Community > Posts By > slikylisa

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:55 PM
you only need to call and they will comeflowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:53 PM
um i fell out of a tree one time

it was a bonsi

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:50 PM
i know i know you were gonna ask if any one seen your tooth brush

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:48 PM
a glass of milk please

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:46 PM
um joyce you are already so special why would you need to meet anyone
more sprcial than youlaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:44 PM
greyhound i hope i can answer this right sine iam only one boob
but i think romeo is a cat and you are gonna meet him alright
when he comes to your door wanting to be fedlaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:40 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:40 PM
well maybe you would be more comfortable asking this booblaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:31 PM
the answers are waiting the questionslaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:31 PM
well poison that is a big question there could be a lot of answers for
over wherelaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:18 PM
the boobs fortune teller is here so better ask em quicklaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:12 PM
they want you to cash checks or money orders for them
believe me they are only lookin for a woman to send these fake money
orders to they want you to cash them at your bank then send the cash by
western union do not accept any of this

i work real hard at tracking down these guys in the past 3 months i have
logged over 10 of them and they are put into a
file with the Fcc then tracked down and shut down
i have recived checks and money orders in the past 3 months worth over
5000 dollars that are fake, i turn this over to the local athorities and
it is then taken to the atorney generals
ofice in my state then the big guys take over and catch these guys
i have been tracking scammers for about a year now and i have seen some
pretty good cons out there dont believe it if it sounds to good to be
one big give away all these guys have is they always use pls in stead of
please i have seen it thousands of times
and the pls tells me every time who iam dealing with
any emails you get from guys like this should be deleted

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:00 PM
you been chasing rainbows huh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 01:57 PM
whays up skittle toes

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 01:13 PM
Hey there good luck and welcomeflowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 12:50 PM
Kim your Hair looks really good the color is that of a delightfull wine
and it compliments you well

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 12:46 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 12:44 PM
do you think if you could slide down a rainbow
you would have skittle marks on ya panties

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 11:01 AM
just last week i saw the most beautiful rainbow it was so brilliant i
cried at the site of itflowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:58 AM