Community > Posts By > MiddleEarthling
I am so sick of this rhetoric urging war with Iran, and it's no wonder that POX is ringing the bell first. Iran would need the help of Korea to obtain a missle...egads, the whole concept is absurd when you consider our technologies and abilities to intercept missles and also the lack of motive for Iran to throw a rock at a tank. We are the ones in range yo! Politically POX is just parroting the GOP's talking points, probably a Rove gig, all in an effort to give president Barack Hussein Obama another war or trying to make him look weak for not invading Iran...screw that, I think Americans will not be fooled'd hope. Interesting: Recently the MIC was tossed out of Afghanistan...they now need another in Iran. I also wonder how much power the MIC really have with their GOP reps they own or if they have something pointed at the WH...these people want's what they do. And what makes you think Korea and Iran or any other Islamic country have not had meetings in banding together clandestine meetings are not out of the realm of things in government.........and its distractions of nuclear missile launches towards the US looking at its strika capabilities and knowledge grandmother is from S. Korea.......this is my theory N. Korea shoots of its missilies in order to turn the US head the other way while sneaking in the backdoor with technilogical information and plans towards war with the nuclear knowledge and building elsewhere.........then we have China that is more interested in advancement towards technology but I do not believe they are hostile in that direction nor do they want war over profitability.......but they do have N. Korea in their pocket and it may be the dictatorships banding together finacially and technilogically to take out the rest of the free world's protector........The US is debt finacially ruined with governmental infiltration already instittuted........what do you think is going on? North Korea is an Islamic country....well okay then. True gibberish... |
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Tue 10/05/10 04:59 PM
1993 after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, John Skilling said in an interview to the Seattle Times that according to their studies the World Trade Center was strong enough to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707. The only thing they were worried about was, in case of an airplane crash, the dumping of all airfuel into the building which would cause a hazardous fire. The building structure would still be there. just couldn't be that maybe he was WRONG?...i think he was...since they both fell... ![]() Vice Chairman, 9/11 Commission, Lee Hamilton, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Homeland Security Advisory Council: "We got started late; we had a very short time frame.… we did not have enough money.… We had a lot of people strongly opposed to what we did. We had a lot of trouble getting access to documents and to people.... So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail." 9/11 Commissioner, Timothy J. Roemer, PhD, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: "Panel members so distrusted testimony from Pentagon officials that they referred their concerns to the Pentagon's inspector general.… We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting." Senior Counsel, 9/11 Commission, John J. Farmer, Jr., Former Attorney General, NJ,Former Commissioner of the State Commission of Investigations: “Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public. "I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described.… The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years." So there you have it. The only reason these questions are unanswered is because the Cheney/Bush administration is still actively covering up their complicity or condoning of this atrocity. How about the 911 commission? ![]() have fun finding the i've listen to this crap for 9 years now and not one bit of proof.. looking for the truth is kind of like this: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey at least these ingnorant DB's help keep the thread alive...notice "they spent hundreds of millions" (investigating 9-11)...LOL...that shows they don't know what they are talking about...and to add this: ![]() Just tossing crap against the wall again. DEMAND JUSTICE!!! |
