Community > Posts By > beachbabe39873

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Tue 04/24/07 11:15 PM
good nite everyone

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Tue 04/24/07 11:14 PM
lol. ok

good nite everyone

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Tue 04/24/07 11:11 PM
lol. thanks

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Tue 04/24/07 11:09 PM

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Tue 04/24/07 11:08 PM
lmao i did in that other one about what is sexy about the person above
u. lol

but im the one on the left. lol

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Tue 04/24/07 11:05 PM
awww thank u styx

same here flowerforyou

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Tue 04/24/07 11:03 PM
ok so i know that this sounds like a *****y topic but if u could change
something about he person above u, what would it be?

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Tue 04/24/07 10:42 PM
i like ur hair


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Tue 04/24/07 10:41 PM
lol at petite






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Tue 04/24/07 10:31 PM
a be his last call of the night.his first thought in the
morning.five hour conversations, the ones with no, you hang up first.him
to make my heart race.hug's you never want to let go of.arm's that will
hold me at my weakest.eye's that will see me at my ugliest and still
love me for who i am a heart that will love me at my worst.who will play
with my hair.who will give me piggy back rides.who will kiss me in the
rain.who calls me beautiful instead of.. hot.who holds my hand and tells
me he love's me in front of his friends. someone who just loves me for
me. the girl he's scared to lose. a boy whos worth this wait. but most
of all I want to be considered; his.

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Tue 04/24/07 10:20 PM
haha. no.



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Tue 04/24/07 09:56 PM
if i know that the person means it then i say it back but i have to
really know. if i think that there is just the slightest chance they are
lying i just say u do?

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Tue 04/24/07 09:55 PM
lol. i love ur singing voice. u sang to me. <3 i feel special. haha.



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Tue 04/24/07 08:51 PM

i have heard it.

i love it
and when u sing
and besides dont write about wat u hate. write about LOVE.


i love RENT

it owns

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Tue 04/24/07 08:47 PM
i love socks.

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Mon 04/23/07 08:42 PM
i love green eyes joshy. i said that. dont be mad. flowerforyou

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Mon 04/23/07 07:56 PM
blue eyes are SOOO HOT on guys, but i love any color, green are really
hot too and hazel=nummy. haha. brown are BEAUTIFUL lol

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Mon 04/23/07 07:31 PM
awww very nice thoughts <3 i love u all.

((i love u joshy)) muah

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Mon 04/23/07 07:19 PM
thanks creationsfireflowerforyou

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Mon 04/23/07 03:17 PM
I♥= late nights,, fuzzy puppies and kittens,, working out,, making
new friends,, to party!!!!,, smiling,, warm clothes,, talking on and
on,, never being alone,, taking 4ever to get ready,, my hair when its
straight,, hugs and kisses,, dancing,, guys,, singing,, playing
the guitar,, acting,, shopping,, being pampered,, doing nothing ;),,
food LOL,, clothes, staying up late,, sleepovers,, makeup,, long
nails,, driving around without a destination,, taking pics,, music,,
movies,, looking at the stars,, watching the sun come up,, sunsets,,
tanning,, road trips,, swimming,, surfing,, volleyball((mostly beach)),,
getting away,, pj's,, laughing til' your tummy hurts,, being me,,
..::&anything that makes me smile::..,,---YOU---

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