Putin flies two MIGs to Venezuela.., and Americans laugh. Like I said, I wish we could give him to Asia, so anything that improves there can somehow be used to pat him on the back some more, his favorite thing. By the way, OBama had the NPP in 2009: for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." to say he receive it just for 'being black' would be like claiming Trump is POTUS just for 'being rich his whole life'. I am sure not all continents and countries will see the gains they wish to, regardless of what POTUS the US has. It is a big world. A leader's priority is their own nation. They cannot be Gods taking care of the whole world's affairs. |
I would normally agree. But with world leaders, it is a different ballgame. Their position REQUIRES a certain personality, or demeanor, to 'represent' the American people when Networking with leaders around the world. It is as important as the professional demeanor in any other job. What is especially important is demeanor while in the public eye and carrying out their duties in their position. That, to me, is significant. I also care about character, in so much as the integrity one shows in carrying out their duties. Most of the time, when someone is caught in a lie on their resume, the hiring officials quickly pass them over. When someone has a resume that shows a lack of competence or experience for the duties, or when they come into an interview behaving in certain manners, they are passed over for more 'professional' candidates. A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS. Now, if one goes home and kicks their dog and cheats on their spouse, that is irrelevant to the job. But in any job, demeanor ON the job does absolutely matter. And POTUS has no set work schedule. But certainly, any time they are representing US interests, or addressing US citizens, they are 'on the job', where their demeanor should matter as much as any one else when they go to their job. As far as Asia is concerned, Trump is straight forward; dependable and we have seen terrorism drop like never before. Asian View: As an example, Indian PM seems to get along extremely well with President Trump. He has an understanding with Chinese Premier Xi although we have some struggles. Also with Russia's Putin - an old socialist comrade. It may be noted that in Asia, media has limited influence as compared to say the Guardian in UK - which seems to decide UK's foreign policy. It is unfortunate that the continent of Asia does not have a presidential election for Trump to represent it. In America, he sucks in his leadership of the country. |
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Thu 04/30/20 12:29 AM
Elected officials are just that...elected. Its not supposed to be lifelong position. Its meant to be surpassed by the one who can do what they are elected to do in the best way according to the people who elect at the time the elections are being made. Career politicians is a sign of lazy people failing to utilize the best person for the job at the term limits. Incumbents may not be the right person for the job at the time the term limit expires. Political careers (being in the political trade) might be okay but elected office should be one and done. You run but don't get elected, that's it, you can't run for that office again, ever. You do get elected, you do your term and you're done, that's it. If you don't do what you were elected to do, you get put out, face charges of fraud and possible jail time. I only agree with this if it is speaking about the same position. I do not think people should have a limit on how long they work in the 'field' of politics. Politics is a field of work which can truly implement change, elected or not. And people that want to be in such a position should not have a limit on how long they can work in doing so, just how long in any ONE Position. I think people tend to be better with experience than when they are brand new, which is why I think that constant turnover of other 'new' people to the field of politics is a bad idea. By all means, maybe do not have the same mayor for ten years, but nothing should stop the mayor, after a time, from becoming a governor, or the governor from becoming a senator, and so on. I also think years worked should be based on the same 40 hours a week/50 weeks a year (2000 hours a year) that anyone else must work, with time spent on work related activity being logged and transparent and documented. Some will do that 2000 hours in much less than a calendar year, some might not do it in two or three. But each 2000 hours should count towards a year's worth of pension. I think that allotment should include all hours worked for the state or federal government in an elected position, accumulated over all elected positions held. |
all elected officials in the U.S. should be allowed only ONE six year term in office. No worries or distractions about being re-elected and long enough to make a difference. What say you? I say two terms, like a POTUS, but term limits for certain. Let them keep retirement. They don't collect until after 62 UNLESS they have served 20 years. Two terms defeats the reasoning behind the idea. The drive to get re-elected is a MAJOR distraction from doing the job they were elected to do. I do not understand. What idea does it defeat? Since Washington, two terms has been the standard limit for Presidents, with the exclusion of FDR, who had three. It defeats the idea of them focusing solely on their job unless you believe part of their job is finagling ways to get re-elected. The system was put in place 240 years ago. I'm thinking it's time we tweak it a bit. Not to me. I am not in Congress and I focus on keeping my job too, by doing it well. Elected officials are human, like us, and I do not see an issue with them wanting to hang on to their positions, especially in a position they enjoy having and are able to make change in. |
Where you can be comfortable with your partner , cuddle naked, shower together deep tongue kissing , tease...rubbing, explore.. but no penetration until marriage or agree to. I have an unconventional view on sex. Sex is not sex without penetration. Everything else is foreplay or teasing. So yeah, to me, what you describe is platonic, without sex. |
Let them go out and earn a living outside of politics before and after their term. They already have to do that if they have not reached the age of 62 to collect. Before their term, they also would have had to earn a living somehow. |
all elected officials in the U.S. should be allowed only ONE six year term in office. No worries or distractions about being re-elected and long enough to make a difference. What say you? I say two terms, like a POTUS, but term limits for certain. Let them keep retirement. They don't collect until after 62 UNLESS they have served 20 years. Two terms defeats the reasoning behind the idea. The drive to get re-elected is a MAJOR distraction from doing the job they were elected to do. I do not understand. What idea does it defeat? Since Washington, two terms has been the standard limit for Presidents, with the exclusion of FDR, who had three. |
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Wed 04/29/20 10:19 AM
I would normally agree. But with world leaders, it is a different ballgame. Their position REQUIRES a certain personality, or demeanor, to 'represent' the American people when Networking with leaders around the world. It is as important as the professional demeanor in any other job.
