Visitando_Pronto's photo
Sat 04/23/16 09:19 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm new here and I am providing this space for people in our region who might actually like to meet after getting acquainted online, and with whom that would be practical, meaning to keep it relatively local.

I'm Steven from the Santa Cruz Mountains... 20-25 minutes from SCruz, about 40 minutes from San Jose. and under an hour from Moneterey.

Take a chance and say hello!

Visitando_Pronto's photo
Sun 03/13/16 05:14 PM
Nadie esta conversando aqui...

Visitando_Pronto's photo
Sun 03/13/16 05:12 PM
Hola Damas...

love blushing love

Visitando_Pronto's photo
Sun 03/13/16 05:05 PM

Visitando_Pronto's photo
Sun 03/13/16 05:04 PM
Hola todos!