Community > Posts By > JNC1948

JNC1948's photo
Sat 11/14/15 08:48 AM
I was wondering how is it possible that I can't find a husband who is active in Sports and maybe in Ministries. I was thinking if it's because most men in these age group, prefer a quiet life and they are too fragile to handle a woman like me?

JNC1948's photo
Thu 11/12/15 10:14 AM
Hi everybody I'm 67yrs, I did write on my profile, the ages 55 to 70, because I am active in sports and Ministries. I feel good in my body, a very healthy person.

I would advice everybody that an active sport would keep you healthy, I've been here for almost one year, and what I see is that most men my age, wants a quiet life.

I like car, motorbike race, dancing etc etc.....
I tried 3 times to leave this site from since yesterday and it keeps comming on back, If I can't find someone like myself on the site it's no sense to stay on.

Can someone help me as how to close this site from my computer?
I tried settings already.
Thank you
