"Don't Ask"
![]() Wonderfully expressed.... ![]() ![]() I thought for some reason I needed to go back to school and believe me I have been kicking myself ever since LOL thank goodness it is online because I wouldn't make it LOL Good to know I have been missed.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"sucked into some honeybees"
Lavishing upon the
Foundational Sweets and Creams such a cloying road, sweet sweet and sweet concentrated expulsion of an overworked throat.... So full of negatives, that's all past, now satiate oneself on The Milk and Honey I'm living that dream, and it's EVERYTHING I wanted to cream It's anyone that gropes me, licking and saying 'I'm their sweet." It's already making me so shallow, so slovenly in my creamy smiles and honey dreams -The honey crystals s..l..o..w..l..y dissolve in hot milk- And that's not all, not alll there is to it When the rush of knowing you just might belong, might invade your space, your oozing head, Hey! Isn't That Better Instead!? I can't get my fill, I don't even pretend to stop my hands... I don't ever want to feel, I can't, however, keep control of my hands... |
"Don't Ask"
Wonderfully expressed.... ![]() ![]() |
So Simple
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Famous Quotes
I don't know how famous he is, but mine is from William S. Burroughs. He's in the class of writers as Allen Ginsberg and Keuorac(sp?) "Today's battlelines and wild frontiers are tomarrows supermarkets and shopping malls. Time and Banality strike the hardest blows." ![]() He was real famous Fusion. He had a small roll in a good movie made in 1989 with Matt Dillon and Kelly Lynch called "Drugstore Cowboy." Here's a link to a short look at Burroughs in the movie. I don't know if they allow links to go through, but you can copy and paste it into your browser: Flatline ![]() |
im new
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Tribute to ??
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Will be reading this......
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Famous Quotes
I don't know how famous he is, but mine is from William S. Burroughs. He's in the class of writers as Allen Ginsberg and Keuorac(sp?)
"Today's battlelines and wild frontiers are tomarrows supermarkets and shopping malls. Time and Banality strike the hardest blows." ![]() |
Lady of Leisure
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"Don't Ask"
Thank you both for reading.
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Rights to life.
Fusion99 Do we really consider the morality of what we're doing to the animal as we drink our milk, eat our cheeseburger, slip on our leather coats and suede shoes, and run to the store for fertilizer and glue? Not a second thought
Is it wrong? I'm gonna have to say no, I like all those above mentioned items from a cow, I won't lie. But we do breed them, change them to suit our needs, feed them, care for and shelter them. We consider them to be property and therein lies the animals' value, therein lies the range in which we will extend them any rights. Do we have the right to treat all life this way? Assuredly not, there is no reason to be cruel, overhunt and extinguish a species. In our quest to make the biggest pigs, the most tender veal, the most productive cows and chickens, not to mention produce that will be bigger, last longer in the grocery case and look shiny and inviting, we have succeeded in contaminating our food sources. We have not only made living conditions of these animals pitifully and needlessly painful and a life filled with suffering but the payback is obesity, cancer causing (carcinogens) in our food, diabetes, tooth decay, unnecessary stomach problems that lead to stomach, esophageal, and colon cancer. These are the byproducts of our NOT considering the moral issues of other life. Research can be done on the computer as well as writing an opinion in a forum. It is your body, do you know what you are feeding it? OK, I see the message behind your words. I've seen the videos and fliers that expose the horrors of raising livestock. Are these truly the conditions of ALL livestock and fowls? There are laws in place that have already considered the "morality" of raising food. It appears the videos and fliers are in contradiction with these laws..... Research can be done in many ways, and not to sound glib, but the byproducts you mentioned do not all stem from our current advancements in farming. Many of them deal with morals of quite another kind. ![]() |
"Don't Ask"
it's not really the "best" thing to do,
but I can't help acting just like the rest of you: "I'd gotten so lost, feeling guilty from missed opportunities feeling guilty over imagined chances I'd like sometime to tell myself "Hey, it's's ok...." but the surcharge of BANALITY is such a bother to pay I'd like sometime to say "Hey, I really wanna make a "difference"." Well....they'd asked & I haven't been heard from since...." it's not really the "worst" thing to do, But I can't help feeling I don't give a damn about any of you: "You'd gotten so confused, so lost, clinging tenaciously to someones' "Surity Dream" clinging tenaciously for a wasted, insidious paradox You'd been telling me: "Hey, be just like this & it's ok...." so how mch more time in BOREDOM must I play? You say: "Hey, look just like this & you'll be the "difference"." Well....I'd looked & they haven't asked again...." it's not even the "only" thing to do, but I can't help thinking maybe I really am just like all of you: "We're really gettin lost, really f*cking confused & a bit overused Screaming at the "CONTROLLER" in the skies, Screaming under the weight of its imagined despise It'll ask us to placate & say: "I'm saved....Hey!....i'm saved." but "saved" from what? they will never proclaim It'll ingratiate us to say: "The "difference" is better than men." Yeah, right! They scream this everywhere I go, I want to INCEND...." So....I don't get it, it's not the "BEST", it's not even the "WORST", and won't ever be the "ONLY" thing to do, Should it just be the same, the same as all of you.......? |
Rights to life.
