Pop ups..........
you aren't suffering from pop-ups that a popup blocker is gonna help
with. You have some kind of adware or spyware on your system. Search Google for virus scanners. If you want a paid solution go to and search for Norton 360, it's getting amazing reviews and kicks some serious booty. |
Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs
There is another factor in why some people have more contempt for MS then they have for Shell, etc. We have -watched- the software industry be destroyed by MS's anti-competitive practices. It happened fast enough for us to see it happening, and to know - while we watched company after company, product after product disappear, who was responsible. Personally, I don't mind watching people get wealthy. In the early days of Google, I was stoked to see the author of Perl getting rich. And I was happy to hear when Torvalds was gifted a huge chunk of stock. Younger people have been born into a MS world, and don't know the history. They believe the lies about "innovation." But while watching Gates get wealthy, I was also watching truly great products companies and products die. --------------------- OK, I can see that, it's definitely more "here and now" than some other things...although the electric car was killed off only a few years ago... but I see that. And I guess you didn't like my other analogy about the car and windows, haha! |
The linksys router is good, I like it. Wireless cards for your laptops are about 50 each, and for desktops probably around the same price...but I am assuming you are using laptops? But all in all, it'll be about $150 to $200 or so. |
Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs
as to the comparison with GM....I don't have to learn to drive all over again when I buy a new car. I don't have to hit start to turn the car off. The car doesn't just freeze up when I'm going down the road. I don't have to call somebody half a world away to talk about a problem with my car...etc etc ----------- this is exactly the kind of stupidity I'm talking about. You don't drive your car like you use windows. If you wanted to use windows like you use your car, turn it on, open notepad, type a letter, maybe use the calculator, then turn it off. But that's not what you do... You pull the computer out of the box, and you turn it on, and then you install AOL. OK, so let's equate that to...going to a 7-11 and asking the man behind the counter to change your oil. This is AOL we are talking about, so change a few spark plugs in your engine, and then spray paint AOL in big letters on your car (bonus points for putting it on the windshield in the corner). decide to install the printer on your computer...preferably one of those you get for free...or $10 or so. (yes, printer=drivers...nuff said). So you pop the hood of your car, take the cooling system, and splice it, put a little black box next to the engine that is now cooled along with your engine (with the same cooling system), connect it to the engine with a belt, because the black box, at random times will need access to power from the engine. Hook the black box up to the radio, because whenever you start your car, you want to hear and see the pretty little black box graphic. We almost forgot the antivirus. Put an additional filter between the fuel line and the engine, preferably one that constricts gas flow a little. Then, divert 10% of the engine power to a second black box which actually cleans your pistons while you drive. Now, you have to realize that you would never drive this car at 60, so hop on in, put the UHaul trailer on the hitch, and go 120 on the highway. Now tell me your car is gonna run perfectly for more than 3 miles, and it won't suddenly shut down completely at random intervals. Yes, I exaggerate, but the fact is, a "clean system" like a clean car, WILL work never requiring shutdowns, reboots, or anything...but as soon as you install ANYTHING, it's not a clean system...just like it's not a clean car. And yeah, installing some software is like changing the tires...but most software is not that you NEVER actually use a clean system, but USUALLY use a clean car... |
Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs
I don't want to go off topic on the electric car issue, I'll trust you that GM did some evil things. -------- Good, because my point isn't about the electric cars or anything, it's the fact that oil companies are further in bed with politicians than microsoft can ever hope to be...last I MS employee has ever been president, haha. But the point is, that's it's easy to jump on the "Bill Gates/MS" bandwagon because you know who he is. If I told you the CEO of Shell, BP, Aral, Amoco, Texaco, you wouldn't even know who they are (or most people wouldn't anyway)...and it's tough to hate the unit ("Oil companies") but it's easy to hate the man (Bill Gates). That's where my issues come from, not from present or past transgressions of other companies...because they are all, in their own way, guilty. |
Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs
If GM had created a situation in which you -have- to buy one of -their- cars in order for your car to be compatible with the major kinds of gas that is available, or the main kinds of roads we drive on, then yes we would and should hate GM also. But we have a choice to buy cars from one of a number of different companies. -------------------------------- You're approaching this problem the wrong way. The competition to the car, was the railroad, people were given a choice to use it. Then GM neutralized major railways, which essentially forced people to use cars instead of trains. The difference is, GM had solid competition from the start. Apple and "IBM clones" were the first systems that were out. IBM clones, because they were clonable and compatible began to thrive, apple began to die. That's why I say that GM had solid competition, because the cars ALL worked on roads, not the railroads, whereas MacOS was like a works on the rails...and nowhere else...but cars don't work on rails, but they do everywhere else. I know that MS attempted is not entirely innocent, I know they attempted to kill java among other things... Have you seen who killed the electric car? Since you bring up GM dictating what gasoline goes in the car... I know it wasn't GM singlehandedly killing the electric car...but they aren't innocent. |
sorry im late
welcome Kevin, don't remember you from the other place, but I'm from
there as well. Welcome |
This was before she asked him to use contagious in a sentence.
