Community > Posts By > Jamie82

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Mon 06/08/09 05:37 AM

Doing great Jamie, thank you! and you?

Morning ((Linda))flowerforyou
How are you so far today?

Thats goodflowerforyou
I'm ok except for these bad allergiesgrumble

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Mon 06/08/09 05:31 AM
Morning ((Linda))flowerforyou
How are you so far today?

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Mon 06/08/09 05:30 AM
laugh This poor thread

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Mon 06/08/09 05:27 AM
waving Cindy
You tooflowerforyou

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Mon 06/08/09 05:16 AM

And for you all, I am thankful flowers

Thats great your grandkids are there
And like Cindy says you have all of us!!biggrin flowers

And we are of you!:heart:

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Mon 06/08/09 05:15 AM

when my daughter and her boyfriend moved into together they set up a house account in both their names, they kept their own accounts as well.

For the house account, they made a budget and at that time, they both put in equal amounts and anything that was house bills was paid out of the account. they also created a house savings account that they each put the same amount into each month in case they needed something extra. it took both signatures to take money out at the bank, and they each had on line access to both accounts. at the time, they each made about the same amount.

they have always had excellent communication...and still do after 10 years together and five years of marriage. I think that the communication is the key about it and come to a mutual agreement and then talk about it!!

Good Luck and enjoy!

Good advice, thanksflowerforyou

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Mon 06/08/09 05:05 AM

Providing you both can afford it, just split the bill's down the line. I wish you the best of luck.flowerforyou :heart:

He is a little better off then melaugh
But i will defintely pull my weight!

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Mon 06/08/09 05:04 AM
Good morning Grammyflowerforyou

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Mon 06/08/09 05:03 AM

flowers I have been good, picked my grandkids up Thrsday night and the trip about killed me, but they are here and I am glad about that. Tom and my grandson are going to Louisiana tears for a week, so I am going to be alone tears

Honestly still very tiredyawn
How have you been?

Thats great your grandkids are there
And like Cindy says you have all of us!!biggrin flowers

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Mon 06/08/09 04:51 AM

{{{{{jamie}}}}} Hi cutie pie, how are you? flowers :heart:


Good morning sweet ladyflowers :heart:

Honestly still very tiredyawn
How have you been?

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Mon 06/08/09 04:50 AM
waving Cindy

One day of work huh? That rocks:thumbsup:
I SHOULD of had work but i called inwhoa

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Mon 06/08/09 04:49 AM

Good morning sweet ladyflowers :heart:

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Mon 06/08/09 04:42 AM
Edited by Jamie82 on Mon 06/08/09 04:43 AM
So it's that time to "officially" move in together. How do you come up with who pays for what and who does what this type of thing? What is the best way to go about that?

It may be too early for me, sorry if my brain isn't functioning at full speed yetyawn shocked spock

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Sun 06/07/09 02:48 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Sat 06/06/09 11:06 AM
Hmm don't know how i feel about this exactly.

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Fri 06/05/09 04:02 PM
Well i'm just sayingwaving waving to you all

I have been busy and i'm kinda tired from work, i may pop in later if not have a great weekend everyone:banana: flowers flowers

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Fri 06/05/09 03:59 PM
Hi beckieflowerforyou

Hi Cindyflowerforyou

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Fri 06/05/09 03:58 PM
yes linda i amflowers


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Fri 06/05/09 03:51 PM
waving waving waving waving waving

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Tue 06/02/09 04:47 PM
I'm gonna go and watch some tv ladies
Hope you all have a good evening and chris returns soon
laugh flowers

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