. . . as usually, Abra: ![]() |
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Thu 03/18/10 01:40 AM
Unfortunately most people think that in order to change their life or grow as a human being all they need to do is set goals, plan things ahead, manage their time better, say an affirmation or two, become more disciplined, work with a daily planner and a goal minder. This is (almost) completely wrong and will only cause you more grief and distance you from your goals.-----------------
Intuition really is a form of intelligence, it is not always connected to spirituality. We have often assumed that intuitives, just because they are intuitive, are spiritually oriented; this ain't necessarily so! As an ability, it can be used for good or ill, just like anything else. _ In the past centuries, the phenomenon of intuitive/psychic manifestations have been considered to be comming in a spiritual form and/or have spiritual relevance, i.e. divine enlightement -- the more folks connected to the knowing place within themselves, the more they they also connected to the divine. And the more they consciously connected with the divine, the more true knowing they could acquire... (And, quite often, the method has been effective because, the act of preying is, essentially, similar to the act of Meditation -- for the purpose of "Emptying" one's mind! However, intuition may manifest itself in various ways: some people will see images or hear voices (either literally through the auditory faculties of their ears or in their heads or minds). Some may see or sense colors. Others may have an impression that does not come in the form of one of the five senses. Other people may be very sensitive to energy, whether it's the energy of a place or location, people's energy, geological or geothermal energy, nature energy, animal or plant energy, or even color or light energy. Some people are sensitive to the energy of objects, receiving information from holding them. This latter form is called psychometry and many forensic psychics who specialize in working with police on solving crimes work with this form. The type of information that comes from intuition can also vary. We have all had mundane experiences where we think of a song right before it's played on the radio or think of someone just before they call on the phone. Psychic information can come in the form of events - what is going to happen - whether trivial or significant. It can also come in the form of meaning, what the meaning or significance is of what someone is going through. * * * The key to developing intuitive capabilities IS recognizing the type of intuition you're most predisposed to: We can all have one or more types of intuition in one or more forms. The information or content we get can run the gamut from the mundane to the divinely sublime. But we all usually have some form or forms of it, and, if we're truly open and don't put preconceived terms and self-imposed limitations on it, can receive many different types of information in different forms. The trick is to start to work with what we have (and may not even know that we have) -- a sense, an impression, sometimes visual images, sometimes words or quotations, sometimes colors, etc. some can sense health issues (medical intuitives); some, in finding missing people or lost objects; some, in communicating with passed-on loved ones; some, in animal communication; etc. Some people directly access their information; others work with guides as intermediaries... ******** However, the most important (and the most trickiest) aspect of intuitive ability is in learning to distinguish what is true knowing from what may be coming from our own "stuff" - our wants, needs, fears, mindsets, beliefs, etc. True intuition is NOT colored by emotional feelings; it is neutral, colorless. Nor is it filtered through our mindsets or cultural filters, i.e. if we get a feeling about something that is tinged with, for example, fear, it may just be coming from our own issues. * Pure intuitive information is just that: pure, and uncontaminated by our reason or logic!. (*** for that reason, we often disregard, or over-analyse those fleeting baseless conjectures...) And, finally, one of the major difficulties in acquiring the intuitive capabilities is that in our contemporary Western culture intuition hasn't been valued as much as reason & logic -- our normally used and encouraged faculties. . ***(Indeed, everything must be logically quanticised according to the strict rules of mathematical deduction (i.e. logic) -- even though Quantum Mechanics itself is based upon a still illogical -- i.e. unexplained -- phenomenon!)*** Another difficulty is that Intuition is receptive: it is a pereceiving of information, which is a different mode from that of our left-brain logical modes which are active as we analyze and probe. In fact, we all receive information (spoken to all the time), but we are not inclined to listen or pay attention to the signs we are given because we aren't trained or encouraged to pay attention to these subtleties -- we tend to analyse our every every "move"... (Obviously, its kinda scarry acting upon our unjustified instincts -- besides, only very few of us can afford such a luxury, LOL). But doubt comes only from lack of practice!) . Next time you're feeling something you call "intuition" pause and ask yourself, "What is the *information* here?" If you can't separate out the information from the feelings, then it's possible that what you're experiencing isn't even intuition - it may just be your past conditioning, your past experiences, coming up in the present moment. ___________________________QUOTATIONS____________________________ "Your intuition can communicate with you in pictures, words, feelings and gestalts of awareness. It may come in hunches, visions, inspirations, urges, voices, flashes of insight, light-bulb moments, epiphanies and so on." - Aine Belton "The only real valuable thing is intuition." - Albert Einstein "Often you have to rely on intuition." - Bill Gates "Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they somehow already know what you truly want to become." - Steve Jobs * * * * * "It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover." - Jules Henri Poincare "The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days." - Lao-Tzu |
