lately I have been fond of Avocados,
;-} |
Do you ever feel alone ?
I have always felt alone, also misunderstood. I will say that I am a part of the world but for me I have always felt as though it was a movie picture that keeps moving and I am merely a spectator. ;-} I like the way you put that. well thank you for that,,I appreciate you saying so, half the time I think I am invisible the other half completely avoided...I just spent a hour or so playing a guitar that also gets all techie,,synth blah yada blah,,and I got frustrated and pulled out another one that does the same..though it was working fine and I continued to play, it was right as I put it in the case that I realized the stupid cord,,(or human) wasn't plugged in.(to the other one) think I can be like that sometimes,,unplugged and forget that the task is really quite simple. but thanks again ;-} |
Do you ever feel alone ?
Edited by
Tue 02/08/11 07:04 PM
Do you ever feel alone even though your surounded by freinds and famly.. you ever just feel somethings missing and you cant quite work out what. mayb the words not alone mayb the word to use is lonely but i cant shake this feeling .. i .. well i just wonderd really anyone else felt like this ? Its weird sometimes it goes away when you can ocupie yourself with something but it allways comes back. At 1st i fort i was just feeling low but i dont allways feel sad when this feeling creeps its way into my head.. iam baberling on anyone have any thoughts on my meesed up babberlings ? I have always felt alone, also misunderstood. I will say that I am a part of the world but for me I have always felt as though it was a movie picture that keeps moving and I am merely a spectator. ;-} |
oldie but goodie!!!
good guy or bad,,,,I just cant get past the part where my mail i sent isn't deleted before it is read,,,lol,,i'm not even bitter about it anymore...of course I am not speaking of "friends" , anyway,, just had to post something I guess.
;-} |
JSH crushes - part 6
crush???? I must be missing out! lol,, cant seem to find one.
;-} |
Going Green
I mowed the front yard,,,,with a push mower
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 5
<<< Single <<<
I am man, hear me snore!
lol,,,yep I know I snore,,maybe not always but I have woke myself up before,,lol,,also woke up my (sweetheart,,(at the time))she was on the couch, I felt bad,,,,,they make a lot of different things to make it stop but never worked for me.
My ex wife snored,,lol,,maybe that was one of the things that we were compatible about! lol,,that was long ago though, remember one time she smacked me in the face while she was asleep!! lol,,,I was like wtf,,,I just went back to sleep,,,she was a restless sleeper..but I always wondered about the laughter!(jk) ;-} |
Last to post wins! - part 44
how long will the thread go before locking up??
I think there are a lot of woman on here that are not here for any kind of a relationship and guys it has nothing to do with us it's all about them. Their loss!!!!!!!!!!!+ Have you noticed, the closer they are, the most likely they are NOT to answer? cheers! ;-} |
So I tried to find out ....
Why can't a guy just tell you if it is over? They either drag it out or ignore it. Okay, maybe there are some that can end things like a reasonable rational adult if they are no longer interested. Why leaving me hanging on a hook? I'm guessing that because he didn't respond to the message and it has been 24 hours, that is the answer. I only restored to leaving a message since he didn't answer his phone or return the call. When he said he was going to be home all evening because his son was having his girlfriend over and he couldn't leave them home alone. Do I text him and ask if he wants the things he left back or do I just take them and donate them? hope you get it good with yourself,,sometimes the only thing we have is us. Good Luck ;-} |
Favorite Smell(s)
the scent of a woman
;-} |
"NEW WORD GAME" - part 4
"NEW WORD GAME" - part 4
If you saw a dude
knitting in public with his legs crossed, would you think he was: Gay, Hot, or Secure in his masculinity? ;-} |
Do Real Men Cry??
I cry, I smile, I laugh, I get angry,,I think is normal,,,want to add though,,,I have dated one and was married to one that could not stand it if you cried, was a sign of weakness to my ex the other not sure but same thing I think. Many men and women are taught that a man should not cry, I was taught that buried emotions manifest bad things.
;-} |
long distance relationships
Bottom line they can last but require perfection (in a sense). Trust is a big one and this is usually the failure of a long-distance relationship, the other part is affection. If either of these variables roll uneven with each other you get failure. Long distance relationships are not logical because of this reason. |
long distance relationships
I've tried it 4 times,,the last time I thought it was working,,,next thing I knew I was shut out,,on the other hand haven't had a local connection really work out either,,,lol ,,,I think local might be easier in some ways,,depends on what you want,,,and I hate to say it but money can be a factor unless you have your own piolet and lear jet.
Good Luck to you! ;-} |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 4
Change 1 letter game