Community > Posts By > mich11111

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 11:51 PM
Message. Jesus says call nobody your master,because I AM your only master. Why people follow man's teaching in place for God teaching? Jesus says in Matthew 5:17-22. DON'T THINK!!!
I DIDN'T !!! But people don't trust GOD words. That's why they cannot understand the scriptures.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 11:43 PM
To Cowboy. I know you read your Bible very well. God has made the Calendar,and a Priest change it. But it will be still seven day. Just think a little,day 8 don't exist. So day eight is an empty space. By the seven day God rest. Okay let we go trough the history till ours. Moses have the Ten Commandment. You see day seven. Jesus kept the Sabbath day seven. Look at this very carefully. When Jesus die,Bible says: It is the day for preparation for Sabbath. And we remembered that day on Friday,Remember the day change in the time from sun goes down till sun goes down. That is one day. So the second day was Sabbath. Jesus stay one day completely in the tomb. Rest in dead. And the Bible says: The first day of the week. And that was sunday. There two things you must do to understand God words. You must go in the time when those things had happens,and you must follow the story. Put you self in the shoes of all people who is in the story. Only Jesus and the Father you must LISTEN what they say.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 10:54 PM
Eric! It is time for preached the last GOSPEL. And the last Gospel is very important for the PEOPLE who keep God Commandments. Do you know who or what is the everlasting Gospel? There is no more times for talking about the past my brother. We must preach NOW!!!

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 10:16 PM
Hi. Is very important this issue. I hope I'm on the right side of this Forum.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 08:29 PM
There's something about the teaching about Jesus second coming who is not Biblical. Let we begin at the FIRST coming. Old Testament talk about the redeemer. Jesus came here as a baby. The Second coming. Jesus self said: "In the house of my Father there are many places,I go and prepare one for yours. And I come back and take you with me. Everybody who died in Jesus,and the one who is still alive in HIM will meet HIM in the heaven. So Jesus don't touched the earth. The THIRD coming is to put an END on EVIL and God Himself will lived with the one who was with HIM in the Father home. Coming living together in the NEW WORLD. Read Isaiah 66 and Revelation 21.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 02:15 PM
Message. The Sabbath day is not just a day like all days. It is a special day. It is the last day of creation. Read the four Commandment good. Ask yourself: Why did God says:"REMEMBER"? Then ask yourself again" Why the majority religion don't keep the Sabbath day? Didn't GOD said REMEMBER? Or have they FORGOTTEN?" The Bible says:"If you broke one,you have broke all of the nine others. So you are guilty of all.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 07:26 AM

What Day Is The True Original Sabbath... ?

Really, nobody can know just because of the verses I quoted from (Joshua 10: 12-14)

Apparently, God Almighty stopped the Earth from turning for almost one full day, at Joshua's request in prayer.

So, when is the Sabbath, NOW ? spock

So I am not the only one who doesn't know? Woo hoo!

What if it is really our Monday? I think that might be the point Ladywind might be making?

So who is to say one day or the other is right?

Now I am more confused. I have always observed it on Sunday...but who knows
. People don't study the Bible good. Because if you know from the first day of Creation till the new Creation. You will see that God is owner of History,of Creation. If you study the life of God chosen people,you will known why God has chose a nation for Himself. From one man he make Israel. Bible teach that the Sabbath was create as the last day. And it will remain forever. If you don't keep it now you cannot keep it in the new world. Read Isaiah 66.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 07:15 AM
Message. When God is in Control He can do whatever He want with His creation. Who told you that He has put everything go each harder again till the day come back where it is. Who give commandment to everything He created? Stop questioning God. Who has put Half dark and Half light. When they cross the open sea. Moses. Who make the water half blood and half clean? Think like God. Talk about the end of the time. Are we living in that time. Do you know how far we are in the prophecies of this dying world?

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 07:03 AM
Edited by mich11111 on Mon 08/24/15 07:06 AM
What is more important,obey God Commandment or just believe in God? How can you have a relationship with God,and you don't obey His Commandment. Hmm!! Tell me!

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 07:01 AM

What is more important what day is the Sabbath or having a personal relationship with God?

