Community > Posts By > slikylisa

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 11:31 PM
laugh laugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 03:32 PM
i will not cross the path of a black cat with out spitting over my
shoulderlaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 03:21 PM
green you are too nice and purdy tooflowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 02:23 PM
there are some awesome people right here in this site and anytime day or
nite you can find a friend ready to help with whatever you need

you better believe it

i just wanted to say this cause i believe it and am impressed with what
i have found right here on JSH

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 01:27 PM
awww dang no spankings:tongue:

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 01:03 PM
yall think theres a chair in here that can with stand all my naughty
nesslaugh laugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 12:26 PM
they do that crap here in texas too and the tickets count even from
other states

maybe you should check the local taxi cabs see if any female drivers are
single there would be a sure shot:wink: laugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 10:00 AM
hey Everett and Bucket

hey if you read that last post too fast Bucket you might get hair

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 09:54 AM
alright hers comes the sun little darlin

wow you look refreshed

what did you do

or is it who

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 09:47 AM
hehe Kim

Butons you lucky wench laugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 09:39 AM
Kim are you using my picture at that place again

i only got an 8 on one
8.1 on one
and a 7.6 on another

so you relize we are sexier than 81 % of those people at this
place of fire and icelaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 09:35 AM
of course it includes you katie
and yout to Tom

and you too Buttons and your neighborlaugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:55 AM

or a pillow to sleep onflowerforyou laugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:48 AM
vannilla pepsi pleaselaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:47 AM
wake up girl its gonna be a beautifull day

just cause you are in itflowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Tue 05/29/07 08:39 AM
Heres to all my friends i love so muchflowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 05:11 PM
:wink: flowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 03:35 PM
um sorry lazy but you just might not be the one i was talking
aboutlaugh laugh

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 03:35 PM
msteddy your sugar bear is always watching for you
look around you will see himlaugh flowerforyou

slikylisa's photo
Mon 05/28/07 02:58 PM
yes Joyce and you will find him soon he might be above you right
nowlaugh laugh

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