Community > Posts By > MiddleEarthling
power must maintain a need for itself, or it be no longer power, so hath allowed itself to become obsolete? shall any power wish for itself to become obsolete? only what doth not wish to control for it's own agenda's sake? then, that which be in power, that wishes to decrease the need for itself to be in power, hath the only true most good motive? where can this motive be found, in any of the peoples of the world at large? all power, that empower itself, be not good power to allow to rule or dictate, and most critical, to not allow this type power to become greater power? for this type power, doth devour what stands in it's way? to wish for power, is to wish for control? that which seek power, to wish for control, wish to control other's for the sake of self agenda, or, for the common good? again, if the wish be for the "common good", then that which sought power, shall always try to decrease the need of itself, or power over, any other? how can these principles which govern common good of all as one equal entiy of value, not be observed or used to decide what is actually "good or bad" power? it is redily apparent that neither party hath any such want nor motive, in regards to itself being in power. good power empower's the people, corrupt power, or power that seeks to maintian itself as powerful, seeks to UNEMPOWER the people it govern, most by keeping them busy trying to decide who in power be good or bad, lol... all the whilst, the very pinnacle of power, that include some from the left, and the right, carry foward, these manipulating the content disclosed to the people, to create the appearance of two seperate power's, knowing that the human inclination of each, to prove it's own party as superior, shall keep the people preoccupied whilst the pinnacle of power move foward with it's own united agenda? it is sheer ignorance, for any mortal to actually still believe that there be actually two seperate parties, one as good, and one as bad, fighting greater for the "right's" of the people? the primary agenda of "pinnacle of power", is and always has been, most to maintain ultimate power, not actually caring whether people have abortion's, nor whether they pray or not, nor what religion be practiced by the people, or what school they go to, or what they eat for dinner, or how fat their kid's are, or how many children are abused, as the ultimate motive, that drive the power, will be most to eliminate any threat to power? so, those that seem a threat to power, have always been the target of law's to restrict? so, the law be passed, looking as "caring" for the children, whilst in reality, the elite promote their OWN ONLY, and actually wish for the commoner to stay stupid and dumbed down, so that there BE NO COMPETITION FROM THE "OUTSIDE", FOR POSITION'S OF POWER? if one looks at all happening's, in all of history, of all power, then it should be clearly understood, that the root motive of power, is but most to protect ITSELF, and promote it's own, in all cases, at all times? it is but the too busied with onself, the narrcisstic communtiy at large, obsessed with proving itself as smart, that walk blindly while busy feeling proud of itself that it can spell large words, and thinking itself be a great debater, which is but to seek to disprove other's, to prove self as correct. so, the two parties smile behind closed doors, and shake hands and pat each other on the backs, as they grin with glee with the success of creating the public's ignorance, that was so masterfully orchestrated with the mirage itelf created in the minds of the commoner's, the self professed intellects, who swear they should decide with their intelligence, and their keen insight, what motivate the political process, lol... but what more to understanding anything, than knowing what motive and intent will be created by any system itself that be employed? to continue to stare as either the right or the left, as one better than the other, is the debate to infinity with no solution, that has allowed what is and has become thus far to prosper? this could only ever change, if the two party system was elimninated all together, which of course shall not occur by the people or any person's outside of power, so in short, humanity is ****ed, because the system itself was corrupt from the beginning, lol... yes, our founding father's were corrupt as well, OR, they would not have created a system that was fallible to corruption, as anything that is not corrupt, will know and see how to create a system that cannot be corrupted. they did better than most in their day, for many were MUCH MORE CORRUPT than they, but, to install a power apparatus, that include PAYMENT, for those serving the apparatus, GAURANTEE'S IMMINENT CORRUPTION. yes, our founding father's cared about the commonwealth, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO ELIMINATE THEIR OWN PAYCHECKS, within the system of power? why, look at the enormous pressure brought to bear on oneself, while if at work, it is faced with a moral dilemma, of allowing corruption, or being fired, and losing it's paycheck, and perhaps the ability to buy food, and car's, and pay for it's own dwelling? so, take this pressure, and magnify it by at least a thousand times, to see what actually be motivating those in power, for the powerful have many times over the same pressure? put them in a situation, that having become