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 06:50 AM
Remember that sun goes down to goes down is one day. Bible says Jesus stay three days in the tomb. It didn't say three days and three nights. Read again the story and see which day He days and which day he woke up. And the Bible says it was the day for preparation for Sabbath. And Sabbath is Saturday till now and forever. Today by me is still 24 monday,but when the sun goes down is 25 tuesday. That is the real time.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 06:35 AM

Have any one figure out the truth about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
He did not died on Friday and resurrected on Sunday matematicaly it does not add up. He himself before the cruxifiction mentioned the day having 12hours and the night having 12hours one complete day =24hours.
He also mentioned as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish 3 days and 3 nights.
So is the son of man, will be beried for 3 days and 3nights. Total 72 hours.
If Jesus died Friday, was placed in the grave, (hell).
Friday at about 6:00pm to Saturday 6:00pm 24hours =to one day.
Saturday at 6:00pm to Sunday at 6:00pm =To 48hour two days.
Sunday 6:00pm to Monday at 6:00pm =to 72hours or =to three days and three nights.
If we go by this then Jesus did not resurrected on Sunday but late Monday.

If this is how we know it then we are wrong is a lie. The bible has no lies.
Jesus Christ did not lie to us God the father of all does not like lies.
So there must be a truth to this hmmmm?????? What will it be?frustrated tearsexplode :angry: madnoway grumblehuh indifferent pitchfork
what what what whatthink think think think

Nobody's lying about anything. Jesus never said he would be crucified on Friday and will resurrect Sunday. Just because that's how people celebrate it, it's for just that, the celebration. Jesus was in the Earth 3 days and 3 nights, whatever those days may have been eg., Monday night - Wednesday night, ect. Or any other combinations of the exact "days". As not sure, but don't think their calender was set up the same way ours is, so there would be no way to know again the exact "days" eg., Monday, Tuesday, ect.
. In the time of Jesus the days change by sun down till sun down. So days are between sun down till sun down. Three days in grave is three days. It doesn't matter the hour at that moment. Friday jesus died about some hour before the sun goes down. And that day was very holy. They put him in the grave. The next day is Sabbath. He stay all that day in grave. When the third day in the morning they has gone search for Him,He wasn't anymore in the grave. And grave is not hell.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 06:03 AM
Hi. I have past trough your debate and I just find out that you don't let the Bible speak for itself. About three God in on that is not true. Bible never says God Holy spirit,always says the Spirit of God. John says that the words was by God,than he says that it is God. So the words is Jesus. Jesus never proclaim Him self God on the earth because I was sent to teach and obey. In Revelation Jesus says I am the Alfa and Omega. All this is good. What about the END TIMES PROPHECIES? Are nobody preach them?

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 05:51 AM

Hi to all the friends here.
Now how much do we know about this are we obedient to the command of God or are we following the command of men?
Which is the true day of Godly worship?
Jews, Muslim's, worship God on sabbad, Catholic's and the rest worship on Sunday. There can only be one day for worship. According to the bible.set a side by God.?what what what what what
. Hi. We must ask this first. Who has joined who!! The Israeliet has join the Gentile or the Gentile tha Israeliet? Who is God chosen people? Than answered yourself who God you obey. There are two gods. One GOD of heaven and the other god from this earth. We have to choose which one we obey.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 04:12 AM
True love is all the person who have shown you respect. They all love,you ask for ladies. But you got answered from everybody. That is true love,being a family together. I love you my brother,be strong I think that we all here is single yet,or maybe.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:24 AM
My questions is? Do you know what means religion? What became a religion? I felt sad that now I'm find this side.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:15 AM
Hi everybody! I was passing trough this topics. The best way for proof the right and truth way. Is showing the people their questions and doubt BIBLICAL.
I'm not on this side so the one who has begin this must let GOD answered everybody their questions. Thanks

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 03:07 AM

if it works 4 u and makes you a better person go for it there is no right or wrong way to
. People the only right way is trough the Bible self.

mich11111's photo
Mon 08/24/15 02:16 AM
What is real love,or truth love? There is many kind of love. But the real one is the one who believed in God. Because in His words you will find the definition of LOVE.

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