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Thu 03/18/10 01:08 AM
Unfortunately most people think that in order to change their life or grow as a human being all they need to do is set goals, plan things ahead, manage their time better, say an affirmation or two, become more disciplined, work with a daily planner and a goal minder. This is (almost) completely wrong and will only cause you more grief and distance you from your goals.-----------------
Intuition really is a form of intelligence, it is not always connected to spirituality. We have often assumed that intuitives, just because they are intuitive, are spiritually oriented; this ain't necessarily so! As an ability, it can be used for good or ill, just like anything else. _ In the past centuries, the phenomenon of intuitive/psychic manifestations have been considered to be comming in a spiritual form and/or have spiritual relevance, i.e. divine enlightement -- the more folks connected to the knowing place within themselves, the more they they also connected to the divine. And the more they consciously connected with the divine, the more true knowing they could acquire... (And, quite often, the method has been effective because, the act of preying is, essentially, similar to the act of Meditation -- for the purpose of "Emptying" one's mind! However, intuition may manifest itself in various ways: some people will see images or hear voices (either literally through the auditory faculties of their ears or in their heads or minds). Some may see or sense colors. Others may have an impression that does not come in the form of one of the five senses. Other people may be very sensitive to energy, whether it's the energy of a place or location, people's energy, geological or geothermal energy, nature energy, animal or plant energy, or even color or light energy. Some people are sensitive to the energy of objects, receiving information from holding them. This latter form is called psychometry and many forensic psychics who specialize in working with police on solving crimes work with this form. The type of information that comes from intuition can also vary. We have all had mundane experiences where we think of a song right before it's played on the radio or think of someone just before they call on the phone. Psychic information can come in the form of events - what is going to happen - whether trivial or significant. It can also come in the form of meaning, what the meaning or significance is of what someone is going through. * * * The key to developing intuitive capabilities IS recognizing the type of intuition you're most predisposed to: We can all have one or more types of intuition in one or more forms. The information or content we get can run the gamut from the mundane to the divinely sublime. But we all usually have some form or forms of it, and, if we're truly open and don't put preconceived terms and self-imposed limitations on it, can receive many different types of information in different forms. The trick is to start to work with what we have (and may not even know that we have) -- a sense, an impression, sometimes visual images, sometimes words or quotations, sometimes colors, etc. some can sense health issues (medical intuitives); some, in finding missing people or lost objects; some, in communicating with passed-on loved ones; some, in animal communication; etc. Some people directly access their information; others work with guides as intermediaries... ******** However, the most important (and the most trickiest) aspect of intuitive ability is in learning to distinguish what is true knowing from what may be coming from our own "stuff" - our wants, needs, fears, mindsets, beliefs, etc. True intuition is NOT colored by emotional feelings; it is neutral, colorless. Nor is it filtered through our mindsets or cultural filters, i.e. if we get a feeling about something that is tinged with, for example, fear, it may just be coming from our own issues. * Pure intuitive information is just that: pure, and uncontaminated by our reason or logic!. (*** for that reason, we often disregard, or over-analyse those fleeting baseless conjectures...) And, finally, one of the major difficulties in acquiring the intuitive capabilities is that in our contemporary Western culture intuition hasn't been valued as much as reason & logic -- our normally used and encouraged faculties. . ***(Indeed, everything must be logically quanticised according to the strict rules of mathematical deduction (i.e. logic) -- even though Quantum Mechanics itself is based upon a still illogical -- i.e. unexplained -- phenomenon!)*** Another difficulty is that Intuition is receptive: it is a pereceiving of information, which is a different mode from that of our left-brain logical modes which are active as we analyze and probe. In fact, we all receive information (spoken to all the time), but we are not inclined to listen or pay attention to the signs we are given because we aren't trained or encouraged to pay attention to these subtleties -- we tend to analyse our every every "move"... (Obviously, its kinda scarry acting upon our unjustified instincts -- besides, only very few of us can afford such a luxury, LOL). But doubt comes only from lack of practice!) |
The target is behind this sign.
