The former New York office for ACORN, the disbanded community activist group, Wow. I'll bet if you swapped "Tea Party" for "ACORN" in the above statement, some propagandist wiseguys would undoubtedly complain 'Don't you know what DISBANDED and FORMER mean????" And they say only the liberal media takes liberties with words to create contradictions! Will the Tea Party go the way of ACORN? Who knows. -Kerry O. (But with a little help from Fox News, one can hope!:) |
I respect anyone who stands up for a cause and acts peacefully. Also, I'm so glad to live in this age where even those who are unable to get physically involved can still contribute to a cause from behind their computer. Too bad these ccupy idiots don't protest peacefully, more have been arrested then any other protests. So you're saying every person there is not protesting peacefully? Can you also provide proof that none of the protesters arrested were protesting peacefully? I think it's pretty ironic that our local Tea Party supporter forgets that the Tea Party's Plan B is a Second Amendment culture of intimidation. Just look at one of the signs they hoisted during the healthcare debate: " If Brown can't stop Obamacare, a BROWNING can." The Tea Party-- "Do what we say and nobody gets hurt." -Kerry O. |
Edited by
Wed 10/19/11 03:58 PM
Tea Party Nation Urges Businesses To Stop Hiring People In Order To Bring Down President Obama If one Googles the words "crow stuffed owl", one can read all kinds of articles on the best ways to bring crows out in the open so as one can shoot them from a blind. A quote from one of the articles, that seems to apply equally well to shooting down Tea Party ideology and their plans for a Fantasy America run on Vodoo Economics: One of the secrets of shooting crows is to divert their attention from you to something they can see, recognize, and hate. A stuffed owl- it doesn't seem to matter what kind of owl- is just about the best crow decoy you can find. Keep calling excitely as long as the crows show interest. Above all, keep hidden. The sound of gunfire, even the sight of their falling brothers, doesn't seem to alarm the crows nearly as much as a white eyeball gleaming out of a clump of brush. Reminds you of the Tea Partiers cutting off their noses to spite their faces in their frenzy to get the Great Horned One, doesn't it? -Kerry O. |
Garbage. Rhetoric to push the piss down economics of Reagan that didn't work then and doesn't work now still. Nothing new and nothing constructive for this country but definitely the same crap who got us where we are. What these guys NEVER like to mention when they invoke St. Ronald is that he tripled the national debt while GWB doubled it. Even GWB's father called Reagonomics 'Voodoo economics'. That's the funny thing about uber conservatism-- it tries to bring back the days that never were. -Kerry O. |
Some truth to that, but had it not been for the moral hazard introduced by the FED's injections of liquidity (quantitative easing) and congress' long history of bailing out/propping up corporations and governments (foreign and domestic), the system wouldn't have gone out of control and collapsed like a flimsy house of cards to begin with. The worst that could have happened in a sane monetary system would be brief panics followed by recovery. (such as the Panic of 1819) Well, you KNOW we don't often agree, but I don't think history is going to forgive Alan Greenspan for greasing the rails of this trainwreck. And to lay blame where blame is due, Clinton sure didn't shine when he signed off on the repeal of Glass-Steagall. George Bush just administered the coup de grace with his massive gift to the rich and his twin landwars financed with deficit spending. This all set the stage for the proverbial Perfect Storm. I suspect that no matter who gets the reins of power in the 2012 elections, not much of what they do is going to pull us out of the quicksand any faster. But it at least they might keep us from sinking back in again. -Kerry O. |
what is a mensan kerry? Only that he belongs to MENSA, a society of so-called geniuses with IQs higher than 130. Like any other group, it has its overbearing, arrogant narcissists, but many of the people are really quite humble. I'd bet that Abra is another, and you know him pretty well. Abra is obviously a LOT smarter than us, 'cause you won't catch him dead in this forum, LOL!! -Kerry O. |
perhaps stick to canadian politics? there is no 'vote' for a 'communist party', no communist party candidates, no registration or place on our ballots for communist party either,,, and what do eugenists have to do with the Communist Party of America? I love the "stick to Canadian Politics" part... That would work IF your George Soros and the boost B0 crowd did not interfere in ours. But then again I would have every right to "interfere" since I moved here as a teenager from the US. You seem so good at copying and pasting that you should be able to track down your closest chapter of the CPUS from their website which I see you have visited or just perhaps contact one of your fellow travelers about their community organization. Now on to the eugenics part... A close and personal friend of mine who happened to be Al Gore's manager in San Francisco in 1992 relate this incident. Al Gore speaking a black gathering with the