corrupted, they must face the entire world, and fess up, to undo??? please... and then the commoner say any that scrutinize such a system be the unpatriotic? the idiocy of those that face not their own worst motives within themself, makes them blind to the true reality of the dynamic's involved in policitc's itself. power shall continue to try to lift and prosper itself, and promote from within the two parties, who concurs with, and follows out, the "ultimate goal of power", thus it becoming painfully obvious over time, that any that oppose, or dissent, or speak up, or question, shall be deemed a threat? and certainly not misssed, that all these "peoples", overcrowding planet earth, are needed on planet earth, to work and feed a few most powerful, so these shall become deemed as disposable, just as all power hath in history hath deemed, and the work of population control that hath always been at work, shall begin in public formality, just as in the days of nazi germany... how is it missed, that all power has always sought to maintain control, and to benefit itself most? it is only the commoner that do the same itself, that will not recognize nor care that such occur in it's own governing power? each be so busy fighting to protect it's own self pride, and own self image of itself, that self pride comes to be it's most love in human existence, not freedom for one and for all to live in harmony and peace, free from unwarranted arrest and torture, if one speak it's true concern's, over many a conflict of interest. how can it be missed, that the issue's being debated, and dosed out to the public, to make the small minded believe within themself they are wise, are having the exact desired effect, relieving the people of the time nor insight to actually scrutinize deeper into the workings of the apparatus called power? can a utopian sleep walker actually believe, that anything can get into power, without first being the same as, and agreeing to, conform to the principles that govern that entire body of power? lol... will a low life commoner take control of a large corporation, be being recognized to have integrity? lol... will a small time teacher, be granted access to the hollowed hallways of academia, for it's deep caring as integrity for humankind, lol... shall a smalll time banker, whom care about it's fellow man as equal in value to itself, be raised to power within a world dominant bank? please, the sheer delusion believed by the left and the right loyalists is appaling. patriotism is the want of freedom for all HUMAN LIFE, to be able to persue it's own happiness and prosperity, all having the freedom to speak their own concern's and belief's, without infringement from any power entity, deeming what be as "good or bad", except in any case where one hath perpetrated intentional bodily harm on another having human life, this freedom embraced for one and for all, with no regard to race, religion, sect, denomination, creed, or social status. but, this is not what a cleverly guised media hath protrayed of patriotism? patriotism has come to be defined as allegiance to power in control, in all cases, at all times? CERTAIN UNSANITY, that destroy all civilized societies? this will always allow power that seek to protect itself, and promote the need for itself, PROPSER AND CONTINUE IN ALL CASES? for once the "power's that be", said to kill blacks, even endorsing public lynchings, even allowing such to occur without restraint nor due dilligence to stop it! for once the 'power's that be', deemed six million other's as the "evils"? for once the "power's that be", placed the "disposable's", or dissentor's in cages, and fed them to lion's? for once the powers that be, said to burn withces, as was the law? so loyalty to power is not patriotism, but rather patriotism is ALL ARE EQUAL in value, and none shall be deemed as less in value, by any DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM! so, the many that cry government be to big, have just merit. so the many that cry the government be corrupt, AND RUN AFOUL, and filled with self prosepring greed, be of just merit? for even a banker, cannot loan to his own mother, for it being a conflict of iterest, but, our entire system is built upon a conflict of interest? indeed, if what be purported to serve the people, can in any way propser itself monetarily from doing so, then a conflict of interest hath been created, and is actually built into the system itself? this in itself shall promote the inclination toward corruption? what other choice can there be? perhaps why it was once written, that money be the root of all evil, for if money can provide self prosperity, and provide the self wants of a lifestyle that one wishes for itself, than it shall be sought after, and fought for, and the will and motive and intent to amass more of it, common, and many shall fall prey to securing it, even at the expense of it's neighbor? such motive being only alive within power? lol... hum, it is so alive in humanity itself, that the mass of humanity be blind to the same motive at work and play within power, as these consumed with it themself, have no problem with corruption, if it come to invite them, and it shall further their own prosperity, lol... and what shall a commoner, that wish for untiy and peace amoung nation's, and for all to live in equal harmony and status, free from the oppresssion of law but used to dictate and maintain