What is especially important is demeanor while in the public eye and carrying out their duties in their position. That, to me, is significant. I also care about character, in so much as the integrity one shows in carrying out their duties. Most of the time, when someone is caught in a lie on their resume, the hiring officials quickly pass them over. When someone has a resume that shows a lack of competence or experience for the duties, or when they come into an interview behaving in certain manners, they are passed over for more 'professional' candidates. A past trend of fraud and/or incompetence, or an unprofessional demeanor are significant personal flaws that I consider when considering the office of POTUS. Now, if one goes home and kicks their dog and cheats on their spouse, that is irrelevant to the job. But in any job, demeanor ON the job does absolutely matter. And POTUS has no set work schedule. But certainly, any time they are representing US interests, or addressing US citizens, they are 'on the job', where their demeanor should matter as much as any one else when they go to their job. |
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Wed 04/29/20 10:06 AM
all elected officials in the U.S. should be allowed only ONE six year term in office. No worries or distractions about being re-elected and long enough to make a difference. What say you? I say two terms, like a POTUS, but term limits for certain. Let them keep retirement. They don't collect until after 62 UNLESS they have served 20 years. |
What is love????
You know, I have been seeing things very philosophically lately. I have to say I do not know what love is definitively. I think what we label as 'love' may not be what 'love' really is. For me, 'love' is a deep desire for happiness for someone besides ourselves. However, there is also Christian love of our neighbor, which calls upon the same feeling, but not as intensely or personally.
If actual physiology can change in Pavlov's dogs by the conditioning of outside stimuli, I am not so sure that the things we explain as what we 'feel' is not also a result of the same conditioning of the stimuli in our own lives. There is on man that I still love dearly. But he has never completely left my life, and he is a wonderful dad to our child, which has been able to continue fueling the feeling of 'love'. However, I once felt that 'love' with two others, who have long since left my life, along with that feeling. I wonder, had they remained some part of my life that fueled respect for them, would I still be feeling the deep kind of love for them too? IF my child's father had left, would I still love him dearly? Conditioning is a major part of whatever we call 'love'. But I do know it ebbs, and flows, and evolves, and regresses, depending on our environment and circumstances. |
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Tue 04/28/20 08:39 PM
Leaders in Washington have no wisdom, knowledge, discretion or understanding as to what this Nation really needs . It's a fallen World. The hearts and minds of many people are corrupt. Don't blame things all on Trump! I do not. Trump is an effect, not a cause. Fortunately, or unfortunately, our 'leaders' are a reflection of our prominent culture. The electorate selects those they can see themselves in. AOC is a complete moron who represents Gen Y. All those little morons are afraid of Liberty so they drive themselves into the ground. "Freedom within reason" is to much responsibility for them to handle so they reject reality. 🤣 ![]() Sanders represents all those hippies from the Baby Boomer generation who sit around talking about how the commie state is the "bestest evor". A bunch of knuckleheads smoking their dope and not doing anything useful for themselves or others. ![]() ![]() Trump is a Constitutionalist/Centralist in most things. Super Troll on the net and people like to watch the "Drama". He's giving all these politicians opportunity to run around and show people what they really stand for. Give them enough rope to hang themselves. ![]() "Step right up and see the two-headed dog with five legs". ![]() AOC is not running for POTUS thankfully. She is elected congresswoman by the people in her district at only 30. The electorate there obviously saw themselves in her. She has a lifetime of experience and knowledge to gain, but the right age and place to start. "liberty" and 'rights', as far as I can tell, are completely subjective concepts to liberals and conservatives, called upon as protest when they cannot have or do as they please, to insist that they should be free to do those things. I also think 'communist' is a false flag waived by the non 'hippies' who like to label people with fear tactics. I have not once actually heard anyone tout communism or use the phrase 'bestest ever'. I also do not know too many 50-70 year olds who sit around 'smoking dope', but quite a few above 65 who now longer work a traditional job because they are RETIRED, but are not necessarily doing 'nothing'. Trump does not even know the constitution, and the only 'center' that matters to him is himself. Step right up and see the Emperor with No Clothes and his cult of merry men and women, touting how exquisite his gown is because it is not what any of the other Emperors are wearing. |
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Tue 04/28/20 09:42 AM
Leaders in Washington have no wisdom, knowledge, discretion or understanding as to what this Nation really needs . It's a fallen World. The hearts and minds of many people are corrupt. Don't blame things all on Trump! I do not. Trump is an effect, not a cause. Fortunately, or unfortunately, our 'leaders' are a reflection of our prominent culture. The electorate selects those they can see themselves in. |