usual bombast explained to the black folk that Al Sr. championed civil right and lost his senate seat for voting for the CRA of 1964. All the black folk gave Hot Air Al a standing O for it. The reality is that Al was one of the senators who voted against the CRA 1964 and other major civil rights legislation. The audience was obviously made up of a bunch of imbeciles and morons. Now to bring this together... You said QUOTE: Founded in 1919, the Communist Party of the United States of America has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women’s equality, racial justice and peace for ninety years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the canneries of California, to the sweatshops of New York City. which was a copy and paste hack job from the Communist Party's website located at to which I replied QUOTE: Oh I forgot the progressive movement... listing quotes from the progressive movement Do you get it? Frankly, I don't. This is getting totally incoherrent. Yeah, he lost all credibility with me when he started the name-calling, personal attacks on peoples' intelligence and breaking Godwin's Law by making Hitler comparisons. He's just a Canadian Ann Coulter as far as I'm concerned-- all bluster and no facts. Not to mention disrespectful, a pretty crappy payback to we U.S. taxpayers who keep the REAL commies off his back with OUR tax money and blood while his country makes a killing on the oil that runs OUR expensive, superpower-class military. Nothing he says here much matters because he can't vote against Obama and I doubt he's winning over any people who _can_ with these antics and a handle that translates from the Latin as 'God Emperor'. Let's just put him on ignore, let him go back to his soapbox in Canada and play Deus Ex Machina with a Parker Bros Monopoly game. I doubt they listen to him there, either. -Kerry O. |
LOL Perhaps you should query a dictionary regarding the definition of "analogy". Perhaps the name of the Angolan having an English name vexes your mind, perhaps that is why baby names such as Aushaniquia, Bonquawalaqweisha, Cheoniquiana, Deshamanequa, Equashenay ... Shanishaniquaisanana ... Zimonquillashawnda and other excessive wastage of the Latin alphabet mystify many. I guess someone can write a book on how such names get manufactured to confuse those of us who get tongue tied. Of course nowhere in Africa are there such wastages a paper just to write one's name. Appears to be an American phenomena. Back to the subject, the 20 year term of indenture was considered a contract. Breaking of a contract could bring a lengthened period of indenture. Crimes such as murder, theft of the master's property can and did extend the such terms of indenture. Such cases can be foudn well before 1640 and are found in common law. Indentures were not limited to the blacks came from Africa but to also many immigrants especially those arriving from feudal states in Europe. Prior to Johnson v. Parker there was no slavery per se. Johnson who owned several indentured servents did not want to loose the headright land that would have to be transfered to his servants. It was Johnson who was the first slave master and Casor the first slave in the true sense as in being owned by right. Whereas prior it was conferable only by a court upon judgement in the colonies. slave in the true sense,, ? although a court DECIDED His fate? make up your mind there,,,, the courts decided both cases ( in 1940 and 1955), so they would be in an equal 'true sense' So, since one African owned another African in the sense of the second being declared chattel, EVERYBODY gets a free pass on such morally repugnant behaviour? No dice. That's the "Everybody does it excuse" (and you KNOW what your mother would have thought about that one!), more formally known as the 'Appeal to Common Practice' logical fallacy. I would have thought all Mensans would be well-versed on these well-known fallacies. Wow! "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is right out the window. -Kerry O. |
Replying to KerryO's last comment People are hurting not because corporations or the rich, they are because the government is persuing bad policies. If Obama (and yes Bush) had just let the companies fail other more efficient companies would have taken their place. GM should have been alowed to die, yet Obama's administration in essence nationalized GM (not a bailout per se) in an effort to keep his union friends employed. What did the real owners (ordinary people who held stock in the company, retirement savinges etc)? nothing. The fat cat union members got to keep their jobs and hosed the owners of the company. Obama with the help of Goldman Sacks launched a new fresh IPO carrying the GM name. GM should have been alowed to sink, after all the union fat cats are the ones who brought it down. Oh and those retired GM workers really did get to keep their gold plated pensions plans thanks to Obama knew on which side his bread was buttered. Oh jut a FYI, the HP-33 has to go it is a sign of a wannabe. HP-28S 48GX are for the real guys who do RPN. :) LOL. Have you EVER constructed a 3D model of... like... anything? Done any SPICE work? NOBODY uses a calculator any more to do anything but quick checks of math. Stick to being a console jockey and let the engineers design the electronics that