Hey There Red!
To start, there was no threat perceived....that's just how I write ![]() I did consider the morality of the question. But if you realize you have power over something and you can manipulate it to your own ends and desires, then you really don't have to consider the morality of the situation. Because the actions already committed back then, now and up ahead already override any second thoughts about "Is what I'm doing to this animal really wrong?". This is what we are, animals that like to eat other animals, we've just figured out the best way to always get a meal. Does the animal have rights? Yes. Does it's life have value? Yes. Do we really consider the morality of what we're doing to the animal as we drink our milk, eat our cheeseburger, slip on our leather coats and suede shoes, and run to the store for fertilizer and glue? Not a second thought ![]() Is it wrong? I'm gonna have to say no, I like all those above mentioned items from a cow, I won't lie. But we do breed them, change them to suit our needs, feed them, care for and shelter them. We consider them to be property and therein lies the animals' value, therein lies the range in which we will extend them any rights. Do we have the right to treat all life this way? Assuredly not, there is no reason to be cruel, overhunt and extinguish a species. But in the end we will do what we do, simply because we can. ![]() |
"We have such sights to show you!" Pinhead, HellRaiser
"the way around NOTHING"
I can assuredly relate!!! I did so enjoy reading this!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"the way around NOTHING"
Wow!! Wonderful!!! Well I see some things in your write. But it's my own perception Won't put it on a post cause well some here might think I'm being the diva poetess. Which some already think ![]() Your poems are formatted in a way When read out loud, sound like the urban reads I go to hear at the jazz room It flows like that!!! ![]() ![]() |
![]() Must be the difference in the author. ![]() ![]() |
Rights to life.
Fusion99 To answer the first question, we think a cow can't say or comprehend " I AM", whereas a man, can. So the difference we place upon a cow and ourselves is that a cow can't "initiate" more complex thought patterns. True it can see and interact with other cows and animals, it can feed itself, clean itself and take care of its young, i.e. nurturing, teaching, feeding and protection from threats from recognized carnivores.
So if some superior life form visits our planet and they happen to be vampires, they are definitely within their rights to enslave us, breed us, use us for their pleasure, experiment with us, and ultimately use us as food? Or another example: Another group of humans invents a weapon that can serve to enslave every other human. They have the right to do so, simply because they can. Is what you really believe, that everyone is just out for themselves and the strongest, bravest and most intelligent deserve to take power and do with the rest of us what they please? One of my favorite quotes is from William S. Burroughs: "NOTHING IS ALLOWED. EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED." This is what I was trying to convey, there are limits to our power, limits to the cows. You want to eat that animal, go ahead, it's within your power. And this isn't an arguemnt for power is already have the power. And since we have the power, we eat the cows simply because we can. We do all the things we have done for that same reason. We can look back in hindsight and attach the morals,ethics,virtues and vices simply because you can. So with that in mind, if your Scenario 1 were to take place, then yes, that advanced vampire race can do all those things simply because they can, it's within their power....the question is how much is in our power to stop it? In the end it is still the same game of Nature: Eat or be Eaten. As for the Scenario 2, I can't attach the morals, etc. to my belief because the arguemnt is still the same. Besides the rules we impose upon ourselves, I still say "Nothing is allowed. Everything is Permitted." Of course I'm not advocating cruelty to animals or painfull death, but the only way to eat the cow is to kill it. Eat or Be Eaten. Look forward to your response! ![]() |