So, why are you aiming below the belt??? |
* * * What's good is science, if it still CANNOT explain such a logical phenomenon as QM ? ? ?
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Tue 03/16/10 08:56 PM
Kiss my ( _!_ )
________________NEVER ASSUME!_______________
Cuz when you assUme, Your making an A$$ out of U and ME!!! |
Relax, bruce lee (aka lonetar25): she's just teasing...
The Two-Slit Experiment
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Mon 03/15/10 10:54 PM
You asked for it, redonkulous!
Now, forget about going to work -- get ready to siff through pages and pages of definite (although possibly conflicting) answers... You might, as well, request the site-management for a fee -- for introducing the most-answered topig that will become the source of the most heated debates!!! |
dildos don't have jelousy issues
Great, except, afterwards, there's no one to talk to! ![]() sign: Make me happy Or face the consequences!
_____________ ![]() |
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Mon 03/15/10 10:08 PM
--------------the Unified Theory---------------
Perhaps the ID concept might be a little too simplistic... On the other hand, The Theory of Evolution (TTE) might be a bit too presumptive: according to TTE, Intelligence simply evolves(?) -- might take a while (a few million billion of years), but animals WILL, eventually, become Reasonable... (I'd strongly advise against Holding Your Breath waiting for that happening! ![]() However, the most probable scenario would seem to be the Unified Theory: 1. TTE kicks in -- brought about with by various meteotites -- plus a few million of years... culminating in the prehistoric human-like apes. 2. ID kicks in -- via etra-terrestrial visitors who (as an experiment) might've infected a pair of australopitecs with an alien "desease" called Intellect!!! ... And the rest is history as we know it! |
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Mon 03/15/10 08:24 PM
_____________I KNEW IT!!!_____________
Thank you very much, James, for re-affirming my belief: *** Our matterial logical world is not devoid of MAGIC *** . [too bad we cannot incorporate that into logic (i.e. computer programs)! ] There're only two possibilities: 1. disregarding the whole matter (and carry on as usual). 2, trying to perceive the gist of it at the purely intuitive level. |
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Sun 03/14/10 11:20 PM
The reason I appreciate Abra's approach is his tolerance of uncertainty (which "some people" seem to lack). Only perfect people may demand Perfection! But, since all/most of people aren't perfect (and have to face uncertainty more and more), the conclusion is to develop a tolerance of uncertainty -- a great "people" skill (and a trait of a wise manager)!!!
. . . coo-coo... |
However, redonculous,
Epistemic Arrogance is the overestimation of knowledge and the underestimation of uncertainty.
Nevertheless -- although the Apophis threat has been recalculated and reduced to 4 in 500,000 -- still, in cosmic proportions, that's a bit too much! |
Abra :
I'm saying that when it comes to considering the true nature of reality logic doesn't have any more clout than pure guessing.