you probably don't even begin to understand. As to GM, only the speculators rode it to the bottom and were still making money of its dead carcass via arbitrage. And it's not like the company management had any thing to do with its demise while they were collecting their million dollar salaries while making cars that nobody wanted. Now, I understand that arch conservatives like yourself basically hate workers who aren't satisfied with being peasants, but a little analysis would show that GM was more a victim of the huge run-up in gas prices, that made their previously best-selling vehicles unpalatable almost overnight than they were of those awful union workers. Ford had the same deals with the UAW, yet they didn't go bankrupt. And BTW, since Canada supplies a pretty sizeable chunk of the daily demand of oil to the US, I'm sure it didn't hurt your country or job any. And I don't see you saying the energy companies should become more efficient-- they don't have to be with the current market forces at work. Yet they STILL demand their government subsidies, don't they? Conservatives have a fetish about the 'free' market-- they think it's the alpha and omega when it works in their favor, but sing quite a different tune when the economic abattoir comes for them. -Kerry O. |
In response to KerryO Yes we did something in Canada about it. We elected a conservative government which is more amiable to at least a two tiered system. Next we kicked your backsides economically because we followed a more conservative economic policy. We were the first industrial nation to come out of the recession and we recorded the highest growth coming out of it. Furthermore, we spent the least on bailouts. And you did most of it on the strengh of your oil revenues and the fact that you don't have the crushing weight of having to support one of the world's largest militaries. I doubt the the loudest opponents are the most likely to freeload as such assertions which are thrown willy nilly are usually pulled out of one's rectum and flung around. You're new here, how could you possibly know? You see it all the time here-- the loudest Obamacare haters are the ones that when asked if they have adequate insurance will try to wiggle off the hook by saying 'It costs too much and it's the Democrats' fault, that's why I don't have any'. They know full well they can go to any ER and get emergency care without having to make arrangements for paying for it. Or, they'll say they are paying off tens of thousands of medical bills by paying 10 dollars a month- which doesn't EVEN cover the interest. Some of them are also people who have their healthcare paid for by the taxpayers. Like you, there is no 'shadow' for them, because they are already provided for, yet call throw around the terms 'socialist' or compare the people that expose their hypocrisy to Castro, Hitler or any of a number of unsavory dictators. As they say in my country, it's pretty easy to complain about farmers with a full mouth. As for virtual slave labor, you should talk to your socialist fellow travelers in Peking about not enslaving their people. As a socialist I am sure you might have some clout with your fellow ideologues. I'm not a socialist. And this isn't a response to the fact that people like Steve Jobs and Apple computer play both sides of the street when it suits their purpose. I spent a lot of years in business for myself-- have you? I'm betting you haven't, so you might want to, as Ayn Rand's heroes have alwasy said, 'Check your premises.' The median rate of corporate tax around the world is between 20-25% yet the united states is 38%-50%. Fine, then YOU show me examples of Fortune 500 companies that have paid anywhere NEAR this figure in ACTUAL TAX DOLLARS AFTER they get all the loopholes their hired help in the US Congress has gotten for them. Again, I'm betting you won't have the mettle to take that challenge because it's far easier to just call me a socialist. Like that changes any of the facts that YOU DON'T HAVE or got from Fox News. Why would anyone what to do conduct business in the US? You vilify businessmen and corporations as being greedy etc. and you expect them to give you a job? They 'give' me a job because I provide them with services and skills that are in short supply that they can then turn around and sell for a profit. Nor do I villify all businessmen, just the hypocrites. I WAS a businessperson at one point in time and I know far better than you how tough it is. That doesn't change my indignation at the things the crooks get away with and those who wave the flag to cover up their selling out of the middle class. Or collect their golden parachute money for running once-proud companies who were community-minded into the ground by changing them into money-grubbing blood suckers who DO get into bed with Communists to get their goods made cheaply. And even if they took away that job tommorrow, I'm still going to eat and pay my bills and helath insurance because I can freelance and use my many talents and skills to fend for myself without the Fortune 500. -Kerry O. |