We were watching our neighbor painting her fence with a tiny little brush, and my dad said "with that brush, it will take this contagious." |
the one I'm thinking of getting is
You'll regret reading this shirt when the sketch artist asks you to describe my face. |
I was born intelligent, but education ruined me.
Mother and Lover in Maryland
welcome to the forums, enjoy yourself here, it's a great place!
had had whoa!!
I'll have to READ it again, might have missed stuff when I READ it last time. |
Hey petite, I added you
Romanian girl in Wisconsin
welcome! It's a fun little place, pull up a chair, grab a beer.
Justsay hi.
Yeah, there's some scaries on here, pay them no mind.
I would have to pick 1470s
What would I do there? I'd go chat with Leo, and check out the mona lisa while he's painting it, then I'd go have a brewsky with Chris, letting him know that his discovery of America was gonna kick something serious, and then I would probably check out the Sisteen chapel, and lend Mikey a helping hand. The 1470s is where it's at! |
Justsay hi.
hey there, welcome to the forums! Pull up a chair, post a little, have
some fun! |
Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs
So should we hate GM because we HAVE to own cars? Cars are MUCH more
expensive and MUCH more insecure than windows. If you look at the statistics for cars getting scratched, dented, and wrecked, I can guarantee that the numbers are higher than those for windows getting hacked. Especially when you realize that some people own 3+ many cars do you own? Can I ask you how many scratches you have on your car? BECAUSE people started having cars, distances increased. And BECAUSE the distances started increasing, people HAD to get cars. The same holds for windows. Apple shot themselves in the foot many many years ago, so they lost the market share they could have had, so now, BECAUSE people have windows, most software is for windows. BECAUSE most software is for windows...people have windows. I don't see how that's Microsoft's fault. Bill Gates had a vision. From kevin: ------------------------ Don't forget he will need to have the same level of knowlege as those people he is paying a swell and I bet he does not even know one programming language his people write. Sounds to me like he would not hire himself if he saw his own resume ----------------------- from the wikipedia: ---------------------------- Gates excelled in elementary school, particularly in mathematics and the sciences. ... According to Gates, people at Microsoft often did more than one job during the early years; whoever answered the phone when an order came in was responsible for packing and mailing it. Gates oversaw the business details, but continued to write code as well. In the first five years, he personally reviewed every line of code the company shipped, and often rewrote parts of it as he saw fit. ---------------------------- should do a bit more research before you make a claim like that. (just like your spell checker isn't working for you). Yeah, MS software has a lot of issues, as does any software... but then...EVERYTHING has bugs. If You had 500 million people (I'm guessing that's about right...1/12 people...) using a piece of software with that many features...they would find as many flaws as well. Especially those who are TRYING to find them for fun and profit. I work for a security company...those bugs in Windows keep us working, haha. |
Another problem with Vista
yeah, ubuntu is kinda cool. Also does this interesting windowing thing
where they shake like jello when you move them. It's really really cool...for like 2 minutes. Luckily it can be turned off (very easily...unlike annoying ms features which linger forever). |
company web domains
I am in tears. |