Community > Posts By > John1932

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:57 AM

drinker George Bush deserves to go to helldrinker

OK Mirror, you dont believe in God, but you believe in Hell. lol.
Well at least its something....

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:55 AM

to be honest there are
3 good reasons that i went form pentecostal to agnostic.
1 i refuse to accept teh one world voice/one world choice of teh end times
2 i will never respect anyone who thinks george w bush was a decent president and tells me he did gods work.
3 churchs feed you there own man made dogma of endless crap and doctrine, in other words their way of tricking you outta every dime you get for some quick to dispose of ministy purpose.

:thumbsup: I don't believe in the endtimes,George Bush or the money making scams either:thumbsup:

There are no end times, times as we know it may end, but not time itself.

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:53 AM

to be honest there are
3 good reasons that i went form pentecostal to agnostic.
1 i refuse to accept teh one world voice/one world choice of teh end times
2 i will never respect anyone who thinks george w bush was a decent president and tells me he did gods work.
3 churchs feed you there own man made dogma of endless crap and doctrine, in other words their way of tricking you outta every dime you get for some quick to dispose of ministy purpose.

God didn't do any of that, man did all of that against God.
Not all people or churches are like that.
Do you have proof of this church doing such thing or is this all just propaganda.

There is a difference between people and organizations that claim to be and those that truly are.

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:49 AM

Hahahaha...I am much more interested in the 20th of the 12th 2012...



John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:33 AM
when I wake up, Im gonna wonder how Modela's morning went. lol

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:26 AM
HUmmm, I gotta try that one..

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:23 AM
Empty heart and alone between the sheets.

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:21 AM

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:10 AM
Edited by John1932 on Sat 08/08/09 12:12 AM

*taps foot* waiting..... think

Wow! I have to guys I have to meet? Boy,... I never expected this coming...laugh

LOL, your a sweetie and I cant disrespect you like that.
It is a nice thought, but I cant, your not meat, your a lady. drool very nice thoughtdrool smitten

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:07 AM

Naw Modela i couldn't do that to ya, but I definatly have one heck of an imagination...

Done and you pass... I still have to meet you halfway in your imagination tomorrow...:laughing:

EXCELLENT!!!!!!Betcha I beat you there.

Make sure you are ready and able to okay?

Yea, you cant miss it..

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:03 AM

Naw Modela i couldn't do that to ya, but I definatly have one heck of an imagination...

Done and you pass... I still have to meet you halfway in your imagination tomorrow...:laughing:

EXCELLENT!!!!!!Betcha I beat you there.

John1932's photo
Sat 08/08/09 12:00 AM

*taps foot* waiting..... think

I think she started without ya....

John1932's photo
Fri 08/07/09 11:56 PM

I am going to get up very stiff and sore because I got hit by a car crossing the street. Then I am going to think long and hard about why I am still here and what I need to do. Then I may just have to think that that man was drunk and hit me in the crosswalk and I hope I was the message for him to never drink and drive again. Road rash aside....I think I will just be happy for no reason.

OHHH NOOO, I am sorry...
Did you you beat him down and shove the beer bottle in his mouth and knee him in the chin, breaking the bottle and sending shards of glass dowwn his throat and into his cheeks?

Thats what he deserves..Glad your ok, that could have been bad...

John1932's photo
Fri 08/07/09 11:51 PM

* sits back and wonders just how long it will take before this thread is moved to Sex and Intimacy *

Not long....But she is a sweetie and I feel bad, so I'm gonna stop..

John1932's photo
Fri 08/07/09 11:48 PM
Naw Modela i couldn't do that to ya, but I definatly have one heck of an imagination...

John1932's photo
Fri 08/07/09 11:46 PM

meaning spock

Hafta prove it 2 u:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

sweet! lets get to it! drool drool drool

Brb... gotta check you out 1st make sure you are not juvenile...:laughing: I dont want to go to jailrofl rofl rofl rofl

Check me while your at it, Im ready for round two...

John1932's photo
Fri 08/07/09 11:38 PM

I will....Masturbate NOW thanks to MODELA's COMMENT!

Hey, nothing wrong doing it...That's one of my priority in life I make sure I take care one of them every day....:banana: :banana: :banana:

Do you have any idea the stress you just caused...
MY goodness, ok ummmm, I gotta go guys,,,really sleepy and ummmm gotta a long day in my pants,, I mean tomorrow....yawn

John1932's photo
Fri 08/07/09 11:34 PM

Had a good friend pass away tonight. Will be back soon

OHHH CRAP, sorry to hear that.... not good..flowerforyou

John1932's photo
Fri 08/07/09 11:30 PM

You will wake up tomorrow (correction, today in the morning) and ________________ (fill in the line)

and... masturbate!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

Now why did you have to say that? I wont sleep now... smitten

Okay, You do the same and I will meet you half way....rofl rofl rofl rofl

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: love

John1932's photo
Fri 08/07/09 11:25 PM

You will wake up tomorrow (correction, today in the morning) and ________________ (fill in the line)

and... masturbate!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

Now why did you have to say that? I wont sleep now... smitten

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