World For 9-11 Truth
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" Albert Einstein
So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all...... What passengers??...there were no bodies, or even plane debris recovered from the site, just a big smoking hole in the ground. So where'd they all go?? So the family members of all the people on the plane lied and they will show up any day now. I am so sure their families will be so happy to see them alive and well........ the deal was if they kept quiet the missing would be given a billion dollars of oil revenue from the iraq war and a 1 way ticket to Tahiti. pretty sweet.. They killed 3 thousand people in the attacks...what's another few hundred? Weird that people here defend and support the real criminals...if we fail to expose them then we will have to relive their terror. History 101. ![]() |
World For 9-11 Truth
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Mon 10/04/10 05:39 PM
The 9/11 Truth Movement
![]() "The 9/11 Truth Movement is comprised of 9/11 survivors and family members, building professionals, scientists, first responders, pilots, firefighters, police, scholars, lawyers, journalists and other media professionals, artists, politicians, intelligence and military personnel, whistle blowers, dedicated activists, citizens and many more. Every year since September 11, 2001, millions of people from around the world take time to investigate the discrepancies of the Bush Administration’s official story including reports such as the 9/11 Commission Report and the FEMA and NIST reports. As doubts grow and important questions remain unanswered, more people join the 9/11 truth movement each year. Is this surprising when both the Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas Kean and Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton declared in 2006 that “the 9/11 commission was set up to fail?” When many staff members and commissioners of that same Commission declared that the Pentagon’s initial story may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public? When much of 9/11 Commission’s findings cite intelligence garnered by torture? Click to read what 9/11 Commissionners, Senior Intelligence Officers, Congressmen and other government officials have to say about it (9th anniversary special article). Investigate 9/11 The questions we ask are serious. 9/11 has been used as a pretext for wars resulting in the death of far too many innocent men, women and children. It has also become the reason for unconstitutional laws like the PATRIOT ACT and other bills that were forced onto a blind and manipulated U.S. Congress. To ensure the word justice has a meaning for the generations to come, we demand a new and real independent 9/11 investigation. Please sign our 9/11 petition if you agree with us. Professional Organizations Supporting a New 9/11 Investigation ◦Architects and Engineers ◦Intelligence Officers ◦U.S. Military Officers ◦Journalists and Other Media Professionals ◦Actors and Artists ◦Firefighters ◦Political Leaders ◦Pilots ◦Scientists ◦Scholars ◦Medical Professionals ◦Lawyers ◦Religious Leaders ◦Magicians 9/11 Truth News Website and Citizen or Activist Organizations ◦World for 9/11 Truth ◦NYC CAN — New York City Coalition for Accountability Now ◦ ◦9/11 Blogger ◦911 Truth News ◦Visibility 9/11 ◦ReOpen911 (French) ◦9/11 Research ( ◦Journal of 9/11 Studies ◦Patriots Question 9/11 ◦We Are Change ◦Truth Action ◦Activist 9/11 (French) ◦FlyByNews ◦Infowars ◦David Ray Griffin Official Website 9/11 First Responders Support ◦FealGood Foundation Anti-War groups ◦Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) Worldwide 9/11 Groups United States ◦Anchorage ◦Aurora ◦Bellingham ◦Boston ◦Boulder ◦Carolina ◦Chicago ◦Chico ◦Cincinnati ◦Dallas ◦Davis ◦Denver ◦Durham / Chapel Hill ◦Fresno ◦Gators ◦Grand Junction ◦Greeley ◦Greensboro ◦Guerneville ◦Hollywood – Pasadena ◦Houston ◦Humboldt ◦Idaho ◦Kansas City ◦Los Angeles ◦Louisville ◦Maine ◦Milwaukee ◦Minnesota ◦Monadnock ◦Monterey ◦New York City ◦North California – Sonoma County ◦North Carolina ◦Northvale ◦Oklahoma ◦Orange County ◦Orlando ◦Ossining ◦Palo Alto ◦Pheonix ◦Pinole ◦Portland ◦Rhode Island ◦Sacramento ◦San Antonio ◦San Diego ◦San Francisco ◦San Jose ◦Santa Ana ◦Seattle ◦St. Louis ◦St. Paul ◦Tuscon ◦Vermont ◦Virginia ◦Washington International Australia ◦911oz Belgium ◦Belgium 9/11 Truth Canada ◦Canadians for 9/11 Truth ◦Montreal ◦Toronto ◦Vancouver ◦Ottawa ◦Calgary ◦Edmonton ◦Halifax ◦Kingston ◦Kitchener ◦Nanaimo ◦New Foundland & Labrador ◦Ottawa Truth Action ◦Quebec ◦Sarnia ◦Sherbrooke ◦Vernon ◦Victoria ◦Waterloo ◦Yukon Denmark ◦ ◦ ◦ Finland ◦uomen 9/11-toimintaryhmä France ◦ ◦ACTivist 911 Germany ◦ ◦9/11 Video Netherlands ◦DaanSpeak ◦Onderzoek 9/11 ◦Waarheid 9/11 ◦We Are Change New Zealand ◦9/11 Truth New Zealand Norway ◦Opprop for 9/11 Truth ◦9/11 Truth Norge Spain ◦Investigar-11s United Kingdom ◦9/11 UK Forum ◦London Truth Action ◦Bristol ◦Berkshire ◦London ◦Oxford ◦Skipton" Links here: |
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth
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Mon 10/04/10 05:19 PM
Why does there need to be a formal investigation when all the evidence provided by the truthers is so overwhelming? Missiles built to look like planes.. thermite.. thermate.. super thermite... nano thermite.. Buildings collapsing at free fall speed.. concrete crushed into dust.. explosions heard and smoke coming out of broken windows.. the Air Force not shooting down missiles disguised to look like civilian planes that were not occupied by the people that were supposed to be on the actual planes. Ted Olsen is a damn good actor!! I mean, come on.. With that kind of evidence how could anyone disagree? Oh, thanks for the lead-in! ![]() POOF! BAM! I FALL DOWN! Look at this pic and tell me that this is not an explosion...the concrete pilverizing into dust...the building's top floors and a fire cause this explostion? ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 10/04/10 05:07 PM
"Tracking the 19 Hijackers
What are they up to now? Up to at least 9* of them survived 9/11 A former high-level intelligence official told me, "Whatever trail was left was left deliberately--for the F.B.I. to chase." New Yorker 10/1/01 by Seymour Hersh. The FBI still says these are the terrorists.14 But when they are found alive, the FBI says their identity was stolen, and its not the terrorist.15 Remember that suspicious bin Laden "confession" video? How could he praise uninvolved living people12 for the 9/11 hijackings? If they stole identities, how did the FBI identify those passengers as terrorists? Not by flight calls, which contradict the FBI13 information! These aren't the first mistakes. FBI quickly had amended the original list8, as the original "suicide hijackers" came forward! ![]() *below it says 7 that we are sure are alive. The other 2 are not confirmed by the site below. ~~~ At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive |
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Does it surprise you that so many representatives voted against this bill? It shouldn't. The Republican Party is intent upon stopping all legislation until it can regain power. Doesn't matter that it's good legislation. The actions of the Republicans cleary show that their only real goal is to make the wealthy wealthier. Everyone else is inconsequential and expendible. Well of course, ask 9 out of 10 GOPers/T-baggers what they are FOR and they'll just look at you with a blank stare. This party of morons has no clue. Their "Just say no" is their agenda? For what? Saying no to the first responders of 9-11? Makes them appear like they could care less...but they don't care...not human. |
Penn and Teller!! This is pretty much what I think about these inane conspiracy theories. Do not make conspiracy theories about this terrorist attack. The evidence is overwhelming and well analyzed. There is no proof whatsoever that any of the conspiracy theories have any basis at all. These are the facts... This thread is about the responders...what fact does that make of you sir? |
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Sun 10/03/10 06:31 PM
"The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2009 was voted on in the House of Representatives last week. The bill passed and will provide federal funding for ongoing medical care for first responders and victims of the 9/11 disaster.