Although I completely agree with you, but (* * * Honestly) Abra, I think you owe redonculous an appology! After all, while she was talking about "apples", you were talking about "oranges" (aside the fact that I really LOVE YOUR JUICY, SWEET "oranges")!!! But you tend masking them as Peaches (or some other fruits) hiding them oranges inside the rhetoric... If you had stated your premiss -- the very first quotation of my current post -- right at the beginning of your presentation (rather than relying on the audience's ability of guessing it), most of the argument would have never happened. So, from my point of view, YOU ARE "GUILTY" (lol) OF NOT DEFINING THE TERMS CLEARLY! -- thus making the rest of us sweat needlessly!!! (feew, I need a bath!) However, seems like redonculous hasn't taken your phylosophical pressure as easily. Besides, you might've, inadvertently, simply crashed a few of her "apples" with your "d a r n oranges" ! After all, the whole misunderstanding is because of the simple APPLICABILITY of the term!!! P.S. In times of misunderstanding, it pays to stand aside and asking yourself: What did I miss to include in my argument that will make them see the beauty of my logical structure??? _________________ Take it easy, nobody's going to confuse an Intellectual Giant for a midget!!! |
space-time is accelerating
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Sun 03/14/10 12:44 AM
JaneStar: Indeed. According to the New evidence has confirmed that the expansion of the universe is accelerating under the influence of a gravitationally repulsive form of (Dark) energy that makes up two-thirds of the cosmos
Kings_Knight: Ever notice how the physicists always manage to criticize dark energy ... ? Life is SO unfair ... I mean, WHO decided that dark energy is 'gravitationally repulsive', anyway? That's a value judgement ... As a matter of fact, I wonder who's better equiped to make a value judgement: the lei-men, or the physicists who spend their time studying dark energy? ? ? |
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Sun 03/14/10 12:53 AM
Nobody knows how it can be like that." -Richard Feynman.
____________________ BUT __________________ redonkulous: Science is a process, its a journey not a destination
Indeed! And the goal of that journey is answering a very basic question: WHAT IS TRUTH??? As long as we keep on posing that same "trivial" question, we're going to move in an infinite circle -- finding only partial answers at some of its points... (*** To be precise, the actual geometrical representation asn't a circle, but an Upward Spiral***) Considering the fact of the "truly" scientific observation is barrely 60 +/-5 years old, it seems a bit premature determining any definite conclusive answer regarding the Evidence. Unfortunately, logic works only within a closed system (i.e. Static) -- such as a computer program, where all of the variables must be predetermined (i.e. Declared) before the program executes. However, such a Dynamic environment, as Life, often contradicts, or defies any logic! (QM is but one such example) That doesn't mean the QM phenomenon will never be comprehended. But our current level of sophistication doesn't allow for our grasping the matter. (not to mention various immeasurable mysteries in the outer space awaiting to be resolved ...) Science is progressing in a slow method of "step-by-step refinement" -- redefining the old truths and discovering the new ones. We might, some day, discover the answer to even the QM phenomenon. And that, in turn, might set off a chain reaction of redefining some/all of our notions -- the closed system would be "wide opened"! Well, until then, we're safe to continue operating within our secure "closed" system. However, do not hold your breath expecting it to last forever!!! |
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Fri 03/12/10 12:16 AM
Great link, metalwing! (no pun intended) -- another nail in the coffin of the doubters...
Meanwhile, digging deeper and deeper into the subject matter, I've dug up the following: Everybody must've heard of the Subliminal Messages. Well, it is quite possible the *Intuition* is nothing else but the SUBLIMINAL PERCEPTION -- an unconscious learning mechanism!!! Brain's info processing involves updating the values of context-action associations in proportion to a reward prediction error. Previous evidence suggests that such computations are expressed in the striatum -- a striped mass of white and grey matter located in front of the thalamus in each cerebral hemisphere -- and, as they are cognitively impenetrable, represent ***an unconscious learning mechanism*** (i.e. bypassing awareness)!!! French researchers have determined: even without conscious processing of contextual cues, our brain can learn their reward value and use them to provide a bias on decision making. P.S. According to my intuition, in just a few short centuries (give or take a couple of the decades) Humans will regain their rightful status of Gods!!! (however, those who doubt, will remnain being mere Mortals!) |