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Wed 10/14/15 06:34 PM
Simple: Just do what it says to do here: Refugees Any questions? Contact these people: USCIS New Delhi Field Office They will be happy to collect your fees for all of the various forms they have ready especially for you. Best of Luck |
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Wed 10/14/15 06:01 PM
I take it somebody has been receiving numerous pleas from young widows living in far away places who need help with their finances. There are a various number of different angles. About 80% of them are in Ghana. Why? ( shrugs ) It could be Italy... ( oops, there was one there too, but that's a different passport ploy ). The Ghanagals claim to have had to move there suddenly, which is why their account still says Los Angeles ( or several other cities, but a lot zoom in on me because i'm in L.A. and they allegedly were too ). So as the story goes, their father died, so they end up moving back to live with their uncle in Ghana. Okies, so what's the problem? He left them X gazillion dollars, ( anywhere so far from a quarter mil to 3 million ). Well hey, they should have just stayed here and rented on it i figure until they had their poor father buried, burned or whatever, but oh well. So after going along to hear the rest of the story and whatever quirks they have added to the script ( yes there are at least 5 lines they all use verbatim as well ) it turns out they need to come to the USA to go get the money from the bank, but, they need somebody in town to handle that for them since they don't have an account to put the money in. . . ( it's the old three-envelope con if you know that one, but much more interesting ) Anyways... long story short, i have two new matches here on Mingle now, and ( yawn ). . . need some more coffee? sine |
Why is it you send messages out to guys and they simply don't answer - come on guys if your not interest then say so, if you are then do something about it, a smile would help, life is short enough, but lets enjoy it while were here. I'm only looking for one guy, not much to ask for, there is hundreds of you out there, lets chat and get to know each other ![]() ![]() ![]() If you send me a message, i will most certainly reply respectfully regardless of match potential or anything else. It's common courtesy and yes i read all of the other replies to this thread. When another human being takes the time to read one's profile, spend time to say something to another, one should AT LEAST let them know conversationally a reply. To ignore that is just plain RUDE. If anyone would like to argue that fact with me, please feel free to do so. But also remember i have saved peoples' lives in the past. And i ignored those that neither grabbed my arm nor said anything. It wasn't based on their looks, their money, or their breath. And i have noticed that it is usually the people that say they are "kind and generous" in their profiles that are the rudest of all. Amazing how that works. ;) |
So, it is plain to see now, looking back over the years. And after speaking to about 100 different young ladies all looking for me as a partner over the past two weeks, the purpose of life must have gone over my head. Sad, but true. I am yet another wasted individual that has squandered my life, and i am here to apologize to society and give advice to the young. Yes, i see now what all of the others have been doing before me. Thank God for all of those ladies who have educated me about this. Instead of doing whatever i was doing, i should have been saving upwards of three million dollars, marrying, having a daughter, then dying and leaving it all to her. Except, there is a little catch to that exact formula of life. I would need to have her marry some good man before she could collect the money. Now why didn't anyone tell me that this was the way to handle one's affairs? Please accept my apology, and clean up the mess you just made if you were drinking coffee when you read this. Thanks sine P.S. I wonder if i have a brother that lives in Ghana. Maybe i should call there to see. ( shrugs ) |
This OP might be better suited in the Extra-Terrestrials threads and it's quite obvious what they are up to.
Beautiful ladies over 50
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Mon 10/12/15 07:29 PM
Did somebody say they have over 50 beautiful ladies? So that's my problem. I've only been looking for one. Thanks for the tip. ![]() |
Cross Country Free Rider
And so if you live in Los Angeles and want to go for a once in a lifetime ride, just let me know. But there's only room for one. Lydia told me so, and i trust her.
:) Now, THAT's a date :-) That's encouraging. From a smattering of sampling a statistical dating population of ladies over the past two weeks, as well as a public poll on g+ regarding the same, though, so far the issue is fear and/or prestige ( which could simply be fear in disguise or vice versa ). As you can probably see, from your own experience, the idea has several built-in features that protects one from the various types of dating-site undesirables though too. Beyond the obvious, for example, is simple plain honesty. A retired woman that says she loves to travel on her profile is capable of six-weeks off her schedule. The profiles that say they "still have the zest for life", have an opportunity to prove it. And here in L.A., just my opinion, but compared to the rest of the country, the physical fitness genre is a bit overboard ( due to Hollywood i suppose ). And finally, for those that say they like camping out, 90% mean they attended a backyard barbecue and saw a real fire under some food ( "drinks anyone?" ). So thanks for the encouraging words, and the review. |
Cross Country Free Rider
I looked at your bike. She doesn't look too bad. I've done the long trip from Texas to the Arctic Ocean. Maybe someday I'll do it again. Good luck on your journeys! Her body is in great shape. Front left turn-signal lamp was home repaired with electrical tape and is dangling. The handle-bars are slightly askew. Looks like she hit something up front on the left. Those repairs are easy. She has an unknown maintenance history though. So every fluid will be replaced, battery needs a modern type, and there are other known issues with her model regarding lube from the factory in her drive train that the other owner probably ignored. I used to work on the crab boats in the Bering Sea. That country is immaculate up there, but it's been ~25 years since. That's the kind of trip one should make one way only. ;) |
Cross Country Free Rider
I am renovating one of the finest road cruisers ever made to her original glory. I am planning to take her from here in L.A. to Washington D.C., coast to coast, and back again next Fall or late summer. The trip itself is the adventure and I plan to take my time. Six weeks, round trip on the road seeing the real United States instead of the tourist traps. Six weeks at a minimum. My bike's name is Lydia. We just met the other day. Somebody abused her pretty sad. They let her fade, and treated her like dirt. So her and me made friends. I will be giving her a "make-over" but more than that too. Everything from the depth of her treads up front, her cams inside, and back to the little chrome frame around her license plate is what i mean by tender loving care. And so, planning such a trip for next year is certainly within reason for that sort of renovation. I have a picture of her on my profile page. And if you notice, she has that sort of seat that fits two by design. And while i am riding, my hands are where they are supposed to be, on the handles. So it sure would be nice if somebody out there had a penchant for taking photos, because i plan to blog the entire trip and make it available on the internet.
Now i do realize that most women are simply too afraid to even chat with a guy like me, but that would be a basic prerequisite to travel. It doesn't matter much if you think you are afraid of motorcycles, once you have something exciting between your legs, trust me, you'll be bored in a car forevermore. But a normal quality camera on a phone should do the trick, so add that to the list of prerequisites. Other than that, you'll only need your soul and the ability to set it free. And so if you live in Los Angeles and want to go for a once in a lifetime ride, just let me know. But there's only room for one. Lydia told me so, and i trust her. :) |