The legislation was sponsored by Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) with 115 co-sponsors including Peter King (R-NY). The bill which seemed to be a bipartisan effort was not expected to fail. But of the 15 Republican co-sponsors, only 12 voted for their own bill." "The following names are the people in Congress that voted AGAINST helping the 9/11 1st Responders with health care. There are about 900 dead responders since the attacks 9 years ago, and tens of thousands more sick and dying. When everybody was running away from Ground Zero, these people were running in to save as many people as they can. The people on this list feel that we should not help them. Please adjust your voter ballots accordingly in November." No Votes (160) Member, Party, District Robert B. Aderholt, R, AL-4 Todd Akin, R, MO-2 Rodney Alexander, R, LA-5 Steve Austria, R, OH-7 Michele Bachmann, R, MN-6 Spencer Bachus, R, AL-6 J. Gresham Barrett, R, SC-3 Roscoe G. Bartlett, R, MD-6 Joe L. Barton, R, TX-6 Marion Berry, D, AR-1 Judy Biggert, R, IL-13 Brian P. Bilbray, R, CA-50 Gus Bilirakis, R, FL-9 Rob Bishop, R, UT-1 Marsha Blackburn, R, TN-7 John A. Boehner, R, OH-8 Jo Bonner, R, AL-1 Mary Bono Mack, R, CA-45 John Boozman, R, AR-3 Charles Boustany Jr., R, LA-7 Kevin Brady, R, TX-8 Bobby Bright, D, AL-2 Paul Broun, R, GA-10 Henry E. Brown Jr., R, SC-1 Ginny Brown-Waite, R, FL-5 Vern Buchanan, R, FL-13 Michael C. Burgess, R, TX-26 Dan Burton, R, IN-5 Steve Buyer, R, IN-4 Ken Calvert, R, CA-44 Dave Camp, R, MI-4 John Campbell, R, CA-48 Eric Cantor, R, VA-7 Shelley Moore Capito, R, WV-2 John Carter, R, TX-31 Bill Cassidy, R, LA-6 Jason Chaffetz, R, UT-3 Howard Coble, R, NC-6 Mike Coffman, R, CO-6 K. Michael Conaway, R, TX-11 Jim Cooper, D, TN-5 Ander Crenshaw, R, FL-4 John Culberson, R, TX-7 Geoff Davis, R, KY-4 Mario Diaz-Balart, R, FL-25 Charles Djou, R, HI-1 David Dreier, R, CA-26 John J. Duncan Jr., R, TN-2 Vernon J. Ehlers, R, MI-3 Jo Ann Emerson, R, MO-8 Jeff Flake, R, AZ-6 John Fleming, R, LA-4 J. Randy Forbes, R, VA-4 Jeff Fortenberry, R, NE-1 Virginia Foxx, R, NC-5 Trent Franks, R, AZ-2 Elton Gallegly, R, CA-24 Scott Garrett, R, NJ-5 Phil Gingrey, R, GA-11 Louie Gohmert, R, TX-1 Robert W. Goodlatte, R, VA-6 Kay Granger, R, TX-12 Sam Graves, R, MO-6 Tom Graves, R, GA-9 Parker Griffith, R, AL-5 Brett Guthrie, R, KY-2 Ralph M. Hall, R, TX-4 Gregg Harper, R, MS-3 Doc Hastings, R, WA-4 Dean Heller, R, NV-2 Jeb Hensarling, R, TX-5 Wally Herger, R, CA-2 Peter Hoekstra, R, MI-2 Duncan D. Hunter, R, CA-52 Bob Inglis, R, SC-4 Darrell Issa, R, CA-49 Lynn Jenkins, R, KS-2 Sam Johnson, R, TX-3 Timothy V. Johnson, R, IL-15 Jim Jordan, R, OH-4 Steve King, R, IA-5 Jack Kingston, R, GA-1 John Kline, R, MN-2 Steven C. LaTourette, R, OH-14 Doug Lamborn, R, CO-5 Tom Latham, R, IA-4 Robert E. Latta, R, OH-5 Christopher Lee, R, NY-26 Jerry Lewis, R, CA-41 John Linder, R, GA-7 Frank D. Lucas, R, OK-3 Blaine Luetkemeyer, R, MO-9 Cynthia M. Lummis, R, WY-1 Connie Mack, R, FL-14 Donald Manzullo, R, IL-16 Kenny Marchant, R, TX-24 Kevin McCarthy, R, CA-22 Michael McCaul, R, TX-10 Tom McClintock, R, CA-4 Thaddeus McCotter, R, MI-11 Patrick T. McHenry, R, NC-10 Howard P. McKeon, R, CA-25 Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R, WA-5 John L. Mica, R, FL-7 Gary G. Miller, R, CA-42 Jeff Miller, R, FL-1 Jerry Moran, R, KS-1 Sue Myrick, R, NC-9 Randy Neugebauer, R, TX-19 Devin Nunes, R, CA-21 Pete Olson, R, TX-22 Ron Paul, R, TX-14 Erik Paulsen, R, MN-3 Mike Pence, R, IN-6 Tom Petri, R, WI-6 Joe Pitts, R, PA-16 Ted Poe, R, TX-2 Bill Posey, R, FL-15 Tom Price, R, GA-6 Adam H. Putnam, R, FL-12 George P. Radanovich, R, CA-19 Denny Rehberg, R, MT-1 Dave Reichert, R, WA-8 Harold Rogers, R, KY-5 Mike D. Rogers, R, AL-3 Mike Rogers, R, MI-8 Dana Rohrabacher, R, CA-46 Tom Rooney, R, FL-16 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R, FL-18 Peter Roskam, R, IL-6 Ed Royce, R, CA-40 Paul D. Ryan, R, WI-1 Steve Scalise, R, LA-1 Jean Schmidt, R, OH-2 Aaron Schock, R, IL-18 F. James Sensenbrenner, R, WI-5 Pete Sessions, R, TX-32 John Shadegg, R, AZ-3 John Shimkus, R, IL-19 Bill Shuster, R, PA-9 Mike Simpson, R, ID-2 Adrian Smith, R, NE-3 Lamar Smith, R, TX-21 Cliff Stearns, R, FL-6 John Sullivan, R, OK-1 Lee Terry, R, NE-2 Glenn Thompson, R, PA-5 William M. Thornberry, R, TX-13 Todd Tiahrt, R, KS-4 Pat Tiberi, R, OH-12 Michael R. Turner, R, OH-3 Fred Upton, R, MI-6 Greg Walden, R, OR-2 Zach Wamp, R, TN-3 Lynn Westmoreland, R, GA-3 Edward Whitfield, R, KY-1 Joe Wilson, R, SC-2 Robert J. Wittman, R, VA-1 Frank R. Wolf, R, VA-10 Don Young, R, AK-1 |
