Community > Posts By > vikz91

vikz91's photo
Mon 09/07/09 05:55 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/30/09 12:07 AM
misstina2 . . . u single??
if nt, I think, I'l srch for the "misstina1" version!

Anyways, chow!

vikz91's photo
Fri 08/28/09 12:34 PM
well... I jst gt my own ***!

vikz91's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:35 AM
hey, do we have a date center on Mars? M so in love with the martian chicks... they are so HOT!!!

vikz91's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:26 AM
OMG... still, I think holy wud b a gd match 4 me....

vikz91's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:24 AM
Thank You all!

vikz91's photo
Thu 08/13/09 07:52 AM
hey there.... welcome dude....
Me gd.... hope u r also fine./...

vikz91's photo
Thu 08/13/09 07:46 AM
Holy and I cud be a match bt..... I think m younger than her...
Anyways, thnx dude for helping me out wid the game....

vikz91's photo
Thu 08/13/09 07:42 AM

Don't know you well enough you'll get no insults from me!

Welcome to helps to have a sense of humor...:wink:

Truly said.... thnxxx

vikz91's photo
Thu 08/13/09 07:35 AM
Wassup guys.... ? This is abhishek (Vickey) straight from India...
M vry frank and open minded... So, talk to me whatever u have in u and I actually like ppl who stay true frm their hearts. Even if u wanna insult me, plz, do it from your heart. As a matter of fact, I dnt praise ppl if they r being fake to me... I can be very friendly. Bt if u want to have a profit out of my friendship, u'l b wasting yr time.
Enough chit chat, common ppl, spit out.... and lets rock!!!

vikz91's photo
Tue 08/11/09 11:20 AM
so... m still in the dark... :angry:

plz... tell me wht the games abt...

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 02:09 PM

Believe ir not, I was on line in 1984 when it was only black screen and green text.

It didn't change much in the 5 years until I first saw one in 89. I was in the Army in Germany, and all anyone knew how to do with it was play Leisure Suit Larry, of Wolfenstein (I think).

I bought my first pc in 99. It was a POS Gateway, with a 5 GB HD. I now have a homemade PC with an Athlon Super-Duper Board, 3GB of RAM, and 3+ Terabytes (3,000 Gigabytes) of HD space, a 22 inch flatscreen monitor, and a s-video cable hooked up to my 40 inch TV... bigsmile

Just bought another 1 TB drive yesterday for 90 bucks. Now I have 4TB. That's 4,000 Gigabytes for those of you that don't have a mega system. bigsmile :banana:

FYI, that is 4096 Gigabytes to be precise...(1TB = 1024 GB)..
And dude, here in our locality, me and 2 of my friends together [We are on a game contest] have about 20 TB of HDD.... nd m nt kiddin...
My config [ upgraded it just 2 yrs back ]:
CPU: AMD Atlon X2 Dual Core 4600+ 64 bit 2.4 GHz
mobo:Asus M2n MX Se Plus [thnx god I didn't get a wrecked 1 ohwell ]
Ram: 4GB DDR2 667 Mhz
GPU: nVidia GeForce 9500 GT 1GB [Overclocked]
Sound: Altech Lancing 70 watt RMS 5.1 HD surround Sound
Vid: My 5 yrs old 17" LG CRT [ when watching movies, I connect to 37 inch LCD tv.]
Internal TV Tuner Card
3-WAy internal cooling system
And believe me, out of my friends, I have the least config...
many of my frendz have 8 GB of triple channel high speed DDR3 Ram and nVidia GTX 295 [1.8 GB] 3-way SLI systems....

All this is from our own saved money....

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 01:26 PM

My first time I felt like this;

Hated computers, wanted to throw mine out the window. Now I can't live without them.

ya... in these days, almost every1 depends on computers so much... starting from the banks to a local newspaper shop...

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 12:27 PM

oops! I made boo-boo but you get the point lol

ha ha, Ya, I gt you...
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 12:10 PM
Duh... I knw Jay-Z.... he was My best childhood frend... :tongue: :tongue:

Talkin abt aliens.... martians are on the 2nd.. My favs r the aliens frm Venus....

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 12:06 PM

Calm down... I think u got me wrong....!
And I never talked about Big lips...!

I was just saying that girls look good with juicy lips (Atleast to me)... and boys USUSALLY dnt... tht was it...
And I never had any intension to hurt any1's feelings, sentiments regarding their physical appearance....

Y is it tht girls always get me wrng ..... grumble grumble grumble

LOL, you didn't hurt my feelings, especially since I don't have big lips, so I really don't care. And I'm always calm on mingle, no need to get upset with virtual people I'll never meet.

I just found your post to be so funny. It caught me off guard. I'm still laughing...rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

M happy tht atleast I cud make someone laugh....:smile:

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 11:59 AM

I just told what I really feel and what I really want....
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

anyways, juicy lips are good turn ons for me..... and BTW, who doesn't like jiucy lips????

it's still funny. i can't say why cause i might get banned, but it's hilarious.

and i don't like juicy lips.:tongue:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Duh, u r a girl....! And boys don't have juicy lips... (or do they ??? ohwell ohwell )

everyone can have big lips, no matter their gender. and i could like girls (even though i don't) so it's best not to make assumptions about someone's sexuality.

Hey vikz91.... you have juicy lips....:banana: :banana: :banana:

thnx... gt to admire your eye sight... he he
Bt, hw cud u look into the dark pic???? Incredible... blushing

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 11:57 AM
Calm down... I think u got me wrong....!
And I never talked about Big lips...!

I was just saying that girls look good with juicy lips (Atleast to me)... and boys USUSALLY dnt... tht was it...
And I never had any intension to hurt any1's feelings, sentiments regarding their physical appearance....

Y is it tht girls always get me wrng ..... grumble grumble grumble

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 11:52 AM

Lets see ...I remember ...I'm only 26 and memory is already foggy! lol I wanna say mid 90's is when I started playing with a comp then went to a boys home,while there I took a key boarding class and I got to be great at it while learning other stuff about the computer. I was typing with both hands even though not the best and I was relatively quick with a computer. I left the boys home, life got busy and I didn't use 1 that often for a few years then I bought 1 and things turned for the worse,I started "pecking" the keys again and forgot how to set up certain programs and other stuff I had learned from someone that showed me stuff that only computer tech's would know. Serious case of brain rot from those years of partying to hard I guess lol. A buddy I grew up with, his father worked on base doing computer related stuff for years, the company would send him out of town every 6 months or so to learn the new stuff...he remembers back in the day when computers were the size of a small house using vacuum tubes and what not as part of the computer.

Cool, may be the vacuum tubed computers have no value to this generation kids.... bt its still will be an honor for me to even see it....

vikz91's photo
Sun 08/09/09 11:48 AM

I just told what I really feel and what I really want....
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

anyways, juicy lips are good turn ons for me..... and BTW, who doesn't like jiucy lips????

it's still funny. i can't say why cause i might get banned, but it's hilarious.

and i don't like juicy lips.:tongue:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Duh, u r a girl....! And boys don't have juicy lips... (or do they ??? ohwell ohwell )

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