Community > Posts By > wolfman3838
If You Could ...........
I have always said that I wouldn't change anything. yet lately I have often been thinking of someone who passed away. we had been friends but weren't on good terms when she passed away. I wish things could have been different. We all have regrets of something we cannot change at this time. ![]() |
Gimmie 5...
1 Worlds Trade Centre 2 D Day 3 Holocaust 4 sinking of the Titanic 5 New Orleans Mardi Gras give me 5 popular dances |
If You Could ...........
Honestly my life is well but one thing in my past that I would love to change... I wish I hadn't dropped out of highschool. I regret it everyday... recently saw my classmates graduation post of Facebook and it nearly brought me to tears You can always catch up no matter what age you are. ![]() |
If You Could ...........
![]() If you could change or alter one thing with your past, body or attitude. What would it be? Mine would be ...pre. Judgemental on people I meet and a bit shorter in height. I would have like to change some things in my past if given the chance. But on second thought, who I am and what I am today is because of my past. Making adjustments or a little alterations could either be for good or bad, but how would you know the real people who would accept you as you are, if you would only try to change yourself just to please them? It would be better to be yourself and let people accept you just the way you are. My past and my body I would not change, only necessary attitude that could help me grow as an individual needs to be changed and that is being too nice and honestly open which most people take advantage of my vulnerability or sometimes being misunderstood. I am a great believer of being honest with yourself and being yourself otherwise you are untrue. ![]() |
If You Could ...........
![]() If you could change or alter one thing with your past, body or attitude. What would it be? To be a werewolf, vampire & the hulk all in one ![]() ![]() ![]() That is a great and different ambition |
If You Could ...........
I would have gotten my education much quicker. I wasted way too much of my youth in the military, various low level jobs, and government. I would have become a doctor as soon as possible. Good luck in your future endeavors, you will get where you want to be. |
If You Could ...........
![]() If you could change or alter one thing with your past, body or attitude. What would it be? OH man!!!! I have no clue where to start on things I would change. The first time I misjudged someone? The first time I was cruel to something? The first time I forgot I was human and can't be expected to be all to everyone. The times I disappointed my parents, grandparents, friends, etc... The list is endless so instead I am going to just say Thank God I lived through all the stupidity, harshness, cruelty, the list is endless that I have done. I do better each day that I am alive. Hopefully I keep those lessons close to my mind, and heart so that I don't do the same things over again If I could change somethings of course but that isn't reality and it can't happen. IF there was one thing I could change honestly it would be that I was a better Mother.. I know my kids say I was fine or even great but deep down I know I could have been better. Sitka, there are very few mothers I am sure that don't feel as you do ![]() |
If You Could ...........
I just think it is important to say, "YES..I have regrets....especially to anyone I have even inadvertently wronged." To wrap up something in a nice little trite, convenient blanket meme of "I wouldn't be the person I am today" is lazy...and lacks any true self awareness....and more important self accountability. That's why I always appreciate your opinions darkowl.... (V.).....because they are not necessarily "easy" to hear. Couldn't have said it better |
If You Could ...........
I don't have thousands, but millions of regrets. I wouldn't trade or give away any regrets or what some call sins. they are mine and mine to own. I believe it might have caused a very small amount of wisdom maybe... and then.... maybe not... I'm a hideous monster, inside and out, and I am completely comfortable with it.... I've walked this earth for a very long time. Would it be nice to change it? sure!!! many things! I had many chances to do many unbelievable amazing things! All I can say is: that to all I have offended, I'm deeply, truly sorry, but NEVER!!! NEVER want "forgiveness" for any of it. I just want them to know that I'm sorry. Also if someone has a heavy heart for something they think they have done to me, all is forgiven to them... before they even did it... I may not trust them again, or may loathe them, but will forgive. I just watch my back. Some will say, but don't you deserve or even want forgiveness?... actually NO! No thank you. I don't want to be anywhere NEAR it.... To me it's a selfish gesture to want it. I'm not comfortable with it... Being forgiven, doesn't make "my heart lighter", or make Me "feel better"... or give me peace.... I have that already... Everyday I'm above ground, I'm thankful... and positive, and work on building up others when I can. Everyone probably has their own feelings on this. I admire your stand on it ![]() |
If You Could ...........
I would stop the doctor from dropping me on my head after I was born. I still don't think I've recovered. ![]() Hope no brain damage... |
If You Could ...........
I could only convince AD to take that trip he really wants. The he said he wanted to check out the North Pole :). As far as I can tell this would be the best Summer ever to drive through the process lakes :) I am sure you could convince anyone. By the way beautiful ne photo. ![]() |
If You Could ...........
I would have liked to have been more focused instead of carefree. You are not alone on that one. ![]() |
If You Could ...........
Butt line ?????? what are we talking about???? what! I can't hear you. what did you say "do i want some pork butt"? nah!!! I'am not really hungry!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() All I can say is it is not pork...... ![]() |
If You Could ...........
More patience ... I seem to have missed that line completely. I was distracted by the butt line ![]() ![]() |
Gimmie 5...
Doing Dishes Repeating myself Listening to stupidity Eating healthy every day Folding clothes after laundry Give me 5 most awkward Dating "Firsts" |
If You Could ...........
I would hav to say that I would change that I seem to say things when I should learn to bit my tongue a bit more ![]() ![]() That is called putting your foot in your mouth and never worry as I for one do it very often too along with many others. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gimmie 5...
Only I will agree to these. Blueberry Hill Light my Fire Fly me to the Moon Minnie the Moocher Rock me all night long Give me 5 of your personal Heros |
Any One-Line Jokes to Spare?
Sure I'll share ! On second thought....I think I will pass, thanks for the offer ![]() |
Any One-Line Jokes to Spare?
I buy croutons in a stay fresh pouch . ![]() I would like some of those ![]() |
say goodnight . Gracie.
Edited by
Sat 06/25/16 07:21 AM
Pulled a night shift so it is morning, but will wish all mingle land a wonderful day and night, I am turning in now. |