Again with the corporate greed. Corporations should be greedy, they need to turn a profit for their shareholders who invest their hard earned money in them. If a corporation was not greedy I will not have any part in them. In fact each one of us is greedy for something. That is what the pursuit of happiness that is enshrined in the constitution is all about. With the highest tax rate in the developed world why do you keep attacking corporations? It shows ingratitude and you are biting the hand that feeds you. Do you really believe that governments create jobs? Stop whipping corporations, no wonder they are moving out and for good reason. Perhaps you envision the socialist paradise of Fidel's Cuba? No one's stopping you. I think if you take ACTUAL dollar figures AFTER all the accounting tricks and special deals corporations get, such as corporate welfare, the corporations in the US do absolutely NOT pay the kind of rates you're talking about. The decade of the 2000s saw CEOs of the major corporations make double digit gains in their compensation packages and Golden parachutes. At the same time, all of us in the trenches saw stagnation wages and ever more expensive health care. The stock market has risen like a meteor, so the 1% who had the inside information made the killling, NOT the guy in the factory for mwho you seem to have so little regard when he wants a fair shake and a small share she helped to create with their diligence and hard work. But hey, if you want to try to silence them by calling them lovers of Castro, don't expect to make many friends here in the USA. People are hurting and your ideological arguments that aren't backed up by the REAL complete facts are just fallacious emotional appeals to ignorance. You might as well just call us Newfies and see what happens. :) -Kerry O. |
In response to KerryO It is a well known fact that Canada does have a single payer system (depending on the province). However, we have been beset by the usual problems associated with it. 1. The more able/better doctors left of the United States as they believed that they were not being paid upon their merit and ability as every procedure is paid out the same sum across the board. The doctors who could not make it stayed put. This was a huge problem between 1992 and 1999 as our best left to the United States. We had to bring in doctors from India where MDs can graduate with a passing mark of 33%. 2. The government in effect insures the doctors and limits payouts and stacks legal procedure against litigants. The doctors are not forced to purchase individual insurance and therefore cannot be forced out by the insurance companies when things go wrong. In the US this is one of the quickest was to get a doctor to stop practicing is thanks to the insurance companies which make doctors pay for instances of malpractice. There is very little redress in the Canadian system and a great amount in the United States as the free market forces out the inept who just come over to Canada. When the single payer system was enacted the government made promises to the Medical Associations that this would be the case. 3. Until the Conservative government allowed for more private procedures there were long lines waiting for procedures. Persons who could pay like my parents went to the US for treatment or operations where there were better doctors. The ones who could not died waiting in line. 4. As there is only a single payer, the government, only procedures allowed by actuaries and various boards were permitted and this was not based on best treatment but on funds available to the specific board. So if there was a medication which would cost $5000 per month no one was allowed to get it - even if you were willing to pay for it. 5. Everyone gets the same service in Canada. You cannot go out an pay to get better service. In the government's eyes it was wrong for the rich to get treated better... (of course they went to the United States) My parents living in Canada carried health insurance in Ohio. 6. In Calgary, the richest city in Canada, there was but a single MRI and a long line up ensured...for humans waiting time was 1.5 years. Five veterinary clinics in Calgary had MRI machines for pets and livestock. Humans could not go to the vet to get an MRI scan. Technologist? Me... No.. I am a Network Admin very good at what I do but I never saw myself as a technologist :) I was a math/Physics major with Phil/PoliSci as minors and a law school dropout. As for people moving off shore to do business, why would anyone what to do business in the US at with it high corporate taxes one of the highest in the world of between 38% - 50% and the highest among industrialized nations. The United States is currently driving business out. It is more lucrative for people to do business in anywhere in the EU, Japan China or elsewhere. Yet the protestors and all the Obama junkies, say that the corporations don’t pay their fair share. Furthermore labor unions work to put the corporations out of business and against business. Steve Jobs would be an idiot to do manufacture anything in the United States with high taxes and labor union protections. The Socialists on the march in New York and Washington, behaving like uncivilized uncouth louts and barbarians demand more free money without earning or achieve anything. The taking of wealth from the productive, taking a cut and handing out to the ne’er-do-wells is unfair and unjust. If you are can’t work don’t expect to eat. Begging on the street for a hand out is by magnitudes more just than having