control, and create currency for the system of power do, about such matter's in reality? not a god damn thing. and anyone that raise a finger to try, be the largest idiot alive, thinking itself be of valor and honor for doing such, lol... there is not one iota of any power, that any commoner have to reverse the system that be in place, so gather up your beer's, and light up your cigar's, and wait for power to destroy ITSELF, fighting amoungst itself, for within power, there be no honor, for there be no honor amoungst thieve's, and so thieves will annililate each other in the end, as has always occured down thru time... and a few, are left to pick up the piece's of a battle torn land, and carry on the human civilization... perhaps you may be one of the few left upon earth, after global power's fights to the death, just as two dogs trained to fight to the death do, to dominate and control... perhaps that is why so many do not vote, for they are not so stupid and gullible enough to believe their vote shall make a difference, lol... for the very machines built to tally the vote's, are constructed by companies owned and in the back pocket of power, and travel within the circle of friends of power, lol... perhaps that is why the big boys, such as glenn beck, sit and smile all the way to the bank, as they carry out their mission from headquarter's, to keep the people occupied with rhetoric, that has no purpose but to keep the commoner busy fondling it's own prowess of intellect, whilst the truly intellectual pinnacle of power march forward it's united motive, lol... for the commoner did but fall prey to it's own demise, by loving and declaring who was good, based upon whom gave it what itself wanted , and begging to be "protected" at all cost, even at the expense of it's own fellow man, other human life. what a bunch of idiot's, whom would string up their own fellow man and countrymen as unpatriotic, all the whilst themself on the list of disposable's, by the very one's the declare loyalty to... lol... and so a little pea shooter shall preserve self, lol... oh the folly... and a few guns shall bring down global tennicles of power that reach into every nation and every foothill? lol... it is the lunatic's indeed that amass weapon's believing in fairy tales as their own arrgoance, that such be the way to preserve freedom in these days... the best hope in any true reality, is that a few within the current corrupt system, can be invoked to true caring for other's and stand for greater justice and common equality, proving how such can profit them, for the current system many within power have already found, does not take care of any that get in it's way, but rather seeks to destroy them. nazi germany shall not happen again, for it is what be already created, just in smoother more refined fashion, so it can march on in stealth, power having learned from the past mistakes of hitler, to not outright expose itself, but rather to incrementally abolish the freedom's from within, legally, setting up the law's to back itself in all cases, using fear tactic's of terror and evil, to make the commoner suspect each other, instead of power... hum... oh how the self professed wise that seek to prove to itself it be wise, doth create it's own folly and demise, while eating and dining smugly with the thought of itself as wise, believing it actually wiser than all that hold it's very own life in it's hands, whom it love if it get's what it wants, and recieve's a pat on the back. Is that a yes or a no? ![]() |
10.13.10 Bascially the C of C still says no to disclosure today. Why don't they just disclose the donors. "TAPPER: But do you not understand why some people might say, “Let's just have full disclosure of everything”? JOSTEN: Well so far Jake, what I've heard you offer me is Gibbs and Axelrod in a fantasy land, stretching and stretching and gasping and gasping for the next straw to grab onto here. Ok. Look, reality, I repeat, the single biggest outside funder, almost monolithically in the 2008 elections, was organized labor, under their boasting of $420 million. We, the US Chamber, spent $33 million in issue ads. The Citizens United case, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with issue advocacy advertising at all. Period. What Axelrod is talking about is how to deal with independent expenditures and corporations being able because the case was predicated upon the fact that media corporations, up until Citizens United uniquely had that right. And Citizens United said, wait, the SC ruled, you can't select certain speakers. So they granted the same legal rights to unions and corporations. I would suggest however, that you will not see corporations do what Axelrod or you paraphrased, because they have employees that are Republicans, Democrats, and independents, they have shareholders that are Democrats, independents and Republicans, vendors and suppliers that are Democrats, independents and Republicans. Corporations don't do that. We the US Chamber aren't doing independent expenditures with the magic express advocacy words of 'Vote for, Vote against.' Again, we draw a distinction on a member of congress' vote on a specific issue and discuss the issue. So there's a lot of confusion of a deliberate nature it sounds to me, listening to your paraphrasing of Axelrod since I didn't hear him, that has nothing to do with the Citizens United Case whatsoever." This guy is spinning like a top...and is probably a top for Karl Rove. |
