If you could create a drug
Note: please do not take this wrong, there are people who need medicine and should take it. hey i take mine oraly
If you could create a drug
ive created a pill to give to ex girlfriends it keeps them in there mind a kool temp of 72 degrees
If you could create a drug
hi hi is there a echooooooo in hereeeeee
u guys are silly just having fun yall
its my new 2 minute werk out of strenching
huh no pirates but i can see my heart
ask me how i have tapes on how to????
look what i can do by myself
a russia men in me
i can see russia from my but
i talk do do alot
the steam is a blowin'
women love it
the steam is a blowin'
look what i can do
i got my head up my but