the government use their coercive force to appropriate money for you. That seems to be the attitude of many in the United States. So, if your system is so bad, why are you lecturing Americans on our 'awful' "socialist" medicine? Why aren't you doing something about yours? The funny thing is, the people here in the states who yell the loudest about 'Obamacare' are usually the ones who freeload on the system. They say it's against their divine Constitutional rights to carry adequate health insurance. But, when they have medical emergencies, they go to the ER, run up huge bills and then declare bankruptcy. Who pays their bills? Yep, people like me who have always been responsible and did without luxuries to make sure I had at least some coverage. That's why our health insurance rises each year at (often) triple the rate of inflation. Then you say that sometimes one can't get particular procedures done in Canada and people die? That happens here, too, because the health insurers in cases like mine (rare disease, newer 'experimental' treatment (even though it was proven it worked)) won't pay or dig into their bag of tricks like recission. I had to threaten my insurer at the time with action by the state Insurance Commission to get them to cover my bills. As for Steve Jobs, I used his example to refute your assertion that the rich invariably engage in 'trickle down' economics. Granted, virtual slave labor will always be cheaper than skilled labor in industrialized nations, but that wasn't the point you were making. Besides, if I were you, I wouldn't impune the people who are protesting outsourcing too loudly --your job could just as easily be done in China over the Internet by a admin who was trained at government expense. -Kerry O. |
That is the reason we must halt Obamacare. It is a great threat to the Constitution. I am a Canadian, If your ideological leanings as a Canadian have any credibility at all as pertains to American politics and law, I would think your first priority would be to see Canada's single payer healthcare system dismantled. All the conservatives in the states would be screaming bloody murder if Obamacare was any thing at all like the system you currently benefit from. Beam. Own. Eye. As for the rest of your post proclaiming the rich to be the penultimate saviours of the masses, as a technologist I would assume you know The Rest of the Story as pertains to one of the richest men in the world who recently died. Steve Jobs pretty much took other peoples' technology and put a lot of marketing chrome on it. Then he had them manufactured by Foxconn, arguably the world's worst-ever sweat shop where the employees do swan dives to their deaths when they are harrangued about not making back-breaking quotas. If things were as you assert, he'd have had those iPods and iPhones made over here in America. Not China and NOT by a contract manufacturer with dubious labor practices in factories subsidized by the government. -Kerry O. |
fact check of "9-9-9" plan
9-9-9 tax plan: Does it make Herman Cain a Robin Hood for the rich? ![]() More like a P.T. Barnum. You know the quote: "There's one born every minute....". Like the lottery, the 9-9-9 plan is a tax on people who are bad at math and seeing the whole picture. -Kerry O. |
Do you really expect much else from Michele Bachmann? She's losing support and grasping at straws. One never knows about American politics-- even Obama was a bit of a long shot. I hope she keeps grasping at straws and making faux pas so there's NO possibility of her becoming president in this election. Or the next. Ditto Perry. With Bachmann and Palin out of the way, I think it gives him a bigger stage with exclusive access to the political banana peels. I do think Obama is vulnerable. And if it's in the cards for a Republican to win, at least it won't be one of the extremists like Santorum, Bachmann or Perry. |
So, Obama is to blame for certain Middle Eastern despotic dictators being driven out of power? When Bush and Cheney were in the White House, didn't we invade countries to being to them the blessings of democracy? And this was a Good Thing(tm)? Whatsis, is Bachmann mad because this SHOULD have been an American job overseen by a Republican Commander-in-Chief? Or is she just partisan bizzaro? Heck, even the Super-Obama haters on Mingle^2 seem loathe to want to touch this one with a ten foot poll. Not much is being said in the media other than the major slippage of her poll numbers, but I suspect this one was the proverbial straw that did a self-inflicted Humpty-Dumpty job on her candidacy. -Kerry O. whyyyyy,, you know that if a teenager gets arrested in wisconsin for stealing cheese,,, OBAMA made it happen,,lol it just never ends,, shame on ya for teasing the beast,,,lol ::::contritely lowers head::::: I know, it's a guilty pleasure, but I am trying to quit. No, really! It's just that when I see the irony of the Tea Partiers raving about Ayn Rand ( a serial adulterer) in one breath and Family Values in another, I can't resist pointing it out and watching them chin themselves on their monitors trying to seethe the posts to shreds. Maybe it was more fun when monitors weighed more and actually had real glass in front.... -Kerry O. |
So, Obama is to blame for certain Middle Eastern despotic dictators being driven out of power?
