Don't argue with a woman you will never win, have you learned nothing, they know all and see all.......
Please Return
Let her borrow something for protection, until he could buy herself one,her apartment complex had been having a lot of break-ins I know as a fact that she had bought herself a new one and was still keeping mine, and anytime I loan an item I always ask when said item will be returned,I think also if one gives their word one should keep it that goes for men and woman.
Please Return
Ok I have one more grip, I think this has been the case with a lot of men,when a woman borrows something of the mans and either never returns it or keeps the borrowed item for an extended length of time, this has recently occurred with a female friend of mine, I finally had the item returned to me after almost 3 weeks, this has also occurred with woman I had been in long term relationships with.
I don't feel that just because a person is in a committed relationship that it gives them a right to keep something they have borrowed, even in a marriage you should respect each others personal items. It seems like woman have this sense of ownership towards a man and entitlement, we may only be men but we also deserve some respect, this should apply to anyone when borrowing, if you borrow something return it in a timely manner. |
When I let her play with my toys.
I think it's ok to be nice to people, like I tell people though it is ok to bend, you have to be flexible in a relationship, but it is not ok to bend over,a woman like any other person would rather respect a man, would you respect anyone who is trying to always kiss your butt.
To Get Love Or To Give Love?
Define Love, to love someone or to be in love with someone, the 2 are not always the same.
Spoiled Men
More like revenge.
Spoiled Men
I have always been there emotionally for a woman otherwise there would be no relationship, but it always seemed no matter how much I would listen and provide a shoulder to cry on and try to be romantic I would always be hit with the same old complaints about helping out more and by the way I did most of the cooking and I was usually neater then most of my girl friends were, that's another thing they would do is bring these matters up when I was attempting to be more intimate that really would kill the mood. |
Spoiled Men
I realize how much a woman puts into a relationship, I just think it is human nature once spoiled always spoiled,times when I have offered to help more I was usually brushed off in most of my girlfriend's opinions I was just getting in their way and usually I didn't do things to their liking this is one of the raesons that men don't help more,when we offer to help out the woman should see that it is the thought that counts and not that we are not doing things exactly the way the woman wants things done.
As for what we men give in a relationship, lets see, protector, jar opener, killer of all bugs and vermin, fixers,lifting of things,breadwinners, reaching high shelves, giving the woman something to complain about. |
Spoiled Men
OK here's one of the things I will never figure out about woman, one of the most common complaints I hear from woman is how spoiled their husbands and boyfriends have become from the time they had started dating.
I may be getting in some trouble here but ladies the fact is if you want your man to pick-up after himself and help more around the home, don't spoil them in the first place,it is first mothers then wives and girlfriends that feel as if they have do most everything it first has to start when the man is a child both my parents taught me to be independent and to do things for myself, I realize a lot of the times woman are having to deprogram a lot of the things they have learned from their mothers. It's like this ladies men are a bit like dogs if you feed us and pet us we will follow you home and not won't to leave. |
Meant To Be Alone?
We tell others and even ourselves that we have no problem being alone and that some of us even prefer it,I think we are only lying to ourselves to make ourselves feel better I for one don't like being alone, well at least some of the time.
Their eyes, I love a woman's eyes partial to woman with deep brown eyes my former girlfriend had very beautiful eyes brown and almond shape,I would feel as if I was drowning in her eyes.
Ive had a few of those offers as well Pat,watch out for the Russian ones that pose as Americans living in your city or state.
age difference
11 yrs would be acceptable.
Happened once to me while I was in high school, a girl kept writing me notes calling my house and following me around school, finally had to let her know how I felt I think I hurt her pretty bad,even though I tried to let her down easy,have always felt kind of bad about that, when I would see her in school she looked as if she had been crying a lot.
age difference
I think age can matter if someone is quite a bit older then the other person you may not find that you have much in common as you both will be from different generations I would say no more then ten years would be ok.
To Be A Gentleman
Been away from the forums for a while will try to start postin more often.
Hi Gypsy, you are still my goddess. I also will say mam such as yes mam and no mam a woman once told me not to call her that sounded like what one would call an older woman. |
To Be A Gentleman
I have always acted like a gentleman when I am with the opposite sex, mainly because I have been raised to always be respectful to woman, I will hold a door open for a woman never would I use any sort of bad language in a womans presence and I will stand when a woman enters a room.
I have noticed there are some woman that become offended when I act in this manner some have even stated that I am being a little stiff and that my manners are a bit outdated my question is should men still act in this fashion and how far is too far when showing good manners. |
Secular World
The atheist are saying to the world that in the United States,Christians are on the decline,well if you read the statics some of this is true,in the nineteen eighties Christians made up 86% of the US population as of around 2004 people claiming to be Christian has dropped to around 76%,however those that claim to believe there is a god have stayed in the upper 80% realm.
Atheist further claim that the US is moving away from our beliefs in a living god,yet those who believe in god are a majority of the US population,yet it seems that US politics are becoming more secular as are our laws. Let us review now the consequences of living in a more secular society. We will start with our public school systems in the US in which prayer and the teaching of morals are no longer evident,in the absence of morality being taught to our children we now have shootings the carrying of fire arms into classrooms increased use of illegal drugs the ever increasing rise of teen pregnancy.Last but not least the taking away of a teachers right to maintain order by use of corporal punishment,when I attended school if you showed disrespect to a teacher you would get acquainted with the paddle out in the hallway.As is written in the word of god spare the rod and spoil the child. We will continue further into todays secular society,with the increase of crime now we have mothers killing their children,fathers killing their entire families newborns being thrown into dumpsters like yesterdays trash,and overall a total lack of morals or lack of value placed on human life. Let us also not forget the amount of abortions on human fetuses being carried out in the US on a daily basis.There is one type of abortion that is the wost of all called late term abortions where the fetus is almost fully developed,where the abortionist cracks the infants scull then pulls said infant out of the mothers womb piece by piece. Let us continue on to that ever popular subject of human evolution,which is now the mandatory teaching in our schools over creationism or intelligent design one states we were a random accident and were put on this earth for no meaning,instead of being created by a loving god for the purpose of fellowship with our god and one another. We shall go on further to all of the natural disasters happening in in these days Revelations states these natural occurrences as a sign of Christs second coming,when the world turns away from him which is starting to happen in these times.We meaning mankind have so abused this world,a beautiful gift from god it is becoming sick and dieing.For god proclaimed that the earth is his footstool and therefore is holy. We the remaining Christians of this world must end our silence and proclaim not only the US but the world and its populace are the property of our lord Jesus Christ we who are Christians are Christ warriors and the enemy is the fallen angel we know as Satan and that what we call secular is a tool of the deceiver. It is our mission as Christians not to allow this secular society to succeed and replace our lord and master with humanist ideals we have no need of mankinds ideals of tolerance and love as we have already been taught these things by gods word and when receiving the holy spirit. Christ said to all that serve him not to hide ones light under a bushel but to let the world see the light of the holy spirit,to go out to the world and minister gods word to the sinful and the fallen,not by laws not by force but by the authority of the living god in which his message is to all love and peace,it is time for all Christians too rise and prepare for battle to gird our armor and unsheathe our swords which is gods living word. Peace and love to all my brothers and sisters who live in gods word. |
He died for all our sins,then arose so our sins could be forgiven,and we can be with him forever and ever.