Community > Posts By > angel_incognito

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:46 PM
Lol how funny.

This went from a post about asking whatever you wanted, to someone getting hit on?!


angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:35 PM

girls are b-itches...
but guys are so much worse


angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:17 PM
I have to agree with the guy above me.

I think they know its not ok, they just dont think of the consequences though.

You got cheated on??!!

You are freakin HOT!

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:12 PM

are girls allowed to ask girls stuff too?

Of course!!!!!

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:08 PM

Hey Angel...have you ever dated a female???

Nope, I havent.

I have done the experimental stuff though, lol.

But as for dating, no.

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:06 PM

Ok, I am sure this has been done before, but just ask anything you want to know about a girl or about anything in general.
And I will answer and anyone in the post can answer too!

do girls with above-the-head profile photos always end up being overweight?

I am not overweight, lol!
I have more pics on my page.

i wasnt saying you did. i was speaking in a general sense, and i know you have more pictures. you look very nice! it seems people take pictures looking up at the ceiling while holding the camera above their head in an attempt to hide the 3-4 chins below them. lol. just stick-prodding. its what i do.

Lol thank you!
And I do agree with you.
And also they think it looks your stomach look a little flatter, cuz its from a different angle.
But thats like the fantasy net life, ya know?!
When you meet someone in real life, they arent going to be looking at you from those crazy angles.
Its ridiculous!

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 06:56 PM

Ok, I am sure this has been done before, but just ask anything you want to know about a girl or about anything in general.
And I will answer and anyone in the post can answer too!

do girls with above-the-head profile photos always end up being overweight?

I am not overweight, lol!
I have more pics on my page.

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 06:12 PM

Wow this thread didnt last long, lol!

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 02:19 PM
Thanks Rick and PATSFAN! :)

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:58 PM

:tongue: What do I get for $150?:tongue:

Lol, I asked earlier what you wanted, and then someone must have had my post deleted, cuz its no longer a post anymore, its all gone!
Jerks!!!!! :P

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:52 PM
Thank you all so much! happy

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:41 PM
Thank you so much! :smile:

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 01:39 PM
I created my account about a week ago and have met a few nice people.

I am 23 (24 tomorrow) and from Montana.
I guess if you want to talk, message me! :)


angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 08:28 AM

why do women like motorcycles lol is it cause it vibrates?

I actually dont know lol.
I have only been on a motorcycle a few times, and it was fun, but they still scare me a little.
Maybe its the feeling of being cuddled up to a man while he controls this powerful object!
Oh and the wind in your hair!!!!!
its the hair in the wind lol

No the feeling of the wind in your hair.
It works both ways.

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:39 AM

why do women like motorcycles lol is it cause it vibrates?

I actually dont know lol.
I have only been on a motorcycle a few times, and it was fun, but they still scare me a little.
Maybe its the feeling of being cuddled up to a man while he controls this powerful object!
Oh and the wind in your hair!!!!!

angel_incognito's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:37 AM

Okay, I've been wanting to know this for a long time.

Why is it a woman will likely say no if I invite her over to "have sex," but will likely say yes if I invite her over to see my new thing-a-ma-jig or to watch a movie or anything other than sex she'll come over and then have sex with me while she's there? I know women are smart enough to know I'm asking her over to have sex.

My guess is saying yes to sex would make her feel like a slut. But if the sex "just happens" because it felt right at the time then it's okay.

I think most women do know what your really asking, but maybe it feels trashy to go over there for that, so keep inviting them over for something else, and if it leads into sex, then it does, if not, try again lol!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:46 PM

why do you wear shoes that ruin your feet?

I dont!
My favorite pair of shoes are my DC skater-ish shoes!
I LOVE them!
Not only are they comfy, but they are freaking adorable! :)

yer sorry ment women in general
would you meaning YOU this time, go on a first date with no makeup on.. none

No, lol.
But I dont wear tons of make-up.
I just like to wear a little on my eyes.
But no, I would not go on a first date without make up on.

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:39 PM

Ok, I am sure this has been done before, but just ask anything you want to know about a girl or about anything in general.
And I will answer and anyone in the post can answer too!

Be careful what you offer...I found out, to my incredible surprise, that my idea of 'ask me anything' was very, very pale compared to some other people's imaginations! WOW!

Lol, yeah after I posted, I was thinking about that, but the guys have been very good in this post!

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:38 PM

why do you wear shoes that ruin your feet?

I dont!
My favorite pair of shoes are my DC skater-ish shoes!
I LOVE them!
Not only are they comfy, but they are freaking adorable! :)

angel_incognito's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:15 PM

Why is it women make me so happy?

Ok you have to give more information.
That depends, what makes you so happy about a woman?
Being in her presence, being on the phone, sex..... what?!

I have loved her (my woman) since we were kids. You name it...we've done it...and I still love her like I was a love struck teenager.

Don't get me wrong...I ain't complainin!!!!

So, what exactly is your question?
You asked why women make you so happy.

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