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Wed 10/13/10 03:14 PM
10.12.10 "Ron Johnson, the Tea Party-backed Republican candidate for Senate in Wisconsin, has enjoyed the support of several outside groups during his election campaign: he benefited from $1.3 million in television advertising from various political action committees and other groups, including ads from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that attack his opponent, Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), for his support of health care reform. Such groups are not required to reveal who is funding the political attacks. As ThinkProgress detailed last week, the Chamber of Commerce may be using foreign funds to support its attack ads in the United States, which would be a violation of federal election laws. Last night during a debate in Wausau, WI, Feingold pressed Johnson to call on these groups to disclose their funding sources. Johnson agreed and called for disclosure: JOHNSON: You want to be able to select who can have free speech and who doesn’t want to have free speech. FEINGOLD: I want everybody to have free speech, but I want them to be able to — as you just said, they ought to disclose. You haven’t even called on these people to disclose. You just said you’re for disclosure. You won’t even call on them to disclose. JOHNSON: I’d be happy to have them disclose. FEINGOLD: Well then why don’t you ask them to do it? JOHNSON: Disclose. So far, the Chamber has refused to provide evidence they are not using foreign money to fund political attacks, saying “We are not obligated to discuss our internal accounting procedures.” Perhaps if more candidates like Ron Johnson that benefit from Chamber attacks call for disclosure, the Chamber will feel compelled to reveal the well-heeled special interests behind their unprecedented political ad campaign." Film at eleven. |
This thread is meant to be a discussion of values represented in the Constitution that you think all Americans should share. At the end of the brief opener, you will asked to respond to questions of ‘value’. Politics is a predominant topic when discussing current news and events, and currently hot topics seem to be revolving around diversity - age, ethnicity, partisan politics, and gender, among others. Much of the disagreement when discussing these topics comes down to ‘personal’ values. But what about the ‘shared’ values of all Americans? The Constitution of the USA is not just a clarification of how governance will be imposed; it is also a declaration of values. How others (people, groups, nations) view the USA as a whole was meant to be derived from the values woven into the Constitution. Since the values contained within that Constitution are meant to influence the world’s view of us, it makes sense that all people, who choose to become or remain citizens of the USA, incorporate and support the core values exemplified through that document. So when an individual citizen of the USA answers the question: “I am?” with the response “an American”, that individual is defining a characteristic that connects the individual, through a shared set of values, to a unique group of people called Americans. What do Americans consider to be SHARED values AND how does the Constitution represent that value? ONE ‘PERSONAL’ EXAMPLE: “All men are created equal” To me that statement implies every human is connected at birth by the simple fact that they are born human – in THAT we are all equal. The VALUE within the statement “All men are created equal” is RESPECT. I define “Respect” in terms of basic human rights. Basic human rights exemplified = a baby is incapable of procuring the necessities to maintain life or pursue a satisfying existence – it is out of love and “Respect” that we do the best we can to provide those necessities. That kind of respect does not end when a child becomes an adult, they are still human. Therefore, to be consistent with the constitutional VALUE (respect), I agree, AS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, to provide, through law, personal effort, charitable donation..etc, whatever is NECESSARY so that others can have access to the basic necessities of life. HERE ARE MY DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: What are the SHARED values between Americans and indicate how the Constitution represents that value? If you are at a loss to begin consider the following issues: government entitlement programs, (legal & non-legal) immigration, affirmative action, name-calling, propaganda, public media, veterans, DADT, DOMA, treatment of and support for those with disabilities…. Think of the recent threads you’ve posted in or reviewed. Thanks for asking...I'd rather just post a line from the Constitution that if honored would change everything: This should be respected as an American value...and a RULE. From Article 6 "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." After that maybe we can get some people elected who will deal with real life issues. |
Brown has no reason to apologize, there's no proof he said it...but still someone did in his campaign....but she IS a whore and a shill...for Big Corporation...that's what "whore" meant when someone said it. Freaking Dems need to man up and call a spade a spade. Tired of whimpy DEMS who should be slamming Big Corp and the people running for them.
