Community > Posts By > munchiebellic

munchiebellic's photo
Sun 07/26/09 08:57 AM
Ok so is it about a bigger female that attracts men twice her age or older? For once i would love to meet a guy that is in my age range that will accept me for who i am, body issues and all. And what is it about big women that turn a man off? I want to say that most men believe all over weight women eat their lives into oblivion. That is not the case a few if not most of us end up over weight due to genetics. Our families are over weight. I exercise regularly and eat right however i still can not shed the pounds. But i have some extraordinary qualities that others cant see because they focus on looks. Are there any guys out there who are up for a challenge?

munchiebellic's photo
Sun 07/26/09 12:04 AM

I am not much for politics however, reading this sparked an interest. And well this maybe off topic however, how may of you think that the economy is actually turning around? We just keep losing money and getting further into debt. Most of us barely keep up with our bills. Single americans struggle to pay for healthcare and bills and food. If we have to go to the doctor and we dont have insurance then we either pay up or go on living with the pain or illness. Or we end up in the er with a bill that we can pay and we end up with terrible credit and cant get the loans for cars or houses due to our poor credit. Its am endless vicious cycle. Taxing sodas and cigarettes might encourage us to put them down. They tend to be more of a leading cause to our health problems. Obesity, lung cancer, heart disease, etc. An average american who drinks soda at least 3 times a day are drinking the caloric intake for half a day of nutrition. And people who smoke at least a pack a day take several years off their lives. So i mean when you think about it is Obama really hindering the poor by his taxes?

As silly as it may seem, there's a luxury tax on yachts, high end luxury cars, lear jets, but the rich will fork over whatever they can to have these luxuries. Same with the poor. So if they tax cigarettes and soda, it'll make people put them down? What if they start taxing food higher and taxing water outta the tap? Do we put those down too? So what's next? Taxing air? Oh wait, that's what the carbon tax is gonna be! So lets see, we have to put down smokes, soda, food, water, and air, ummm, do you see the problem now?

The point was healthcare. The point in fact is if americans were healthier healthcare would not be as big an issue. Americans are some of the most unhealthy people in the world. And we continue to live like we do, so healthcare cost rise constantly. Its a double edged sword. You need healthcare because you continue your bad habits yet you want to complain that your bad habit gets taxed to fund your healthcare? Where is the sense in that?
Now dont get me wrong i am not talking about those who are healthy yet end up sick. Thats is beyond any control. Its the ones that complain about taxes on unnecessary items that are unhealthy for you. Because in the end you might end up needing that healthcare plan due to not being able to work for a company that offers private insurance.

munchiebellic's photo
Sat 07/25/09 10:58 PM
I am not much for politics however, reading this sparked an interest. And well this maybe off topic however, how may of you think that the economy is actually turning around? We just keep losing money and getting further into debt. Most of us barely keep up with our bills. Single americans struggle to pay for healthcare and bills and food. If we have to go to the doctor and we dont have insurance then we either pay up or go on living with the pain or illness. Or we end up in the er with a bill that we can pay and we end up with terrible credit and cant get the loans for cars or houses due to our poor credit. Its am endless vicious cycle. Taxing sodas and cigarettes might encourage us to put them down. They tend to be more of a leading cause to our health problems. Obesity, lung cancer, heart disease, etc. An average american who drinks soda at least 3 times a day are drinking the caloric intake for half a day of nutrition. And people who smoke at least a pack a day take several years off their lives. So i mean when you think about it is Obama really hindering the poor by his taxes?

munchiebellic's photo
Wed 07/08/09 10:13 PM
I have decided that i would love to meet and date a single dad who eventually wants at least one more child.
Are there any out there?

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