Community > Posts By > soloplustwo
I have gas!
i just payed 2.29 in california
there is a very fine line ive been cheated on and it started over the damn computer
"Why Men Love Bit**es"
for some crazy ass reason i love *****es because they have a confidence in themselves and they are a challenge, they dont rule me or tell me what im gonna do but its fun you dont know whats next... usually sex is great to when there is some ferocity
What Irritates women
orgazm?? whats that? lol..I can honestly say ive never met anyone who can do it for thats the other side of me..only my someone special will get to see |
What Irritates women
i hate when im late hahahaa, i think its easy to irritate women you just need to know her buttons and usually you will find them within the first hour of meeting...but i think us as guys we expect alot of a woman and that irritates you
Could you...
im not a nudist but it can happend just becasue someone is a nudist doesnt make them a bad person that doesnt make there personality terrible and thats what i fall in love with, i would be cool with a nudist cause then your ok with your body and when we have sex your not worrying whether you look to fat or anything your just enjoying it
its not hard to win me every women is different and the trates i like can be found in every women it just matters on the choices you make when you meet me.. i love an outgoing personality with a mind of your own .. look at my profile that will tell you everything
Fathers rights
yeah they do and thats why im upset my son saw her on top of a man naked.... its wrong and disgusting and its very disrespectful of the guy... i would love to approach him but dont know how to without getting into trouble... just the other day i caught my daughter straddling my son kissing with open mouths and my son says well " mommy loves the other guy and i love my sister thats how they kiss"
Fathers rights
as well we talk sometimes. she is very negative and hates me i made her move out of my house and i stopped paying for all her bills. i gave her 2 months to find work and a home to support herself and she thought i was joking
Fathers rights
no she would be crying three months ago if she went even a day withou seeing our kids.. now she doesnt seem to mind if they are gone it seems like she cares about this new man more then our son is a sponge and hears and sees everything
Fathers rights
she does the bare minimum with them puts them to bed sooner then they should so she can be with this man, and he is there every single day morning and night but doesnt live there and she claims that its not her boyfriend, im a single father of two who has to run a buisness be a daddy son friend and so much more all i want is someone to appreciate that, i started very young and have accomplished so much while there mom sat back and coasted off of me .. i love the women and always will im the one who needs her help
Fathers rights
well as soon as we split up she met a new man and started to seriously neglect my kids this is a woman who circled her life around our kids and now just doesnt care, we split up very recently i call my children every morning and night when they arent with me to say goodmorning and goodnight so that they know im there the mom can go a full week without even talking to them one bit, but if you go back four months ago, she would probably be crying every one of those nights... she has changed for the worse
well i have two of my own i wish i could have full custody, there mother isnt very stable , its not right that my son see his mom on top of another man naked, once is an oops more then that there is a problem and its happend more then once, im so scared to damage my kids they are my world and life i dont take women around them at all, because of that reason, i was with her for 7 years highschool sweethearts if that didnt work out what will?
Fathers rights
i find it hard for myself to give the mother of my children pretty much half of what i make while she sits on her ass and i work my ass off yes if i was makin much more and she actually tried then it would be different dont punish me and the lifestyle me and my kids have because there mother is lazy
Fathers rights
thats for sure how about the women getting 2,000 a month and i have my kids 50 50 and she sits on her ass....ive worked my whole life shes worked 8 months her whole life
that is some good bbq sauce