soccioeconomic status and Safety are not mutually inclusive of health State of Mind has direct correlation with life expectancy - any heart doctor will tell you that. May not be out of thee way to include the America of the 60s in the examples - the hate for Russia - not because they were Communists but because of the ever hanging presence of the Nuclear Missiles threat. Hate is not a healthy emotion. Rest of World hated your CIA. It's amazing how far the world has moved in the last 6 decades. Instead of CIA it is now CNN. Not much. The Bloomberg Global Health Index is a study that ranks 163 countries based on variables such as life expectancy, environmental factors, and health risks including malnutrition, high blood pressure, and tobacco use Bloomberg is a fancy magazine for fancy people. Finland The happiest country according to Bloomberg - has a population of 5.5 million people - same as Singapore - & a woman prime minister, aged 34 Spain the healthiest according to Bloomberg - The similarities between Venezuela and Spain are astounding - Socialists an increasing population of the unemployed young in a rising costs economy - Worst hit country by Convid in Europe Bloomberg's offers Hypothesize that Bloomberg offers you a A) 10 year paid vacation in both Finland and Spain. Only condition you will not return to the US during this period? B) Life long paid vacation only condition you will not return to US except for, say a month per year. Will you risk dear old USA for Bloomberg's vacation of health & happiness? --xx- And that's precisely the point - Finland and Spain have nothing to do with America, or the Trump Presidency? - and Bloomberg's list of countries have populations that are lesser than the 2 top city / states in the USA Devil is always in the details!! ![]() Spain and Finland, paid? YES. I absolutely take that deal. What it has to do with US is using the 'socialist' tags to invoke fear in US citizens. IT also has to do with the US when comparing the types of programs that motivate that claim, and how they are used around the world in very healthy, happy countries. |
All rankings of states and countries are dependent on the criteria you choose. For those to be of value to you, you have to agree with the chosen criteria. Assuming any ranking is accurate requires your knowledge of and agreement with those criteria. Devil is always in the details!! There has to be some point for comparison. I agree with the points. |
Firstly, Trump improved nothing but the sustainability of the uber rich. I am not one of them, nor are most on this board. Secondly, his display of 'leadership' during crisis has been horrific. And finally, I tire of the 'socialist' fear tactic. If you look for a list of the happiest countries, you might find this: 10. Austria 9. Canada 8. New Zealand 7. Sweden 6. Switzerland 5. Netherlands 4. Iceland 3. Norway 2. Denmark 1. Finland If you look for the healthiest countries, you might find this: 10. Israel 9. Norway 8. Singapore 7. Australia 6. Sweden 5. Switzerland 4. Japan 3. Iceland 2. Italy 1. Spain Most of these countries have some type of programs that are sold as 'socialist' in our country, yet they are either happier AND/OR healthier than we are. So yeah, if that is what 'socialist' is, maybe it is better than what we are doing, not being on EITHER list. Don't want to distract attention from Trump but the list of 'healthiest countries' needs to be re-evaluated in light of Covid. It seems to be from a traveler's guide We should look at health from respective citizens living conditions - shouldn't we! 10. Israel A tiny country surrounded by hostile neighbors. If you drive for 4 hours you have traveled from one border to another. Most people die due to cardiac arrest. Israeli has developed SmartWatch that warns of Cardiac Arrest Before it Occurs so that their defense personnel can be replaced in time. 9. Norway 8. Singapore So expensive it is that apartments - no grounds for homes or trees - are squeezed for space like self contained containers. 7. Australia We forget that Australian summers are hotter and longer than the Sahara; and most of interior Australia - hard desert. 6. Sweden 5. Switzerland The economy runs on tourism, some technology and mostly as keepers' of world's black money. Although Swiss cheese is famous, as a citizen, greens are un-affordable! 4. Japan 3. Iceland The land where polar bears forage trashcans in your neighborhood. 2. Italy While Italy may be a tourist attraction, for Italians life is no paradise. The economy, like Greece, was on verge of collapse - then Syrian crisis covered it up; and now Covid. Living conditions are so congested - like in some districts within Indian cities - that when Covid struck - ultimately whole regions had to be sealed. Patients in hospitals were treated as corpses - i.e., left to die - hopefully as quick as possible. We know these things because one of our politician is half Italian. 1. Spain As of today, Spain is worst hit by pandemic in Europe - 23,000 dead and continuing --- From my travels, US is relatively a new and virgin land - and the regions between Mediterranean latitudes - states running below the 30th parallel - have the healthiest climate all year round - starting from Virginia to Florida - on the East Coast. soccioeconomic status and safety are not mutually inclusive of health The Bloomberg Global Health Index is a study that ranks 163 countries based on variables such as life expectancy, environmental factors, and health risks including malnutrition, high blood pressure, and tobacco use |
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Mon 04/27/20 12:57 AM
Human babies are resulting from the human race breeding. Thank you.