Tom, I knoiw we have not talked much on here or theothersite, but I
enjoyed your posts, you are going to be missed.Hope one day you can find your way back here, but not at the expese of your happiness or for wathe evr reason. |
Blind Dreams
Hiya, Kitten,how are you doing today?
Blind Dreams
Very nice, Katie, as is with your other poems. Keep up the good work.
Have you ever tried getting any of your poetry published? |
well now i just dont know
Sorry tohear thst ,Lisa. I would reporthim and see what action the staff
here takes, maybe they can prevent himfromoprming sn sccount under another name,but if he comes under someone elses account, then jusy keep blckinghim, or the account he is comming here under, pretty soon, he wonthave any friends,if he keeps getting their account blocked or terminated. I am happy to have you asa my friend, and I dontconcider you a man eater. |
New Scammer lol
Elgee, sounds almost word for word, with a few things changed, from the
one I got, but from a supposed woman, including born in NC. and rich, travels a lot, has one son. And always used the word "cos" |
Congradulations, Crash, Buddy.
love & metaphors...
Love is like the setting sun, the stars in the sky at nigh, themorning
dew on the petals of a flower, like the swwet air after a rain, like the sunrise, which signals a new day is born. |
to whom it may concern
Yes, Lisa and you are just one of those wonderfull people.
Song, here is a little bit of advice that may help you and your man. Far
to often, after being in a relationship we all tend to not talk, as in the begaining, that is when we all need to get back toothe basics of communication. Sit down with him, for about an hour, turn off the TV or anything else that would disrupt the setting and talk too him, tell him of your concernes and let him tell you about his true feelings about your pregnamcy, after all it is his unborn child too. And here is the kicker, when you tell him your concernes, remember, talk in a calm voice, no yelling or finger pointing, then when it is his turn too tell you his concernes, listen, do not interupt him, as he should not do to you, while you are talking, you will be surprised, how this can help, when each of you takes the time too listen too each other and I mean realy listen.It would be a good idea, if you both cna set time aside, just for talking and leistening, at least once a week. This is my opinion, but then I am only a guy. What do I know. |
I would and I have.Unfotunatly due too circumstances, I am unable to
right now. But that is not a permanet situation, one dasy I will be able too move from here, which I do plan on doing.Where that will be, I have no idea yet, hopefully too a warmer place, it is cold here in Pa. |
I will probably get shot fot this, but to me, cleavage is nice but not
something I would base a relationshipon, it is the whole person I am interested in.I had a wife that had a lot of cleavage, and inside she was black as coal, if you know what I mean. Me, I like too see a lady, with a nice dress or a blouse, with just a little hint of cleavage, a pretty face and a good personality, a sense of humor, honest.To me that is sexier than showing it all (Cleavage).SOmetimes when I see a pic of a lady, showing it all, it makes me think, that in their mind, that is all they have going for them and that is what every man wants, , but for me, that is not it. |
Are you psychic?
I wish I could sit down with each and everyone of you to realy talk
about this subject, It is one of my favorite. And if you looked at my profile, at the end of it, you will see why.I dont ge5t much opportunity too discuss the subject much around here. But it is realy refreshingtoo see people like you believing init, and have an open mind. |
You made me look too, now for that, You are all goingtoo get
smoooooooooooooched and hugeddddddddddddddd. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG) Have a great Day. |
I'm new, I'm fun, I'm weird
Hi,Superhero, welcome too JSH and the forums, pullupachair and enjoy
yourself. |
Why do people....
Come here, Green, I'll dust you off.
I miss.......
Ahhhh, Gypsy, come here,let me give you a hug and a kiss.I dont have a
bike. and I certainly wouldnt put a bike in the way of a beautifull Lady like you. |
I need advice!!!
Sorry bout that, JSH stole the rest of the message.
I need advice!!!
ve stated,checkout Anger Management and counceling, , that would be your
best bet right now. |
I think I'm gonna...
Green, dont be a stranger, keepin touch. Will miss you.
Congradulations, Lisa. I wish you the best, you deserve it, you do have
a way with words. |