I couldn't disagree more. Sex is a non-linguistic communicative tool that binds a relationship in inconspicuous ways, ENSURING the union and true camaraderie that is marriage/marriage-like relationship, not the other way around. Wilhelm Reich would've probably call you a damaged juvenile sir, if you think the opposite is the case. No sex, the smallest problem can end everything, yes sex, even the toughest challenge takes a protective cozy compassionate blanket of a shield into the arena on them
Because ever since the Internet took off, 99% of all traffic has been pornography. In fact, if you look at art history, pretty much every new artistic medium is first and foremost employed to titillate and arouse sexual desire. Besides, a dating site that excludes sex would be a kindergarten. So when a mature woman (at least of legal age) pretends that a healthy sex life is not an essential/necessary even primary component of an emotional relationship, that men are walking penises, i see a) a lonely soul who has never really desired and loved a person let alone has the guts to take up a real marriage -at least one that doesn't end or wither due to miscommunication b) is depriving herself the sole pleasure that our bodies are supplied with, which does not require external agents or the ingestion of any substance, that could be used anytime and anywhere, is a powerful workout that could replace any sport if done systematically, a delicious boost of happy hormones, pleasant to say the least and can even be obtained alone.
The worst is though, i believe people who feign they have less interest in sex than others, are really damaging themselves while trying to sustain a lie that runs compeletely against our nature. So please grow up, enjoy men as they are (unless you re gay of course) after which the world will be a much better step with each woman fulfilling herself the best way by flirting courting and letting loose their erotically creative side thereby making men feel like men. Make the man feel better (even if its a white lie to boost our fragile egos:) you get a better sexual experience (since women have it both more difficult but also more immensely rewarding in that area), and you glow :) when that happens the whole world is cozier, warmer, secure and soft. So which cycle of behaviour is better you think: treat men like dogs out for a hole, thereby eventually turning them into that, after which women are not happy anymore and do not approach men clearly, which make the men even more savage, which disappoints the woman and frustrates the man ad infinitum? Or the one i tried to outline above. Sex is too important to not be taken seriously, yet too much zen-like fun to take too seriously and spoil it with our illusory 'red lines' and whatnot.. |
I just noticed my inner alarm clock has stopped working. I used to be able to wake up at no matter what hour i want prior to the alarm ringing. Now i sleep through three industrial size alarms and still not wake until my body decides to. This and the fluctuation between being called 28 years old at most and the occasional street urchin calljng me 'sir' or 'pops,' have made getting old a phenomenon that i can no longer ignore. Sort of enjoy it so far though
Any honest men out there?
sorry but I think everything we think about men and women are completely wrong. men are more sentimental and fragile than women, women are far more sexually active than men (the hormones act up if women go without sex-it s medicine not bs) and are far more cruel when needed. so stop the man-bashing and let them have what they want thus you become happy ...