Pfffft. |
Fox News Incites Violence
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Wed 10/13/10 09:00 AM
while it may be true that they bear some responsabilty its a very slippery slope where do you draw the line between simple racist rhetoric and willful intent? I agree but POX has proven time and time again their intents. I think for example Beck calling President Obama a racist is an irresponsible thing to say...why he's still given a platform to continue to promote CT's against anything "liberal" or "left" is beyond reason. He is urging violence...I hope the advertisers see this and stop funding his racist sideshow on national TV. It's more of a rocky edge with these might view the doc Outfoxed to see the damage they've caused to America. Great doc exposing a very poisonous situation... |
Is there a god?
Just really a general question. Is there really a god out there? Look in the nearest mirror. god is looking back at you. he is with you as he is with me. Even when I am masturbating? Oh no! ![]() |
Fox News Incites Violence
i completely agree with your opinions on bill o glenn and fox and your right to petition them but you cant blame them for murder just like ozzy wasnt liable for those suicides in the 80 s I did not blame them for murder tho~ they should bare some responsibility in this shooting. What I am saying is they are intentionally hyping up, tossing weird rhetoric that is creating an atmosphere of violence as a way to oppose politically. That's over the line. Hardly a comparison to Suicide Solution...great song, a bummer that a poor kid took the words too seriously. Unfortunately we have a whole subculture taking POX and Glenn Beck too seriously. Ozzy didn't start a network and play Suicide Solution over and over. Thanks...I appreciate a rational argument. |
Respect has to be earned but rather than debate the issues and have a thick skin (to defend their racisms and the devaluing of American values) some resort to feigning insult. When that's all they have left it's very clear who deserves a formal name and who deserves public ridicule.
Grow up already. |
Fox News Incites Violence
while it is true that people are responsable for their own actions and glen beck,however crazy and misguided he maybe,has a right to his opinion fox as a legitimate news station(so called)should at least get their facts straight. although blatenetly labeling someone a racist could be considered slander And I and others have the right to point out that POX is not a legitimate news outlet and Glenn Beck is a arsehole uring people to take up arms against our government and orgs that promote Civil Rights...creating insurgents. The more people know this then the more likely advertisers will pull their ads from POX and eventually reduce them to AM radio where they belong...static in "Not interested in facts"...just hate noise. ![]() |
Fox News Incites Violence
don't blame fox news, blame the individual - the individual is responsible for his/her own actions. It's really pretty simple. How many people heard the same broadcast, and how many of them chose to grab a gun? *sigh*... $.02 ![]() So Glenn Beck is not responsible nor held responsible for his urging on the nut cases in this country to attack Civil Rights orgs? I bet most people that reply here do not watch the video at the link I provided... Maybe Charlie Manson can get out of prison and have his own show on POX...since they have similiar agendas. |
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Wed 10/13/10 06:53 AM
The T-bagging Party is a corporate sponsored ragtag group. They were invented by Big Insurance initially to fight HC. Of course they attract only the most ignorant as a base. It's an easy target in bading low life haters to join since they needed a title and an organization to latch onto. The Bagger's leaders spent tons on buses and even hired a few blacks for photo ops to lamely hide their racist agendas at their rallies...but again that only worked for the
most easily fooled among us. I think the funniest thing was when they held a "Tea Party" rally in....ENGLAND!...LOLOLOLOL. Still laughing at these people that call themselves T-baggers. They obviously don't get irony one bit. |
How about a new religion???
