Community > Posts By > peppydog50
Good Morning Mingle
Same here good morning everyone. Still trying to wake up.
Jimmy the gent your cool and I agree with everything you say. Health care as well as stopping illegals in this country need to happen for the amercian people. We are the silent majority and are not longer silent and we vote.
Rep. Frank: House will pass
Good point. Its all about the lady's
Yes there is still rasism. Can't we all just get along
so i met this girl...
I met this girl we hit it off lived happily every after. The end.
Rep. Frank: House will pass
I don't like him being gay. I think he is a good senator do not always agree with everything he says though. He can be a little over the top at times.
hello all
hello and welcome
Pictures For You....
nice photo
No not meet anyone on here yet. Talking to someone. Still trying to make up my mind about them. I think we will be going out soon so that should help me make up my mind.
Lowering Your Standards
No. You have to be who you are and they have to be who they are and if it works out thats great. You should not have to change for anyone or vice versa unless maybe you are just a really rotten person or axe murder. Then change would be needed.
Unbiased publications
There you go. Just gave yourself a good answer.
Blackberry Kuchen
Thanks for recipe looks good.
Unbiased publications
There is a little truth in everything. Sometimes it may be in the middle sometimes not just filter the rest out and decide for yourself.
Just be you they will either like you or they won't
Unbiased publications
I agree everything is bias. If you listen closely you can tell which way.
I agree so stop talking about it and lets get it done. If not americans will be complaining for another forty years.
I hate to tell you it is our way or no way now. I have put up with republican rule long enough with regan,bush and bush. We now have real leadership. Deal with it.
nic pics
A guy putting a guy photo on here your really really sick. Go away.
Getting rid of the republicans then health care reform will happen if the yellow belled democrats do not stop it.