Community > Posts By > cutelildevilsmom
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Mon 12/22/08 05:14 PM
god bless the troops!! |
Police Get The Wrong House
this thing is f@#$king ridiculous and I smell coverup.I'm sure a little street justice will be meted out to the three cops involved.
I haven't even started yet......
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Pagan or Christian, who really cares? its a day off work and an excuse to get drunk. If people want to make out that it is any more than that it is up to them, but there is little religious meaning to it to the best part of people who celebrate it. I don't know anybody that gets drunk on Christmas. I once went drunk to midnight mass..what a hoot!! |
Pagan or Christian, who really cares? its a day off work and an excuse to get drunk. If people want to make out that it is any more than that it is up to them, but there is little religious meaning to it to the best part of people who celebrate it. I don't know anybody that gets drunk on Christmas. I once went drunk to midnight mass..what a hoot!! |
Adam Walsh
I have known that for years. I have done extensive research on both Otis Toole, and Henry Lee Lucas. These two are a murderous pair, they claimed to have killed over six hundred people across the U.S. They murdered a family friend here, and that was the launch of my investigation. Henry Lee took deputies to the house, and he confirmed the killing, with details only the murderer could have known. Such as the unlocked sliding doors, the fact that the furniture had been rearranged, and that the baby (at the time) was in a crib. He described the crime scene right down to the womans bra. This lady was a friend of my family, and her father is probably the only reason i am alive today. In letters between Henry Lee, and Otis Toole, Otis asked..was i wrong to eat those people, Henry's answer was "no, it's just what you like" or something to that effect. These men should have been put to death for the gruesome crimes they committed. The case here in Ga, was pretty much overlooked, because of the more gruesome crimes in other states. I will join you in the prayers for Adam, and for his family. sorry for your loss mark. |
Racial Preservation???
if you ask me it's crap and to put a kid in foster care rather than a loving family is crazy.Those Natives should be ashamed of themselves and so should the mother.
Adam Walsh
Thank goodness there is some kind of closure and may Americas most wanted run forever.Peace and prayers to Mr Walsh and his family.
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This is a riot. A news reporter throws his shoes at Bush It was in Iraq.... imagine if he threw a shoe at Saddam Hussein....the reporter would be dead now and probably so would his family. So .... the reporter was very disrespectful to the man who is responsible for giving him his freedom of free speech and freedom of shoe throwing... How condescending.We caused the mess over there from the 1950's on so let's stop painting Bush as the Great White Father shall we? |
1789? oh lord
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r.i.p hun ! ![]() granddad still has your posters on his gargae wall ! ![]() that's sweet. |
Betty I hardly knew ye.
RIP dear lady. ![]() |
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Sat 12/13/08 05:11 PM
The Salvation Army here does not force religion on anyone and provides many wonderful programs for the needy. They should be stingy and hateful like the rest of the people who have forgotten the meaning of empathy and caring.
Do you live a life....
i try to be nice bu some folks you gotta love from a distance.
secert santa/this is cool
What a nice story.:)
Obama & Guns
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Mon 12/08/08 01:05 PM
Hasn't the supreme court already decided this?..Obama doesn't want your guns but please lock them up,learn to shoot them properly so I or a child don't get a stray bullet in our rump or worse.