When Bush and Cheney were in the White House, didn't we invade countries to being to them the blessings of democracy? And this was a Good Thing(tm)? Whatsis, is Bachmann mad because this SHOULD have been an American job overseen by a Republican Commander-in-Chief? Or is she just partisan bizzaro? Heck, even the Super-Obama haters on Mingle^2 seem loathe to want to touch this one with a ten foot poll. Not much is being said in the media other than the major slippage of her poll numbers, but I suspect this one was the proverbial straw that did a self-inflicted Humpty-Dumpty job on her candidacy. -Kerry O. |
The original article on here was designed to create hatred for other humans. In this case hispanics. Just as I have said before and again. I prefer not to be stupid enough to buy into the illegal hatred being spread by this kind of article. It is spawned by the ignorant. It's designed to bring awareness to the important issue of Immigration enforcement. The only peope I have hatred for are people who commit crimes and what do illegals do? They commit crimes. Well, if you were REALLY wanting to bring 'awareness' to the unwashed masses about Obama's illegal immigration enforcement, you'd waste less time comparing him to Hitler and scouring the web for Photoshopped pictures comparing him to dead terrorists and would have gotten the REAL facts out there. You know, like the one that in only 2 1/2 years, the Obama administration deported 1.06 million illegals, while the Conservative Republican Bush deported 1.57 in 8 years. Or that the proportion of criminals in those numbers went from 41% for Bush to 47% for Obama. But that wouldn't have fit your biased agenda, would it? Or maybe they just forgot to report that on Fox News, and that's why you didn't know? -Kerry O. |
Was Hitler Gay?
If you think about it, Obama is pretty close to Hitler on ideology. Now that is scary. I guess it's time to invoke Godwin's Law and vacate. Once a forum devolves to this, it's no longer worth trying to put forth reasonable arguments or hold meaningful discussions. [quote[ "Although deliberately framed as if it were a law of nature or of mathematics, its purpose has always been rhetorical and pedagogical: I wanted folks who glibly compared someone else to Hitler or to Nazis to think a bit harder about the Holocaust" --Mike Godwin -Kerry O. |
Knowing a crime is being committed and doing nothing about it is a CRIME. So how do you feel about amnesty, then? Because in the past that's what Rick Perry has felt toward the illegal immigration problem, that in certain cases, illegals should be given amnesty. As the current Texas governor, he has also taken the position that illegal immigration is a federal problem, and has even tried to bill the Dept. of Homeland Security for certain expenses incurred by Texas in connection with illegal immigration. With his 'shoddy' record on illegal immigration, is he going to go soft on illegal if he should be so lucky as to get into the Oval Office? Inquiring minds want to know... -Kerry O. He has done more to fight illegal immigration then the Fuhrer has. So, its okay for him to look the other way some of the times when, as you put it, 'Crimes are being committed' and to soft-pedal the problem. Isn't that what the German people did when the real 'der Fuhrer' did what he did? Isn't that like being a little bit pregnant when you take a hard-line stance, but fail to accept the consequences and backslide when businesses want to keep getting their cheap illegal immigrant labor? -Kerry O. Nope Yes. Rick Perry, Flip-Flopper. -Kerry O. |