there is another "founding fathers" quote that I can't remember exactly right now but it states, the citizens are obligated to overthrow the government if it becomes corrupt.
Those guys were f*cking brilliant! It's just too bad that no-one bothers to really understand exactly what the USA means, let alone defend what we are truly about..... [and no, I'm not some right-wing weirdo! I'm a San Fransisco weirdo!] |
The number one problem with our government is that WE (the citizens) have forgotten or have never learned that WE are the government (Constitutionally).
The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object. Thomas Jefferson |
yes, masturbation has its place. However, I'm f*cking tired of some idiot crying "I'm offended" over something I've said in the name of discourse. If this was ONLY a dating site, there would be no forums.
Yes, a petition could be construed as "mass censorship". However, it depends on the focus of the petition.
Devil's Advocate wears thin my friend. |
Topics should never be deleted. Period.
When we can not have conversation and debate on any subject, we are all screwed. Things are not always pleasant but unless we are able to debate and have our voices heard, we can not move forward. When people talk, things happen. |
We need to keep this topic on top. For no other reason than to shame those who would rather silence that which does not make them feel warm and fuzzy over true discourse.
yes, the censorship is rampant.
It's not so much the admin., rather it's the users. There are apparently loads of sissy users that can't stand dialogue. I had a topic removed two days ago because a bunch of "sensitive" users felt offended, attacked, whatever. I wish those who would censor topics would actually discuss instead of running off crying to big daddy/mommy first... |
what pisses you off?
When one is lazy in her communication, she is generally lazy in her thinking. The acronym "lol" has become meaningless. How many folks (who use this) are actually laughing out loud? The "lol" has replaced true adjective. |
what pisses you off?
ooooh baby, them's fightin' words! I think that how one writes is indicative of how one thinks. That may sound a**holish, but it's what I believe. If one is interested in "saving key strokes" then he isn't interested in true dialogue. |
I'm sorry for going off on a tangent----frustration, I guess. I agree with you. As I posted before, looking like a "bad-boy" and being a nice guy are not mutually exclusive. The most incredibly nice, good, noble man I've ever met, as well as dated, looks like the baddest of the bad boys. My only advice for you is not to compromise your ideals. It's easy for a man to screw around but you've got to ask yourself, "what do I want in a woman?" and stick to the answer. |
maybe it's wrong and shallow to be attracted to the "bad-boy" good looks, but the way I figure, I'm almost middle-aged and I try to maintain my health and fitness, so why shouldn't I expect the same in a man (older man. I'm not into the 20-somethings)? |
The issue is ALWAYS "the right one[s]". I was married for a long time (15 years---I look a lot younger than I am) and when I got back out there (here?), I found that men my age (35-45) were looking at 20-somethings. It is/was disturbing and frustrating. It seems that men and women have different prescribed rules---it's perfectly fine for men to want "hot" young women but women (when they are older) are supposed to accept whatever they can get as long as he's a "nice guy". I get crap from folks because I look at a man's physical looks as well as his personality; I hear all the time, "who cares what he looks like if he's a nice guy." |
kidatheart70 asks: What constitutes a good guy? What about a bad boy?
The answer to that will get me into trouble. However, in my experience, the two are not mutually exclusive. |
heehee. Sorry... |
Okay, I'm going to be honest and I don't imagine it will be received well.
I don't think women are looking for a jerk per se, but like men, women generally want someone physically attractive to them. Most or many jerky men look really good. |
what pisses you off?
As of right now:
* "chat-speak" (i.e. "lol," "OMG," "ROTFLMAO," etc...) * improper use of "your"/"you're" * when grown women are referred to as [a] "girl" (even worse, "gurl") * being poor |