Community > Posts By > MH67456

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:56 PM
You can change and adapt to what the world is throwing at you, but I am proud to say I am not the type that wants to be negative, hurtful, not caring. You can reinvent yourself but you still have the virtues...

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:54 PM
I am very proud of the man I am today, I am not coping out and I am not making excuses. I believe in my heart that there are good people out there and if a friend needs help I will be the first one there to help, that is how it is around me and my friends. I don't understand why everyone else thinks that treating people right and with respect isn't right. I respect my parents enough to still use the virtues that was taught to me at a young age and I will teach my daughter the same virtues. Where has society gone wrong? Is it wrong to treat people with respect? Do you have to close your eyes to people who need help? I started this post because society looks at your appearance and if you aren't perfect then you are kicked to the curb. I am a good man and I am proud that I believe in helping my fellow man. I don't understand why I am told my parents taught me wrong. Please someone explain this to me!!!!! You can change things you like but you will always be that little boy or girl inside that was told you need to treat you elders and everyone else like you would want to be treated. I can't believe I came under attack for my beliefs......

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:35 PM
You can grow and change but you will ALWAYS be the person that your parents trained you to be. Good or Bad.

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:29 PM
you can either allow the changes to be random responses

or you can control the changes to become what you want to be

I can mature and learn more, but I am the same person inside, that was taught to me at a young age, I can change my clothe style, hair style, friends, everything but I am still me on the inside.

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:27 PM
So your telling me my parents were wrong to teach me to respect and care for my fellow neighbor and that I should change and not care??

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:22 PM
you completely miss the point of the critical thinking exercise. I see you don't want my help and would just like to complain about how unfair the world is.

I am arguing the fact that you said being who I am isn't working, I can't change who I am. You mentioned if the nazi's would have won the war that still wouldn't change who or what I am. I think the world has gotten bitter toward good natured people and now nobody cares.

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:15 PM

What if the nazis won world war II? How would you act and how would your parents raise you?

My parents still would have raised me to show respect to people and to treat them properly, society has changed to where people like you argue the fact that treating people with respect isn't right. If you see someone that needs help do you help them or expect someone else to do it?? That question has nothing to do with society that has to do with who you are inside. I personally stop and help people if I can....Do You??

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:08 PM
working or not, treating people right is how I was raised, I was raised if a friend needed help you jumped in and did it, maybe there isn't enough people around that are raised right anymore.

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 12:04 PM

Maybe your parents raised you wrong.

how could my parents raise me wrong to respect and take care of the people you love?? That is what I try to instill in my daughter. didn't your parents teach you to treat people like you want to be treated?

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 11:34 AM
it just gets frustrating, I was raised to treat my woman like she meant something to me and I do, I don't want to sound bitter but whats up with the games and all that? I believe you meet someone and if there is a click then go from there, no games, no BS, just be honest and if its meant to be it will happen. But half the time you can't get a chance.

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 11:24 AM
I have checked out hundreds of profiles of ladies all over the place and they all say they want a good guy to treat them right, well I am a good guy and when I send them a message I get nothing back. I don't understand why people don't put on here what they want. If they want a bad boy say it, I treat people how I want to be treated with respect and I answer all my emails. My question is why is it that us good guys are still struggling to get a chance?

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 11:17 AM
I am here just waiting for you women to send me a message....

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 10:43 AM
I have checked out hundreds of profiles of ladies all over the place and they all say they want a good guy to treat them right, well I am a good guy and when I send them a message I get nothing back. I don't understand why people don't put on here what they want. If they want a bad boy say it, I treat people how I want to be treated with respect and I answer all my emails. My question is why is it that us good guys are still struggling to get a chance?

MH67456's photo
Sat 05/23/09 09:29 AM
Hey give my profile a good once over and let me know if thing need to be changed.