This one is new....try it on. ![]() John(Pasta)5:54...Whoso eateth my meatballs, and drinketh my sauce, hath eternal gastritis; and I will chuck him up at the last day. ![]() |
Darwin was extremely insightful. I'm amazed that anyone questions his discoveries, in general. Well I think it's time to erase the confusion about evolution as being a "theory". Sure, in scientific terms this implies truth but like the "Laws of Gravity" it should be regarded as the "Laws of Evolution" by now. |
Fox News Incites Violence
A must see video and a sign-up at this link: Glenn Beck and Fox News Incites Violence "If you needed any more evidence that Fox News is dangerous, here it is: Byron Williams, who engaged in a shootout with police on a California highway this summer, later explained that he was headed to San Francisco to kill staff at two progressive organizations and "start a revolution." His targets? The Northern California ACLU and the Tides Foundations, the latter being repeatedly vilified by Glenn Beck and otherwise unheard of to most people. Williams praised Fox News host Glenn Beck, saying he turned to him for the facts. It's time to do everything we can reduce Fox News' influence and stop them from spreading divisive propaganda and inciting violence. Join us in calling on businesses and other public places to become Fox free. It starts by signing on to the petition below, which we will present to businesses in your name." ![]() "Many of us already know that Fox News is biased -- but it's actually much worse than that. For years they have used lies, distortions, and race-baiting to divide this country. Recently, it's gotten downright dangerous. Earlier this summer, a heavily armed man got into a gun fight with police after he was pulled over on his way to kill people at the Tides Foundation[1] -- an obscure non-profit that Glenn Beck regularly demonizes on his Fox News TV show.[2] Fox News is bad news for America -- and it spreads, and is legitimized, partly through TVs in public places. That's why I've joined the TurnOffFox campaign -- the first part of a larger campaign to diminish the influence of Fox. It's about educating people about Fox and getting it turned off in stores, restaurants, and other public places. Will you join me? It takes just a moment to declare your own household "Fox free", and at the same time appeal to public establishments in your community to stop playing Fox. And you'll get a FREE Turn Off Fox sticker when you do. Click here: "No other news organization that's considered legitimate consistently wages smear campaigns based on lies and race-baiting. But for years Fox News has done exactly that, and the pattern has only gotten worse since Barack Obama entered national politics. Here are just a few examples: -- A frequent Fox guest, Jesse Lee Peterson, said that the majority of Black people have poor moral character, and cited "what they did to the dome" after Hurricane Katrina as evidence.[3] Peterson has also used his platform on Fox to claim that 90% of Black people are racists -- against Whites.[4] -- In a case of naked race-baiting, Fox host Glenn Beck called President Obama a "racist" who had a "deep-seated hatred for White people or the White culture."[5] Earlier that week, Beck claimed that the President's health insurance reform proposals were a form of "reparations" designed to "settle old racial scores."[6] -- Fox host John Stossel argued that the public accommodations section of the Civil Rights Act -- which prevents businesses from discriminating based on race, sex, and other factors -- should be repealed.[7] -- Fox News hosts Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity were the first to air deceptively edited and incomplete video of Shirley Sherrod's remarks to the NAACP.[8] The video made it seem like Sherrod was confessing to using her position at the USDA to discriminate against White farmers, when she was really talking about the importance of overcoming prejudice. Sherrod lost her job over this misrepresentation, which Fox enthusiastically repeated without seeking the facts. Fox has since tried to pretend it had nothing to do with this smear -- but Fox is the number one reason these kinds of distortions and smears have any part in our national dialogue. The examples above aren't even a tenth of Fox's vicious lies and smears, and over the years they've just gotten more brazen. The goal of Turn Off Fox is to reduce the number of public TVs showing Fox News, while spreading the word about Fox's poison (and how it