I am thinking about joining the 911 truth movement. Well sir, you have only your sanity to gain. I've been stressing on this for I really think 2011 will be a good year for simple truth...all pending a real invesitigation of course. That's all Truthers are really asking for...the rest will follow. Enjoy |
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Sun 10/03/10 05:19 PM
![]() "Today, we are reaching a similar crisis with the institution of war. Despite appearances, people are becoming more aware that we cannot solve problems by waging war on them. If you are not aware that this is happening, you are not alone; watch any news or "entertainment" program and you'll see that competition, violence and war are still considered "normal." It's rare to spot nonviolent, alternative methods, since they are so rarely featured in mainstream media." |
![]() ![]() Seriously, you don't know about Blackwater's crimes? And they have (all contractors) 40,000 employees over the way on our tax dollars making 10 times MORE than our troops pay...being an un-regulated industry and allowed to be's that going for "winning their hearts and minds" Seriously? People: Stop supporting the Military Indistrial Complex! Privatized or otherwise. An important document from a USA former Five Star General, former president Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. Cowboys? I don't think so since they only hire former Spec-ops personnel for their operations in Afganistan and Iraq. Not to mention the majority of their people brought up on charges were found not guilty or had charges dropped. They were nothing but trupmped up charges by the Looney Left. ![]() Fine, you can ignore the bigger's so typical of the RW nutbags..they pick a potential grey area then dismiss the whole issue. Right from a Hannity manual...I feel bad for the people who live their lives by choice to be blind...otherwise we know we have internet shills...the MIC and other Big Corps along with their political party the GOP... got tons of money...they will pay people to lie. But if it's shillery here then I've been up against better. But I know that honest people read these threads as well so it's worth the while to post a closer reality, even tho~ it's a boring...with one side having no ammo. |
I am so sick of this rhetoric urging war with Iran, and it's no wonder that POX is ringing the bell first. Iran would need the help of Korea to obtain a missle...egads, the whole concept is absurd when you consider our technologies and abilities to intercept missles and also the lack of motive for Iran to throw a rock at a tank. We are the ones in range yo! Politically POX is just parroting the GOP's talking points, probably a Rove gig, all in an effort to give president Barack Hussein Obama another war or trying to make him look weak for not invading Iran...screw that, I think Americans will not be fooled'd hope. Interesting: Recently the MIC was tossed out of Afghanistan...they now need another in Iran. I also wonder how much power the MIC really have with their GOP reps they own or if they have something pointed at the WH...these people want's what they do. Ummmm, you ralize that we have intercepted weapons shipments from N. Korea destined for Iran right? ![]() I wasn't calling for war with Iran in this threa, just a simple assasination of a man made of pure evil. Ummmmm, yeah 12 Scud missles..LOL. You constantly quote POX sourses/spin doctoring to convey a message of lies and deceptions. I think someone's being disingenuous here. |
"If you think some big bad monster that lives in a cave orchestrated 911, made norad stand down, haltered the 911 investagations,and sold their American Airlines stock days before the attack..... then YOU are a conspiracy theorist " |
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Sun 10/03/10 04:38 PM
19 people voluntarily died to start war yeah okay..... People do weird things for 72 virgins...(not sure my limits on that). Actually the planes were remote controlled, these guys could not fly...pfft. Anyone else in the class have a decent defense?..oy vey, they never do. By the steps class. ![]() In Plane Sight - Part ONE |
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Sun 10/03/10 04:31 PM