not for me.I would trip lol
will wal-mart kill us all
to grocery shop at walmart...most food products are american made. its everything else we should boycott, not jsut walmart. best buy. kohls. cirfcuit city. meijers. victoria secrets ![]() yup Well, Victoria's Secret more than anything. They make American women look like sluts! Excuse me?I wear my undies under my clothes and i see nothing wrong with a little lacy something.Looking sexy does not equate with slut. Exactly! You don't take off your clothing and parade up and down a runway in your lacy little somethings. On TV! In prime time. Wearing Angel wings! (What does this tell those who think Americans are absolutely Godless heathens?) I've known many young male Arab students who actually believed that those lacy little somethings were going to be lined up waiting for them, on blonde prostitutes, as they stepped off the plane in every American airport. Victoria's Secret, and their customers, can have their lacy little somethings as long as they keep their (softcore) pornography out of my face. Do you have children? Do you enjoy it when they walk down the mall and see huge photos of the kind they have in the windows of the VS store? So are they just evil cause they are lace? Because if they were wearing bikinis in those posters it would be covering just as much.. do you stay clear from the beach also? And it's not Victoria Secrets fault that some Arab kid watches a TV program and thinks a WHOLE COUNTRY and all the people in it are that way... *sigh* yeah because Adams balls got caught in a thorn bush and winter is cold. |
it was by Fleetwood Mac...."Don't Stop" .....perhaps Stevie was referring to something she and billy boy had in common....cocaine! ![]() ![]() ![]() Cocaine? Me thinks you should read the lyrics. I have never heard of Clinton doing coke though Bush has been linked to it. Clinton Suffers from Disease of Coke Addicts Clinton has refused to release his full medical records. Only two brief and evasive "summaries" have been shown to the press. There are growing demands, even from the normally friendly daily press, that Clinton come forth with his medical records like Bob Dole. A top congressional staffer has revealed to this publication that Clinton has been treated for an illness called a "perforated septum." This is a medical condition caused by the heavy and prolonged use of cocaine. This condition occurs when the cartilage separating the two passages of the nose is eaten away from the frequent inhalation of cocaine. The divider, or septum, is literally burned away by the drub. Such a condition can only be treated through delicate surgery. Longtime Clinton mistress Sally Perdue has publicly stated that she saw Clinton prepare a "line" of cocaine in her living room. She said that Clinton was no amateur, "he had all of the equipment laid out, like a real pro." Despite having his closest aids sworn to secrecy, this damning information on Clinton has finally leaked out. Sam Donaldson Quotes Clinton Press Secretary Mike McCurry On the David Brinkley TV show aired Sunday, September 15, Sam Donaldson stated that rumors were flying in Washington over the hidden item in Clinton's medical records. Donaldson repeated the evasive but unwittingly revealing reply given by White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry in justifying this secrecy on Clinton's records. He claimed that Clinton had not revealed his complete medical records because it would be "embarrassing." Sensing his poor choice of words (for Clinton), McCurry hurriedly changed that word to "confidential." AND: Dole Camp Seeks Disclosure Of Clinton's Medical Records By TIM WEINER Published: August 22, 1996 The Bob Dole campaign said today that President Clinton should make all of his medical records public, as Mr. Dole has, and not just summaries of his annual physical examinations. Mr. Clinton turned 50 this week and generally gives the outward appearance of being, in the words of his White House spokesman, Michael D. McCurry, ''a healthy 50-year-old white male'' with a healthy appetite and a few extra pounds to show for it. But Mr. Clinton has not agreed to an interview about his health, as has Mr. Dole, who is 73 and partly disabled from his World War II wounds. Today, the Dole camp made an issue of Mr. Clinton's apparent reluctance to fully disclose the details of his records. ''Why won't the President of the United States provide the American people with a full accounting of his medical history and records?'' Mr. Dole's spokesman, Nelson Warfield, asked in a written statement. ''After all, as Bill Clinton's White House has proven time and again, partial disclosure is no disclosure at all.'' The health of Presidents has long been an issue, but gained currency after President Dwight D. Eisenhower's heart attack more than 40 years ago. Since then, the public has been privy to details -- sometimes more than many people wanted to know -- about problems like Lyndon B. Johnson's gall-bladder surgery and Ronald Reagan's gunshot wounds and his cancer. But Mr. Clinton's relative reticence on the subject, along with the challenge raised by the Dole campaign, prompted questions and requests for the President's medical files at today's White House briefing. Mr. McCurry responded by disclosing some of Mr. Clinton's most recent results, including his cholesterol count, his pulse rate, his blood pressure and his hemoglobin, and white blood cell and platelet count, all of which were normal. Mr. McCurry was then asked by The New York Times why Mr. Clinton would not submit to an interview with its medical reporter, Dr. Lawrence K. Altman, as Presidents Bush and Reagan did, and as Mr. Dole has done. AND: Clinton uttered the quote during a January 26, 1998, White House press conference when allegations were running high regarding an alleged sexual relationship between himself and Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern. At the conclusion of the press conference, Clinton said:[1] “ Now, I have to go back to work on my State of the Union speech, and I worked on it until pretty late last night. But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false, and I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you. ” AND: Wikipedia: The nature of the statement was called into question within hours when a skeptical reporter noted to White House press secretary Mike McCurry that the term "sexual relations" can be defined as meaning coitus, and asked whether the President and Lewinsky had been engaging in other forms of sex. McCurry replied, "I think every American that heard him knows exactly what he meant with the question. He didn't leave any ambiguity in it whatsoever."[2] The controversy deepened when Clinton was revealed, in fact, to have had sexual contact with Lewinsky, although the issue remained a semantic one as to whether the words "sexual relations" includes oral sex. This and related disputes would lead to the impeachment of Bill Clinton and the settlement and conclusion of the legal case with Paula Jones. ![]() ![]() could have posted same cocaine suspicion about Bush but i had class. |
Martymark, What do you mean by "69 sweetness"? milli vinilli? ![]() |