works) to those who don't know. Signing up for the campaign is just the first step. We make it easy for you to tell us about businesses playing Fox. If you're willing to talk with them, we'll provide you with straightforward materials that explain why they shouldn't be a party to what Fox is doing. And if there are businesses you know that want to tell the world they would never play Fox, you can help them declare themselves a "Fox-free zone." As businesses Turn off Fox and stand up as Fox Free, and as we encourage our friends and family to do the same, we'll help make clear, to people across the country, what Fox is about. And we'll reduce their ability to do harm. Please join me in signing up for the TurnOffFox campaign:" Wasn't aware that news media outlets, entertainment, and sports figures were responsible for the mental instabilities of the populous.........didn't believe it's the responsibility of these media propaganda forums and outlets which is driving you forcing you to negate constitutional rights and beliefs of freedom of speech and press and somehow sublimating facts of some sort of responsibility towards angry and mentally unstable individuals............makes a person go hmmmmmm? Then perhaps we can make people aware that POX is not legitimate news and it's programming should have a disclaimer stating that it's an intended HATE PROGRAM that's not recommended for the mentally unstable. The more people turn this inciteful crap off the less likely people will plot mass murders like the guy in the video. Inciting crime is NOT "freedom of speech"'s a crime. ![]() |
Fox News Incites Violence
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Wed 10/13/10 06:01 AM
A must see video and a sign-up at this link: Glenn Beck and Fox News Incites Violence "If you needed any more evidence that Fox News is dangerous, here it is: Byron Williams, who engaged in a shootout with police on a California highway this summer, later explained that he was headed to San Francisco to kill staff at two progressive organizations and "start a revolution." His targets? The Northern California ACLU and the Tides Foundations, the latter being repeatedly vilified by Glenn Beck and otherwise unheard of to most people. Williams praised Fox News host Glenn Beck, saying he turned to him for the facts. It's time to do everything we can reduce Fox News' influence and stop them from spreading divisive propaganda and inciting violence. Join us in calling on businesses and other public places to become Fox free. It starts by signing on to the petition below, which we will present to businesses in your name." ![]() "Many of us already know that Fox News is biased -- but it's actually much worse than that. For years they have used lies, distortions, and race-baiting to divide this country. Recently, it's gotten downright dangerous. Earlier this summer, a heavily armed man got into a gun fight with police after he was pulled over on his way to kill people at the Tides Foundation[1] -- an obscure non-profit that Glenn Beck regularly demonizes on his Fox News TV show.[2] Fox News is bad news for America -- and it spreads, and is legitimized, partly through TVs in public places. That's why I've joined the TurnOffFox campaign -- the first part of a larger campaign to diminish the influence of Fox. It's about educating people about Fox and getting it turned off in stores, restaurants, and other public places. Will you join me? It takes just a moment to declare your own household "Fox free", and at the same time appeal to public establishments in your community to stop playing Fox. And you'll get a FREE Turn Off Fox sticker when you do. Click here: "No other news organization that's considered legitimate consistently wages smear campaigns based on lies and race-baiting. But for years Fox News has done exactly that, and the pattern has only gotten worse since Barack Obama entered national politics. Here are just a few examples: -- A frequent Fox guest, Jesse Lee Peterson, said that the majority of Black people have poor moral character, and cited "what they did to the dome" after Hurricane Katrina as evidence.[3] Peterson has also used his platform on Fox to claim that 90% of Black people are racists -- against Whites.[4] -- In a case of naked race-baiting, Fox host Glenn Beck called President Obama a "racist" who had a "deep-seated hatred for White people or the White culture."[5] Earlier that week, Beck claimed that the President's health insurance reform proposals were a form of "reparations" designed to "settle old racial scores."