![]() ![]() Seriously, you don't know about Blackwater's crimes? And they have (all contractors) 40,000 employees over the way on our tax dollars making 10 times MORE than our troops pay...being an un-regulated industry and allowed to be's that going for "winning their hearts and minds" Seriously? People: Stop supporting the Military Indistrial Complex! Privatized or otherwise. An important document from a USA former Five Star General, former president Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. |
Most Bizarre Bible Quotes
--------------------------- So Jesus will punish people severely for not preaching his word? --------------------------- Punished for disobedience. Teaching them to listen, just as a parent does their children when they miss behave. =========================== By the way, you were speaking about "Spiritual Death". Jesus is going to deny his disciples eternal life and cast them into the hell fire. Well, I've got news for you. You can't "Teach" anyone anything by killing them permanently. ![]() In this instance we are taught before the consequence comes. The punishment itself isn't for teaching us to be obedient, the punishment is for not being obedient in the first place. You have been taught on how to be obedient, it is your choice, your decision to listen or be disobedient. And who ever said Jesus was going to deny his disciples eternal life and cast them into the hell fire? If "god" blogged he'd make it a sin to get off the topic. ![]() "And Jesus said, "For judgement I am come into this world." (John 9:39) "I came not to judge the world" (John 12:47) "fix" that one! |
Afghanistan bans 8 security firms
"Mr Karzai had accused the security companies of running an "economic mafia" based around "corruption contracts" favoured by the international community. He has said the firms duplicate the work of the Afghan security forces and divert much-needed resources, while Afghans criticise the private guards as overbearing and abusive, particularly on the country's roads." "Afghanistan has formally banned eight foreign private security firms, including the controversial company formerly called Blackwater, a spokesman for Afghan president Hamid Karzai said. The Afghan government announced in August that it was giving security firms working in Afghanistan four months to cease operations, potentially hitting hard efforts by NATO-led troops fighting a nine-year insurgency in the country. "The process of dissolving eight private security companies and collecting their weapons has been carried out successfully," Waheed Omer told reporters. Xe, the former Blackwater, and White Eagle Security Services, which provides security for Afghan government officials and NGOs in particular, are among the first companies banned. The August presidential decree ordered the 52 private security contractors operating in the country, both Afghan and international, to cease operations by January 1, 2011. Many fear the measure could create huge problems for the military and other international entities that depend on the estimated 40,000 employees of private security contractors. Mr Karzai had accused the security companies of running an "economic mafia" based around "corruption contracts" favoured by the international community. He has said the firms duplicate the work of the Afghan security forces and divert much-needed resources, while Afghans criticise the private guards as overbearing and abusive, particularly on the country's roads. The first targets are illegal armed groups operating as private security firms, companies with temporary permits and those who provide security escorts for foreign forces and have been engaged in criminal acts and security breaches. The government has already closed down an Afghan security firm with 75 employees, and several smaller groups which provided security escorts for convoys, Interior Ministry spokesman Zemarai Bashary said. Firms are exempt whose guards work inside compounds used by foreign embassies and international businesses and aid and charitable organisations. General David Petraeus, the top US and NATO commander in Afghanistan, said late last month that Mr Karzai was also prepared to allow companies operating from some fixed sites, including power plants, to continue their work. Xe, formerly Blackwater, gained notoriety in Iraq after guards protecting a convoy opened fire in a busy Baghdad square in September 2007, killing as many as 17 civilians." |