Community > Posts By > lspen43

lspen43's photo
Thu 07/16/09 05:03 PM

F**k that B!tch, do as i say or hit the bricks!

You sure do like to "stir the soup"devil

lspen43's photo
Thu 07/16/09 05:00 PM
Yes, I tried speed dating. It was fun. I dated a guy a few times I had met there, but it didn't work out. He was a gentleman though and no hard feelings.

lspen43's photo
Thu 07/16/09 04:37 PM

I don't think kids should always come first, and I'm sure I will hear about it!
I think kids should be loved, protected, taught, encouraged, given lots of attention, and forgiven.

I believe that unconditional loyalty, trust, entitlement, and enabling can be bad for kids.

That is if we want kids who are confident, trustworthy, responsible, sincere, and empathetic.

I don't believe in saying no to a child just to say no. I believe if you want to say no you should have a reason, it doestn't have to be a great reason but there should be a comprehendable reason.

If your child will always come first, then I believe you ought to stay single. Its only fair to the child, and to the man you may want in your life.

To always put a child first is to empower that child with responsibility way beyond what is good for them whether intentional or not.
It gives a child the same decision making power as the man you may want in your life should have.
Eventually the mom and the child will probably start to over rule the man's decisions 2 against 1.
I could go on all day, but I think put some food for thought out there!

that's fair. shades

lspen43's photo
Thu 07/16/09 04:34 PM

my advice to you is dont answer adds where the women say the chidren are her life because you wont win that battle. i was married to someone for four years who already had two kids and believe getting alone time for four years was a battle and everything you do will have to include the kids so regardless of whether u feel shes hot or not avoid the ones whose kids are going to be b4 you, no offense ladies but its the truth

I think the ladies will agree with you. The kids are the most important thing and they should be. That is something that you should know heading into that type of relationship. smokin

absolutely brother!! he's a dork.

lspen43's photo
Thu 07/16/09 03:39 PM

My Mutual Match

rofl rofl rofl rofl :banana:

lspen43's photo
Thu 07/16/09 03:24 PM

part of love unfortunately is the drama.

While the sinners sin and the children play,

The sun will shine on a cloudless day.

For as we all strut and fret upon our days unknowing,

Higher powers look down upon us from above.

All the world is a stage,

Upon it we are all players engage in an act,

An act performed for the amusement of Gods and Devils.

Most of us are cast in Unlikely Roles,

And others shine brightly like stars.

Like moths we want to bask in that light of greatness.

So is she that hot?spock

Are you a moth??spock spock

Or is she a compromise because of loneliness???spock spock spock

I concede that the last question is the tough one though!

Wow, like this.smile2 Who's the poet?

lspen43's photo
Thu 07/16/09 03:21 PM

:smile:Let's say your partner suddenly stopped showing you affection/lovebrokenheartNo sex, cuddling, hand-holding, kissing, hugging, gifts, favors, anythingfrownBut they still said they love you:heart:What would happen?huhHow long could you stay with them?what

what's the saying? "mend it, don't end it". It could be the other has a case of depression and can't give what they can't feel, or it could be hormonal, a drop in testosterone or estrogen would be possible. See a doctor or a counselor, try to work it out until it's exhausted. No one seems to get the "for better or worse, in sickness or in health, etc. and it's so much easier to jump to conclusions and "cop out". Jeez, they still said they love you. So, you stay until you know you have done everything you could to find the "spark" again.

lspen43's photo
Wed 07/15/09 06:05 PM
"does not play well with others"

lspen43's photo
Wed 07/15/09 06:04 PM
i miss you - blink 182

lspen43's photo
Wed 07/15/09 06:01 PM
"trust me, I am a doctor"

lspen43's photo
Wed 07/15/09 08:37 AM
Second chance - Shinedown

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 05:26 PM

As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why: as written by Andy Rooney

A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think. If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting. Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it. Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated. Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off you are a jerk if you are acting like one. You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her. Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal.. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize.

For all those men who say, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?', here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!

Andy Rooney is a really smart guy!

ladies permission to "cougar"

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 05:21 PM
Call me "old-fashioned", don't like that terminology howeverspock
especially the "old" part., but it's all primitive.
men pursue the woman.
not the woman pursue the man.
we will give you cues, be sharp.
just remember, it's like dipping your toe into the wading pool and hoping a shark doesn't get ya.

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 05:15 PM
It's a stir from the inside of you, that would be a feeling, then it's your brain choosing to risk.

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 05:11 PM
Uh oh, that stirred the soup. :tongue:

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 05:09 PM
Only been here a week, got my 7 days email from Mingle2.
Keep at it and post, it's fun.
Take it in stride and remember.... this is as good as it getsdrinker
& :banana:

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 04:57 PM
recognized 90plus percent.

But my favorite, a screen saver at times for work is....

Toto, I don't believe we are in Kansas anymore.

Dorothy, Wizard of Oz.

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 04:48 PM
Blue October - Approaching Normal cd

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 04:46 PM

IS it that they want their women to have implants ?! OR Botox? What is the real Scoop, Men?spock

The real scoop is that fake **** are horrible

I would rather have a spotty floppy pair of bee stings than a huge pair of plastic ones.

"bee stings"??, my friends tease me that mine are "mosquitoe bites". But guess what? they don't flop.:tongue: :tongue:

lspen43's photo
Mon 07/13/09 04:40 PM

I like older women who like younger men.:wink:

I like younger men who like older womendrool

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