[6] -- Fox host John Stossel argued that the public accommodations section of the Civil Rights Act -- which prevents businesses from discriminating based on race, sex, and other factors -- should be repealed.[7] -- Fox News hosts Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity were the first to air deceptively edited and incomplete video of Shirley Sherrod's remarks to the NAACP.[8] The video made it seem like Sherrod was confessing to using her position at the USDA to discriminate against White farmers, when she was really talking about the importance of overcoming prejudice. Sherrod lost her job over this misrepresentation, which Fox enthusiastically repeated without seeking the facts. Fox has since tried to pretend it had nothing to do with this smear -- but Fox is the number one reason these kinds of distortions and smears have any part in our national dialogue. The examples above aren't even a tenth of Fox's vicious lies and smears, and over the years they've just gotten more brazen. The goal of Turn Off Fox is to reduce the number of public TVs showing Fox News, while spreading the word about Fox's poison (and how it works) to those who don't know. Signing up for the campaign is just the first step. We make it easy for you to tell us about businesses playing Fox. If you're willing to talk with them, we'll provide you with straightforward materials that explain why they shouldn't be a party to what Fox is doing. And if there are businesses you know that want to tell the world they would never play Fox, you can help them declare themselves a "Fox-free zone." As businesses Turn off Fox and stand up as Fox Free, and as we encourage our friends and family to do the same, we'll help make clear, to people across the country, what Fox is about. And we'll reduce their ability to do harm. Please join me in signing up for the TurnOffFox campaign:" |
You know what I find so interesting? For the most part, it is the same group of "nonbelievers" posting questions and thoughts on Christianity and its principles, in an attempt to "dissuade" us believers from our faith or "prove us wrong". I wonder why you "nonbelivers" make this your goal. Perhaps it is because, deep down under the surface, you are all seeking to learn the truth about God because something in your lives is lacking. Because you are curious about Him and wonder why we can believe something that seems so impossible. Ultimately, I think it's because you're struggling with things in your personal life and are seeking guidance and truth. My heart goes out to you all! How difficult it must be to be worried about your impending futures and so much more afraid to even admit it! I will pray for your guidance and understanding of God's truth and not the world's skewed perception of truth! Oh please. You can't be serious. ![]() Answer HONESTLY, if you can. ![]() Ripped right out and into my photobucket...thank you. Of course the "rapture" thing is just another fear method to further the myth/fairytale...but yet so many Christians will try to prove the myth by bringing it (in some form) about. They will kill millions to save one...ever heard that. I's creepy. What do you think Palin ran on to get the Christian's support?...yet again the C's latch onto some nutcase in an attempt to gain power...political power. NOT ME! Nukes, they want the keys. The Christians are failing with Palin and the GOP/T-baggers now...maybe we're starting to grow up in this country eh? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
How about a new religion???
![]() Creation of Earth - The Flying Spaghetti Monster |
I was actually a bit disappointed. I expected to see a man dressed in female Nazi gear from the title of the thread. But hey to each their own. Maybe he likes the Nazis, there are folks who do. They would have to pay me to pretend to be one though and pay me like Brad Pitt. thought I captured the whole T-bagger movement in that title. And someone else compared him to Brad Pitt's role in this stupid IS that? ![]() |
Even with all that cut and paste, you cannot make the modern Dem party into the party of hate. Repubs and Tea Partiers hold the trophy for that these days. Ross Barnetthas has been dead for 23 years...LOL. They cannot defend their racists and intolorance leanings of today. I am not a DEM but would NEVER ever vote for a Repulsivan again. The last time I voted for a Goper was Berry in Memphis...maybe '92 I did so because his opponent was a blantant racist...Harold Ford Sr. ![]() |